California Political Corruption


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
This should be a juicy thread...

The Calderon political dynasty(from left to right): Assemblyman Ian Calderon, former state legislator Charles M. Calderon, State Senator Ronald Calderon, and former Assemblyman Thomas CalderonRich Pedroncelli/AP, Genaro Molina/Los Angeles Times

California Corruption Probe Takes a Twist


SACRAMENTO (CN) - A California state senator being investigated for corruption sued the United States, claiming the federal probe is a vendetta for his refusing to wear a wire in a sting against two other state senators.

Ronald Calderon, D-Montebello, claims Uncle Sam smeared him by raiding his office and leaking an FBI affidavit falsely accusing him of accepting bribes.

Calderon, represented by Mark Geragos, sued the federal government Wednesday, the day after he was stripped of his legislative committee assignments pending the outcome of an investigation into whether he took $88,000 in bribes.

The sealed FBI affidavit, which was leaked last month by cable news network Al Jazeera America, claims that Calderon accepted the bribes from an undercover FBI agent posing as a film studio owner and a Southern California hospital executive.

Calderon, who denies wrongdoing, claims the affidavit was purposefully leaked by the government as payback for his refusal to secretly record the stare Senate leader's conversations with another lawmaker.

Calderon claims in his lawsuit that he "was approached on six separate occasions by high level agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and on two occasions by the United States Attorney for the Central District of California Doug Miller demanding that Senator Calderon participate in a sting operation against Senate President pro Tem Darrel Steinberg. The FBI was specifically interested in Senator Steinberg's financial activities with Michael Drobot, the former Chief Executive Officer of Pacific Hospital of Long Beach.


In his lawsuit, Calderon asks the federal court to hold the government in contempt, claiming that the actions of the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office have "prejudiced any future grand jury proceeding and irreparably tainted any future court proceedings involving Senator Calderon."

"The presumption of innocence has been turned on its head," Calderon says in the complaint.

Courthouse News Service

Steinberg denies Calderon claim he was targeted by FBI

By Laurel Rosenhall The Sacramento Bee
Published: Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013 - 11:12 pm


The Senate Rules Committee, led by Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, center, voted unanimously to strip Sen. Ron Calderon of all committee assignments on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at the state Capitol in Sacramento, Calif.

Senate leader Darrell Steinberg on Thursday rejected a fellow senator’s claim that he is the target of an FBI corruption investigation and said allegations in Sen. Ron Calderon’s most recent court filing are “beyond the pale.”
“I am not a target of this investigation, I am not a subject of this investigation,” Steinberg said in a talk with reporters outside the Capitol.
Calderon, D-Montebello, filed a motion late Wednesday asking the federal court to hold the FBI and U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles in contempt, contending they leaked an affidavit that alleges he accepted $88,000 in bribes from an undercover agent and a Long Beach hospital executive


Read more here: Steinberg denies Calderon claim he was targeted by FBI - Capitol and California - The Sacramento Bee
The Brown-Becerra Axis For Illegals
Radical new California Attorney General will defy federal law.
December 6, 2016
Lloyd Billingsley

On November 8, Kamala Harris gained election to the U.S. Senate and California Governor Jerry Brown has selected Rep. Xavier Becerra to take her place as state attorney general. “I’m confident he will be a champion for all Californians and help our state aggressively combat climate change,” said Brown in a statement. For his part, Becerra made it clear he had other priorities.

As the Sacramento Bee noted, Becerra “appeared to back California’s efforts to prevent removal of unauthorized immigrants who pose no threat to public safety.” And as Brown’s attorney general pick explained, “If you want to take on a forward-leaning state that is prepared to defend its rights and interests, then come at us.” For the task of defending all “unauthorized immigrants,” Becerra is well qualified.

At Stanford, where he earned his bachelor and law degrees, Becerra was a member of MEChA, the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano De Aztlan. A belch from the sixties’ left, MEChA calls the southwest portion of the United States “Aztlan” and seeks to regain the territory for Mexico. The MEChA slogan is “Entre la raza todo, fuera de la raza, nada,” and the “raza” is not the human race.

“I was a member of MEChA when I was in college,” Becerra told Sean Hannity in 2003.

“It’s an organization that promotes the ability for young people to get to college, the way I got to be the first in my family to go to college.” Becerra said. The eleven-year congressman would not respond to Hannity’s questions about the group’s racist slogans and irredentist campaign.


The Brown-Becerra Axis For Illegals
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The liberal scourge and corrupt pols have ruined California.
Gov. Jerry Brown Assembles Scientists and Lawyers ‘Ready to Fight’ Trump on Climate Change
“Eventually the truth will prevail.”
Trey Sanchez

California Gov. Jerry Brown is “ready to fight” President-elect Donald Trump on climate change and has assembled a team of scientists and lawyers for the battle.

Speaking to thousands of “anxious” scientists at the American Geophysical Union’s annual meeting on Wednesday, Brown assured they don’t need to fret over Trump’s climate-skeptic cabinet picks or spend another minute worrying that “science is about to be thrown out the window,” as Scientific American put it.

“We have the scientists, we have the lawyers and we are ready to fight!” the governor said. “And California is no stranger to this fight. Our emission standards, our energy rules, drove U.S. policy. Whatever Washington thinks it is doing, California is the future.”

These words gave relief to many of the scientists in attendance who have been concerned that Trump's view discredits the “settled” science on global warming/climate change. They often cheered loudly during Brown’s speech.

From SA’s report:


American Geophysical Union’s Eric Davidson expressed relief that “California has our backs,” but said support would have to come “from all 435 House districts and 100 senators.” The union, he said, must be protected as “safe places for science” and “free from all forms of harassment.”

The last word goes to David Burge:


Gov. Jerry Brown Assembles Scientists and Lawyers ‘Ready to Fight’ Trump on Climate Change
Gov. Brown Appoints Radical Enviro Justice Activists to Public Utilities Commission
The ideologues trying to destroy California's energy sector.
January 4, 2017
Katy Grimes

Governor Jerry Brown has just appointed two radical environmental justice activists to the California Public Utilities Commission, replacing two commissioners whose terms expired January 1, 2017.

Awaiting Senate confirmation are Clifford Rechtschaffen and Martha Guzman Aceves — two Brown insiders with shady records and a history of Environmental Justice. They aren’t unknown; both Guzman Aceves and Rechtschaffen have been exposed prominently in articles on this news site, and several others (links below).

Don’t let the term “Environmental Justice” fool you. This “justice” is not about protecting poor and low income communities from excess pollutants or toxic materials; it is about environmental extremists’ scheme to spread wealth through government mandates. Remember President Obama’s EPA Region 6 Administrator Al Armendariz on video describing his enforcement of EPA regulations as “crucifying” oil companies?

Environmental Justice became official in 1994 via presidential fiat when then-President Bill Clinton issued Executive Order 12898 to “focus federal attention on the environmental and human health effects of federal actions on minority and low-income populations with the goal of achieving environmental protection for all communities.” The Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ) claims to work “to protect human health and the environment in communities overburdened by environmental pollution by integrating environmental justice into all EPA programs, policies and activities” (emphasis mine).

Martha Guzman Aceves, who has worked for the governor in his office as Deputy Legislative Secretary, has upwards of 40 violations of the California Fair Political Practices Act. Guzman-Aceves has served as a public official in the Brown Administration “managing legislation and regulatory matters for the governor,” while her non-profit organization lobbied the legislature and governor’s office on various issues, including AB1081, federal immigration policy enforcement,” I reported in October 2013.


Rechtschaffen has also advised the election campaigns of Governor Gray Davis in 1998 and Attorney General Bill Lockyer in 1998 and 2002 on environmental issues, and is called “an informal consultant” to the California Attorney General’s Office Task Force on Environmental Justice, according to his bio. Rechtschaffen was also known as the top enforcer of California’s toxics initiative, Proposition 65.

California’s PUC “has control over energy, rail safety and carriers, telecommunications, and water rates and operating conditions as permitted by state law,” according to the PUC website.

Both of Brown’s newest appointees currently work inside of the Governor’s office. The current PUC President Michael Picker, was also Senior Advisor for Renewable Energy in the Governor’s office, 2009 – 2014. Each of the other PUC commissioners has been a Gov. appointee to some agency: Natural Resources, Dept. of Energy, Fair Political Practice Commission, etc…

What is interesting is Martha Guzman Aceves, one of the new appointees, has more than 40 FPPC violations, and one of the current PUC commissioners was the head of the FPPC 2003-2007.

Who Is Martha Guzman Aceves?

Prior to working for the Governor, Guzman Aceves was a founding partner of Cultivo Consulting, which claims to engage in lobbying, political campaigning and community organizing in California. It’s a lobbying and outreach firm specializing in social, economic and environmental justice. Guzman Aceves also was listed on 2011 tax returns as president and CEO for Communities for the New California Education Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization which claims to be “committed to achieving environmental, economic, and socially just public policy for working class families in the rural areas of California.”

They are community organizers and part of ACORN.

While Guzman Aceves has a long history of lobbying, political campaigning and community organizing in California, the current abuses began a few years ago. In 2009, the national network of community-organizers, “ACORN,” the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, known best for registering hundreds of thousands of low-income voters, was exposed encouraging the poor to sign up for welfare in order to overload the entire system – in addition to numerous other fraud charges. The ACORN strategy was to bring radical change to America “using a tangled mess of interlocking directorates and upward of 100 affiliated tax-exempt groups,” according to journalist Matthew Vadum.


Who Is Clifford Rechtschaffen, Brown’s other PUC appointee?

In October 2013, California Gov. Jerry Brown, together with the Governors of Oregon and Washington and the British Columbia Premier, signed the Pacific Coast Action Plan on Climate and Energy, “to align climate change policies and promote clean energy.” The Pacific Coast Collaborative links with the West Coast Infrastructure Exchange (WCX), a compact between California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, formed in 2013 to promote “the type of new thinking necessary to solve the West Coast’s infrastructure crisis.” And the WCX is linked to the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Global Initiative.

But Brown had help from Clifford Rechtschaffen.

“California isn’t waiting for the rest of the world before it takes action on climate change,” said Gov. Brown said in 2013. “Today, California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia are all joining together to reduce greenhouse gases.”

Rechtschaffen helped Sam Rickets, a senior aid to Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, develop an agreement, originated by disgraced former Oregon Gov. Kitzhaber, to organize a campaign to promote the green agenda, beginning with the California and Washington governors’ offices, a private environmentalist law firm, and the White House. This scheme was made possible with funding from “major environmental donors,” billionaires Tom Steyer and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, according to E&E Legal attorney Chris Horner. Thanks to attorney Horner, the Kitzhaber scandal was exposed as a scheme involving multiple governors and high-level staff involved in shady green energy deals, with national entanglements. Attorney Chris Horner discovered ingrained collusion with top level staff in Gov. Brown’s office with Cliff Rechtschaffen and Brown aid Wade Crowfoot, Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber’s office, and Washington State Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s office to “spread climate coordination and collaboration to a larger group of governors across the U.S.”

Who is Tom Steyer?
Billionaire climate change activist Tom Steyer made his fortune investing in the energy sector, through his hedge fund company, the Farallon Capital Management fund, which Steyer managed until 2012. Farrallon invested in coal mines in Australia and Indonesia, as well as in tar-sands oil, which is strip mined, processed to extract the oil-rich bitumen, which is then refined into oil. It’s an interesting career change and “moral” about-face. “And then there’s the Brown family’s semi-secret financial ties to the military dictatorship of Indonesia, a book-length saga unto itself,” columnist Dan Walters slipped into a column in 2010. (Learn more about this scandal here)

Tom Steyer founded NextGen Climate, an organization immersed in green cronyism. NextGen is a 501(c)(4) organization, and the NextGen Climate Action Committee is a political action committee which fought the Keystone Pipeline and other oil and gas projects. Steyer said on the NextGen blog that while climate change had not always been on his radar, he came to believe he could no longer invest in fossil fuels – after becoming a billionaire. Steyer uses his coal and energy fortune to try and manipulate the California and national political processes.

The web of corruption is thick, and goes deeply into the Governor’s inner sanctum. Maybe, just maybe, the Senate will consider this before they automatically confirm Martha Guzman Aceves and Clifford Rechtschaffen to the Public Utilities Commission.

Gov. Brown Appoints Radical Enviro Justice Activists to Public Utilities Commission
The Brown-Becerra Axis For Illegals
Radical new California Attorney General will defy federal law.
December 6, 2016
Lloyd Billingsley

On November 8, Kamala Harris gained election to the U.S. Senate and California Governor Jerry Brown has selected Rep. Xavier Becerra to take her place as state attorney general. “I’m confident he will be a champion for all Californians and help our state aggressively combat climate change,” said Brown in a statement. For his part, Becerra made it clear he had other priorities.

As the Sacramento Bee noted, Becerra “appeared to back California’s efforts to prevent removal of unauthorized immigrants who pose no threat to public safety.” And as Brown’s attorney general pick explained, “If you want to take on a forward-leaning state that is prepared to defend its rights and interests, then come at us.” For the task of defending all “unauthorized immigrants,” Becerra is well qualified.

At Stanford, where he earned his bachelor and law degrees, Becerra was a member of MEChA, the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano De Aztlan. A belch from the sixties’ left, MEChA calls the southwest portion of the United States “Aztlan” and seeks to regain the territory for Mexico. The MEChA slogan is “Entre la raza todo, fuera de la raza, nada,” and the “raza” is not the human race.

“I was a member of MEChA when I was in college,” Becerra told Sean Hannity in 2003.

“It’s an organization that promotes the ability for young people to get to college, the way I got to be the first in my family to go to college.” Becerra said. The eleven-year congressman would not respond to Hannity’s questions about the group’s racist slogans and irredentist campaign.


The Brown-Becerra Axis For Illegals

Guess those morons in California don't know the meaning of the word ILLEGAL.

Oh and I thought it only the Reps who were dishonest??? At least that's what the Dems always claim. LOL
Your libtart politicians are POS and messed up in the brain...

Failing the children of California
A new law decriminalizing child prostitution puts children at greater risk

By Tammy Bruce - - Wednesday, January 4, 2017

At the start of each new year we’re subjected to a whole host of new laws. The modern liberal government, you see, imagines itself not as the champion of individual freedom but as Mommy and Daddy, a taskmaster charged with controlling your life. Most of the time, it makes everything, including our lives, worse.

Case in point: California. Completely at the mercy of the left, which now controls two-thirds of the state government, California serves as a living illustration of what the left really wants to accomplish. As of Jan. 1, that includes decriminalizing what is commonly called “child prostitution.”

They may not have technically legalized it, but decriminalizing the act per se will have the same results, while putting exploited children in even more danger.


The fact that these children are victims is not disputed, but what California has just done makes the problem even worse.

California law decriminalizing child prostitution puts children at greater risk
A Drought of Sanity in California
Rains wash away leftist lunacy.
January 12, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

The ink was hardly dry on the Secretarial Order from Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell blaming California’s drought on global warming that rain and snow swept across the state. San Francisco International Airport was forced to cancel flights and there were blizzard warnings for Lake Tahoe.

The Los Angeles Times warned breathlessly of a winter war footing. San Francisco, the home of a million companies cashing in on environmental panics, received 130% of average rainfall. Sacramento, where terrible ideas from San Francisco go to become law under a Democratic supermajority, is at 160%.

Governor Jerry Brown had signed an executive order last year making temporary drought restrictions all but permanent. “Drought is becoming a regular occurrence,” Executive Order B-37-16 stated. Then the proposal to "Make Conservation a California Way of Life" had made a big splash among bureaucrats.

"California is currently in the grips of an extreme drought with record low precipitation," it gloomily began. Then the Sacramento River flooded, the downtown rainfall record was broken and copies of the report came in handy as makeshift umbrellas by scurrying staffers.

So there was nothing left to do but blame Global Warming.

If the rain doesn’t fall, that’s Global Warming. If it does fall, that too is Global Warming. The moonbeam left has traded in God for Global Warming as its universal answer to everything.

After years of predicting that California’s future would be a barren desert, the predictions have been slightly revised. California is now doomed to alternate between droughts and storms. And if it rains cats and dogs over Death Valley, we will be told that Global Warming causes canine and feline precipitation and that unless we agree to give Al Gore more money, we’re doomed to be brained by falling felines.

Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown believes in Global Warming the way that the followers of his old pal, Jim Jones, believed in drinking poisoned Kool-Aid. He’s even prepared to put his satellites where his brain is.

"We've got the scientists, we've got the lawyers and we're ready to fight," Brown ranted to the American Geophysical Union. "If Trump turns off the satellites, California will launch its own damn satellite."

Anyone who doubts that Governor Moonbeam can launch his own satellite ought to take a close look at how well high-speed rail is coming along. After being backed by Obama’s stimulus plan in ’09, the first and easiest leg of it has lately been delayed by four years. The stimulus money has to be spent by next year and there’s no way to pay for any of the rest of it except with more global warming taxes.

At this rate, the magic anti-Trump satellite would cost $100 billion and be ready to go by 2054.

But that’s pocket change considering how much money California has already spent and lost on Governor Moonbeam’s obsession with the Great Green Apocalypse.

Brown demanded that Obama institute a permanent ban on offshore drilling. Offshore drilling might even produce enough money to fund his high-speed rail obsession. But math and Moonbeam have never been on speaking terms. He doesn’t have policies. He has dreams.

"My own belief is that California has a unique place on the planet. It's been a place of dreams. We can pursue a path of benign energy," he once said.

The drought has allowed Brown to pursue his dreams. Global Warming is a crisis in search of a disaster. Warmunists struggle to tether it to any natural or unnatural disaster from random hurricanes to the civil war in Syria.

An op-ed at the Los Angeles Times asked readers to see, “the devastation of climate change in the ruins of Aleppo.” It makes the fashionable claim that the war wasn’t caused by Sunni-Shiite hostilities but by, what else, drought. Syria has apparently been suffering from the “worst drought in nine centuries.”


Now Brown’s crusade is all wet. But Warmunist alarmism recovers quickly every time the world doesn’t end at the stroke of midnight. In the seventies, environmentalists were promoting Paul Ehrlich’s claims that 65 million Americans would starve to death a decade later. At the British Institute for Biology, he predicted that, “England will not exist in the year 2000”. Today Ehrlich, the president of the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford University, is predicting that we’ll soon have to turn to cannibalism.

If you doubt any of this, you must hate science.

Later the panic switched to predicting an ice age. The various doomsday scenarios under the umbrella of “climate change” have kept rotating in and out like bad actors on a cheap stage.

A 2003 DOD report envisioned flooding could producing an inland sea in California. Recently the National Research Council report, sponsored in part by California, warned that San Francisco International Airport could be flooded in a few decades. The worst drought in 12 billion years made for some better headlines because the drought, unlike most of the other scenarios, actually existed. But before long the Green Apocalypse crowd will be predicting a California buried under mountains of ice.

Natural disasters are the drama that lubricates a corrupt government industry which deprives ordinary people of water, food, heating and life out of a combination of ideological hostility to technology and the flow of money to special interests in the business of saving the planet from a manufactured crisis.

The California state budget approaches $180 billion. That’s a 5% increase in only one year. But being an “international leader” in fighting “climate change” doesn’t come cheap. The new budget grabs even more cap-and-trade power to be spent on Big Green Business and reinforces the illegal tax for auctioning off “pollution” allowances. And then there’s e money for the high-speed rail to nowhere.

None of this will stop droughts or storms. But it will move money to the right people. The ones, like Al Gore, living in luxury condos in San Francisco about to be flooded by the Great Green Apocalypse that never comes. And it’s always been about the money. Everything else is theater. Rain or sun, flood or drought, the scripts get rewritten, the bills get passed and the Global Warming show goes on.

A Drought of Sanity in California
Governor Jerry Brown pardons criminal deportees.
April 17, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley

California governor Jerry Brown has pardoned “three veterans deported to Mexico,” as the Sacramento Bee reported. Hector Barajas Varela, who came to the United States “without authorization,” served more than year in prison for shooting at an occupied home. Brown also pardoned Erasmo Apodaca, who served 10 months in prison for burglary, and Marco Chavez, who spent 15 months in prison for reasons the report did not specify.

Brown issued the pardons as Easter approached, and shortly after President Donald Trump authorized more than $500 million in emergency relief for California, including $274 million for the damaged spillway on Oroville Dam. That federal largesse, after Brown’s tsumani of anti-Trump rhetoric, did not alter the governor’s determination to reinforce California as a sanctuary state for violent criminals. His pardon of criminal foreign nationals, after they had been deported, is merely the latest wave in the surge.


Jerry Brown’s Easter pardon of three criminal foreign nationals is the governor’s attempt to appear presidential in the twilight of his career. On the other hand, the pardons are redundant. All government indulgence of illegals is in effect a pardon for those who violated U.S. immigration laws.

As attorney general Jeff Sessions explained over the weekend, what sanctuary cities are doing “makes no sense” and “we’re going to battle them every step of the way.”

California Sanctuary Surge
Bay Area Democrat seeks a safe space for Stalinists.
May 18, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley

Bay Area Democrat Rob Bonta has authored AB 22, which repeals part of a law allowing state employees to be fired for being members of the Communist Party. Bonta, 44, earned his JD at Yale but like the old-line establishment media he betrays total ignorance of the Communist Party and why the state should never hire or retain any Communist Party members.

American Communists were “volunteer members of a militarized colonial service, pledged to carry out the decisions of our supreme rulers resident at Moscow anywhere in the world but particularly in the land we were colonizing for Communism, the United States.” That was Ben Gitlow, Communist Party candidate for vice-president in 1924 and 1928. The Soviets established the Communist International, the Comintern, to manage their parties in other countries.

Party leaders such as William Z. Foster authored books such as Toward Soviet America, but the CPUSA never caught on with American voters. Many Party members bailed out after Stalin’s pact with Hitler in 1939. Others left after Stalin swung the USSR back to its traditional anti-Semitism in the late 1940s, and others after the Khrushchev revelations of 1956. It took a special kind of person to join the Party after that, but some were up to the task.


The bill is also an insult to anybody who knows anything about Communism and its history. For that reason alone, the odds are strong that state Democrats will pass Bonta’s Communist protection act and recurring governor Jerry Brown will gladly sign the measure. It’s who they are.

California’s Communist Hiring Hall
This should be a juicy thread...

The Calderon political dynasty(from left to right): Assemblyman Ian Calderon, former state legislator Charles M. Calderon, State Senator Ronald Calderon, and former Assemblyman Thomas CalderonRich Pedroncelli/AP, Genaro Molina/Los Angeles Times

California Corruption Probe Takes a Twist


SACRAMENTO (CN) - A California state senator being investigated for corruption sued the United States, claiming the federal probe is a vendetta for his refusing to wear a wire in a sting against two other state senators.

Ronald Calderon, D-Montebello, claims Uncle Sam smeared him by raiding his office and leaking an FBI affidavit falsely accusing him of accepting bribes.

Calderon, represented by Mark Geragos, sued the federal government Wednesday, the day after he was stripped of his legislative committee assignments pending the outcome of an investigation into whether he took $88,000 in bribes.

The sealed FBI affidavit, which was leaked last month by cable news network Al Jazeera America, claims that Calderon accepted the bribes from an undercover FBI agent posing as a film studio owner and a Southern California hospital executive.

Calderon, who denies wrongdoing, claims the affidavit was purposefully leaked by the government as payback for his refusal to secretly record the stare Senate leader's conversations with another lawmaker.

Calderon claims in his lawsuit that he "was approached on six separate occasions by high level agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and on two occasions by the United States Attorney for the Central District of California Doug Miller demanding that Senator Calderon participate in a sting operation against Senate President pro Tem Darrel Steinberg. The FBI was specifically interested in Senator Steinberg's financial activities with Michael Drobot, the former Chief Executive Officer of Pacific Hospital of Long Beach.


In his lawsuit, Calderon asks the federal court to hold the government in contempt, claiming that the actions of the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office have "prejudiced any future grand jury proceeding and irreparably tainted any future court proceedings involving Senator Calderon."

"The presumption of innocence has been turned on its head," Calderon says in the complaint.

Courthouse News Service

Typical blue state.
May 18, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Welcome to Planet Moonbeam. Where bums are solid citizens and taxpayers are freeloaders.


It's always a good look when the liberal mask slips and the hateful totalitarian Socialist glares out from underneath.


Now that recalls are underway, there's no possible way that this can backfire. Just ask Hillary "Deplorables" Clinton. Calling working people who pay too much already, freeloaders, can only help.

Gov Moonbeam: Taxpayers are Freeloaders
May 23, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

It's easy. Just a little gas tax hike. And then tax hikes on property, soda and oxygen. Then Governor Moonbeam can accuse complaining taxpayers of being freeloaders.

With the liberation of Americans from ObamaCare, there's been a push to get socialized medicine going in California. It's easy. As we're told incessantly by Bernie Sanders supporters. It just takes more money than California has.


Numbers to leftists are just something invented by dead white men that can be safely ignored when a progressive policy priority is at stake.

California Can Have Socialized Medicine for Only $400 Billion

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