California Teacher Tells Kindergarteners There Are 'More Than Two Genders' Read more

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Redwood Heights Elementary School in Oakland, CA has joined the chorus of those wishing to mainstream “gender-bending” by enacting a program this week that, according to a press release, tells kindergarteners “there are more than two genders.”

The kindergarten through fifth grade school hosted a 2-day program for students titled, “Gender Spectrum Diversity Training,” in which single-sex Hawaiian geckos and transgender clownfish were brought in to teach children that “there are different ways to be boys. There are different ways to be girls,” according to Redwood Heights principal Sara Stone. Students received gender diversity training as they learned about “boy snakes that act ‘girly’.”

This is only the latest example of what seems to be a New-Age, gender-bending agenda pushed into the mainstream media by those who refuse to accept the traditional sex differences between men and women. A couple in Toronto, Canada has sparked outrage because they refuse to assign a specific gender to their infant “Storm,” preferring instead to believe “a child’s sex should not determine his or her place in the world.”

The Culture and Media Institute exposed clothing company J. Crew’s gender-bending advertisement in which creative director Jenna Lyons was seen exploiting son Beckett’s favorite color by painting his toenails pink.

Earlier this year, NBC’s “Today Show” show host Meredith Vieira fawned over 5-year-old Dyson Kilodavis who twirled around in a tu-tu on set as his mother pimped out her book titled “My Princess Boy.” Perhaps not surprisingly, reading “My Princess Boy” was on the agenda for kindergarten and first grade students at Redwood Heights this week.

The Pacific Justice Institute is taking action against the school, providing outraged parents with legal counsel because it believes the school’s program “does not represent the values of the majority of families in Oakland,” attorney Kevin Snider said.

Redwood Heights is a public school, funded by taxpayers, but the $1,500 program was paid for by a California Teachers Association grant, a point brought up by the San Francisco Chronicle. Troy Flint, a spokesman for the Oakland school district said media members from USA Today and Fox News visited the school on Monday.

The San Jose Mercury News couldn't afford to even mention the gender-bending controversy in its headline, “Oakland elementary school teaches children about gender.” The non-chalant article glossed over the blatant propaganda by stating, “Some girls like the color blue. Some boys like to wear things that sparkle. Not all girls play with dolls, and not all boys like to play with trucks.” That was enough for Mercury News author Katy Murphy who concluded, “Kindergartners at Redwood Heights Elementary School reached those conclusions on Monday during a lesson about gender and acceptance.”

Read more: California Teacher Tells Kindergarteners There Are 'More Than Two Genders' |
Sunni this is California, when I got out of the Military and applied for some jobs in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo, they have 3 choices in the gender section. Male, Female and other.
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These people are stone cold crazy.

Read the other day about a group of parents that are raising their kids to be gender neutral.

When their children are 3 or 4 years old.

They put both girl and boy toys in their bedrooms.

And place boy clothes and girls dresses in their closets.

They also never use the words boy/girl or him/her around the kid.

Because they don't want to influence their child's choice of gender identification.

These parents should be beat to a pulp and their kids taken away for child abuse. :evil:
These people are stone cold crazy.

Read the other day about a group of parents that are raising their kids to be gender neutral.

When their children are 3 or 4 years old.

They put both girl and boy toys in their bedrooms.

And place boy clothes and girls dresses in their closets.

They also never use the words boy/girl or him/her around the kid.

Because they don't want to influence their child's choice of gender identification.

These parents should be beat to a pulp and their kids taken away for child abuse. :evil:

That is just madness, just think how these children are going to end up when they are grown? Jesus I fear for this countries future.:eek:

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