California Communists get the shaft


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
"Corrupt democrat" is redundant. Corruption defines the left. We saw the way the corrupt Clinton faction literally defrauded the voters in the primaries last year. Leaked emails from Seth Rich exposed Debbie Wasserman Schultz for collusion in crippling the Bernie Sanders campaign and demonstrated that the democratic party is anything but democratic.

California is the most left leaning state in the union, with the democrats completely in charge of every aspect of the government. Coupled with the fact of being the most populous state in the union with the largest economy, California is the the model for democrats nation wide. Due to this, the chairmanship of the California democratic party is second only to national chairmanship, and only by a small margin at that. The chairman of the California party leadership holds enormous power to shape the direction of the party.

Two factions vie for power in California, just as they do nationally. The openly Marxist "progressives" and establishment democrats. Both groups advocate total or nearly total government and extreme restrictions on personal liberty, but that is where the similarity ends. The establishment democrats represented by Jerry Brown and his hand-picked choice Eric Bauman seek to fleece the taxpayer and raid the public treasury to line their own pockets. Under the last 8 years of Brown, these democrats have stuffed cash into their greedy little pockets as fast as possible. The funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Porkulus) that were slated to repair the freeways of California have virtually all been stolen by well connected looters such as Richard Blum, husband of Diane Feinstein and Sidney Williams, husband of Maxine Waters. Graft and corruption under Brown and his group is in the trillion dollar range. The establishment democrats like it this way and want to keep stealing as much as they possibly can. Eric Bauman will ensure they can continue to loot both the state taxpayers and federal funds with no restrictions.

The progressive faction is represented by Kimberly Ellis, a Berkeley Marxist who based her platform on fully socialized medicine. Bolstered by the Bernie Sanders supporters, Ellis was well positioned to challenge the Brown machine.

Except that Ellis is dealing with democrats and democrats are corrupt. So the party bosses did what they always do, they fixed the election. They handed Bauman a 60 vote, yes 60, victory over Ellis and her Progressives. As with the Hillary nomination, the fraud is over the top and in your face. The power mongers wanted the unbridled corruption of the Brown machine and simply defrauded the vote. Election fraud is a constant with democrats, not just in state and national elections, but also for party position. So the Communists were denied a fair election and are not at all happy. They are vowing to make trouble for the establishment criminals. If this turns into a full out civil war in the ranks of the party, the Republicans could seize the opportunity to regain the state.

Reference: The Latest: Ellis won't concede Democratic chair race
Sorry, but your link just doesn't say all the crap you posted.
Sorry, but your link just doesn't say all the crap you posted.

Wow, none too bright are you?

No, my link details the fraudulent election. The post is my own.

My mistake. I always assumed a link in an OP might have something to with the OP, but I guess RWNJs can't be expected to do that.

The link offers the facts of the election.

You have nothing to say about the corruption of the Brown machine denying Ellis the election? I realize it is California politics, but as goes California, so goes the DNC.

Is the rise of Marxism over in the democratic party? Will the Bernie faction leave the democrats and form a Socialist party?

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