California Gov Orders Non-Essential Businesses to Close, But Planned Par. is Still Doing Abortions!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Life News ^ | March 20, 2020 | Micaiah Bilger

All non-essential businesses and travel have been shut down in California by Gov. Gavin Newsom to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

Yet, Planned Parenthood is making it widely known that its facilities remain open throughout the state to continue killing unborn babies in elective abortions.

According to National Review, Planned Parenthood operates seven affiliates in California and about 100 facilities total, and all appear to be open at this time, despite the governor’s order.

Planned Parenthood Los Angeles is “continuing to serve patients’ reproductive health care needs at this difficult time,” the abortion chain wrote on Twitter this week. And Planned Parenthood Mar Monte asserted: “We know your sexual and reproductive health care can’t wait. We are doing everything we can to get you the service you need …”

Another affiliate, Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest told patients on Twitter: “We are accepting new appointments for essential services only, including birth control and abortion.”

Though abortions are elective and certainly not essential, the abortion chain insists on continuing its killing business anyway while taking away desperately needed medical resources from the global health crisis.

Planned Parenthood is a billion-dollar “nonprofit” that does more than one third of all abortions in the U.S. Last year alone, it aborted more than 345,000 unborn babies, while reporting $1.6 billion in revenue, declining health services and shrinking patient numbers.

Some Planned Parenthood affiliates recently announced that they stopped providing the few actual medical services that Planned Parenthood does so that they can focus on abortions and birth control during the coronavirus crisis.

And while much of the world is working desperately to save lives, thus far, Newsom and other governors have allowed abortion businesses to stay open. LifeNews reported about similar situations in Illinois, Maine and Puerto Rico this week.

“We are closing businesses and [temporarily] ruining our economy in an effort to save thousands of lives, yet Planned Parenthood continues to take them,” Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life, responded on Twitter. “Abortion is not an essential service. All abortion facilities should be closed …”


She is right. There is nothing essential about ending a baby’s life in an abortion!
We'll be happy to call terminating unwanted pregnancies "non-essential" as soon as you volunteer to adopt and raise an unwanted child.

Deal? :rolleyes:

Life News ^ | March 20, 2020 | Micaiah Bilger

All non-essential businesses and travel have been shut down in California by Gov. Gavin Newsom to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

Yet, Planned Parenthood is making it widely known that its facilities remain open throughout the state to continue killing unborn babies in elective abortions.

According to National Review, Planned Parenthood operates seven affiliates in California and about 100 facilities total, and all appear to be open at this time, despite the governor’s order.

Planned Parenthood Los Angeles is “continuing to serve patients’ reproductive health care needs at this difficult time,” the abortion chain wrote on Twitter this week. And Planned Parenthood Mar Monte asserted: “We know your sexual and reproductive health care can’t wait. We are doing everything we can to get you the service you need …”

Another affiliate, Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest told patients on Twitter: “We are accepting new appointments for essential services only, including birth control and abortion.”

Though abortions are elective and certainly not essential, the abortion chain insists on continuing its killing business anyway while taking away desperately needed medical resources from the global health crisis.

Planned Parenthood is a billion-dollar “nonprofit” that does more than one third of all abortions in the U.S. Last year alone, it aborted more than 345,000 unborn babies, while reporting $1.6 billion in revenue, declining health services and shrinking patient numbers.

Some Planned Parenthood affiliates recently announced that they stopped providing the few actual medical services that Planned Parenthood does so that they can focus on abortions and birth control during the coronavirus crisis.

And while much of the world is working desperately to save lives, thus far, Newsom and other governors have allowed abortion businesses to stay open. LifeNews reported about similar situations in Illinois, Maine and Puerto Rico this week.

“We are closing businesses and [temporarily] ruining our economy in an effort to save thousands of lives, yet Planned Parenthood continues to take them,” Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life, responded on Twitter. “Abortion is not an essential service. All abortion facilities should be closed …”


She is right. There is nothing essential about ending a baby’s life in an abortion!
Apparently Newsom believes it is the only way to protect them from the coronavirus.
Life News ^ | March 20, 2020 | Micaiah Bilger

All non-essential businesses and travel have been shut down in California by Gov. Gavin Newsom to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

Yet, Planned Parenthood is making it widely known that its facilities remain open throughout the state to continue killing unborn babies in elective abortions.

According to National Review, Planned Parenthood operates seven affiliates in California and about 100 facilities total, and all appear to be open at this time, despite the governor’s order.

Planned Parenthood Los Angeles is “continuing to serve patients’ reproductive health care needs at this difficult time,” the abortion chain wrote on Twitter this week. And Planned Parenthood Mar Monte asserted: “We know your sexual and reproductive health care can’t wait. We are doing everything we can to get you the service you need …”

Another affiliate, Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest told patients on Twitter: “We are accepting new appointments for essential services only, including birth control and abortion.”

Though abortions are elective and certainly not essential, the abortion chain insists on continuing its killing business anyway while taking away desperately needed medical resources from the global health crisis.

Planned Parenthood is a billion-dollar “nonprofit” that does more than one third of all abortions in the U.S. Last year alone, it aborted more than 345,000 unborn babies, while reporting $1.6 billion in revenue, declining health services and shrinking patient numbers.

Some Planned Parenthood affiliates recently announced that they stopped providing the few actual medical services that Planned Parenthood does so that they can focus on abortions and birth control during the coronavirus crisis.

And while much of the world is working desperately to save lives, thus far, Newsom and other governors have allowed abortion businesses to stay open. LifeNews reported about similar situations in Illinois, Maine and Puerto Rico this week.

“We are closing businesses and [temporarily] ruining our economy in an effort to save thousands of lives, yet Planned Parenthood continues to take them,” Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life, responded on Twitter. “Abortion is not an essential service. All abortion facilities should be closed …”


She is right. There is nothing essential about ending a baby’s life in an abortion!
This figures. Not even the Chinese virus can slow down these killers. Dreadful.
If those women can't get a timely abortion they will have a child and it will be hard to say it isn't a human being.
How the hell does a woman get pregnant in this day and age of social distancing?!
We'll be happy to call terminating unwanted pregnancies "non-essential" as soon as you volunteer to adopt and raise an unwanted child.

Deal? :rolleyes:

And we see your problem. You love killing babies....too bad you made it as far as you did!
Of course PP will stay open. Women need medical help for their reproductive health needs, including birth control and abortion, virus or no virus.

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