California to name School after illegal immigrant


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
California to name School after illegal immigrant

A California school district is naming an elementary school after the angry racist illegal immigrant activist/journalist Jose Antonio Vargas. His MTV documentary “White People” pretty well expressed the Left’s contempt for average white Americans. It was full of tired old liberal stereotyping, race baiting, white privilege myths and racist demagoguery. His documentary teaches young minorities to hate white people and teaches young white kids to hate themselves. His documentary tries to make the case that white people are the big problem with America. The man is an angry racist and Mountain View Whisman School District should be ashamed of honoring him.

BTW all countries control their border crossings and immigration. There is nothing new or racist or intolerant or “white privileged” about it. People who believe that they do not have to respect our border crossings and immigration laws because of their race are the problem.

Jose Antonio Vargas, illegal immigrant activist/journalist, to have school named after him
BTW all countries control their border crossings and immigration. There is nothing new or racist or intolerant or “white privileged” about it. People who believe that they do not have to respect our border crossings and immigration laws because of their race are the problem.

Then you need to talk to all those rich white folks who hire undocumented workers to work in their factories and raise their kids.
it's like I said in the other thread--they are blatantly and proud to be racist
racism is only bad if a white does it

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