Cal. Senate Race Tightens

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
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Could this finely be the year that California unloads Boxer, all I can say is Please..:eusa_pray:

California Senator Barbara Boxer is now the latest Democratic incumbent to find herself in a tightening race for reelection

Boxer leads former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina by just three points, 46% to 43%. In November, Boxer was also at the 46% level of support but led Fiorina by nine points.

The longtime Democratic senator runs best right now against state Assemblyman Chuck Devore, beating him by six points, 46% to 40%. Two months ago, though, she posted a 10-point lead on DeVore, 49% to 39%.

As for Campbell, the ex-congressman and former state finance director who on Thursday quit the governor’s race to jump into the Senate contest, Boxer leads him by just four points, 46% to 42%.

Election 2010: California Senate - Rasmussen Reports™
[ame=""]Please, oh merciful Gd, Please[/ame]
Could this finely be the year that California unloads Boxer, all I can say is Please..:eusa_pray:

California Senator Barbara Boxer is now the latest Democratic incumbent to find herself in a tightening race for reelection

Boxer leads former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina by just three points, 46% to 43%. In November, Boxer was also at the 46% level of support but led Fiorina by nine points.

The longtime Democratic senator runs best right now against state Assemblyman Chuck Devore, beating him by six points, 46% to 40%. Two months ago, though, she posted a 10-point lead on DeVore, 49% to 39%.

As for Campbell, the ex-congressman and former state finance director who on Thursday quit the governor’s race to jump into the Senate contest, Boxer leads him by just four points, 46% to 42%.

Election 2010: California Senate - Rasmussen Reports™

I watched Carly Fiorina during an interview. That lady is one smart cookie when it comes to the economy. Californian's would be real stupid with the unemployment rate they have to re-elect Boxer.
Could this finely be the year that California unloads Boxer, all I can say is Please..:eusa_pray:

California Senator Barbara Boxer is now the latest Democratic incumbent to find herself in a tightening race for reelection

Boxer leads former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina by just three points, 46% to 43%. In November, Boxer was also at the 46% level of support but led Fiorina by nine points.

The longtime Democratic senator runs best right now against state Assemblyman Chuck Devore, beating him by six points, 46% to 40%. Two months ago, though, she posted a 10-point lead on DeVore, 49% to 39%.

As for Campbell, the ex-congressman and former state finance director who on Thursday quit the governor’s race to jump into the Senate contest, Boxer leads him by just four points, 46% to 42%.

Election 2010: California Senate - Rasmussen Reports™

I watched Carly Fiorina during an interview. That lady is one smart cookie when it comes to the economy. Californian's would be real stupid with the unemployment rate they have to re-elect Boxer.

Any reason is a good reason to get rid of Boxer..:eusa_pray:
Eh... too early to make predictions. But I hope whoever is there gives her a run for the money.
Boxer is a perfect example of someone serving far too long in Congress. She has become so corrupt. She has to go. She hasn't done anything for California either. She'll probably win though. The Left Wing loons only vote on a couple of wedge issues out there. They'll support her because of her stances on abortion and gay marriage. The Left Wing loons aren't very intelligent. She'll probably win and continue to do nothing for California. Boxer,Feinstein,and Pelosi have destroyed Califonia. They should go but don't count on it. It is what it is.
Boxer is a perfect example of someone serving far too long in Congress. She has become so corrupt. She has to go. She hasn't done anything for California either. She'll probably win though. The Left Wing loons only vote on a couple of wedge issues out there. They'll support her because of her stances on abortion and gay marriage. The Left Wing loons aren't very intelligent. She'll probably win and continue to do nothing for California. Boxer,Feinstein,and Pelosi have destroyed Califonia. They should go but don't count on it. It is what it is.

No, the "left wing loons" aren't very smart to base their votes on gay marriage and abortion, but then, the right wing loons aren't too smart to base votes on the same two issues. Will Boxer be unseated finally? It's a bit to early to be sure, but maybe.

I'm surprised that there hasn't been more speculation about this race, especially from the partisan Republicans who are hoping for a return to power in Congress and see every possible Democratic defeat as a repudiation of Obama's administration.

What we really need are term limits for congresscritters. Politics should be a limited time of public service, not a career.
Term Limits would be something many of us could agree on. I think that's an issue both Liberals and Conservatives could come together on. Lets hope it happens at some point.
Could this finely be the year that California unloads Boxer, all I can say is Please..:eusa_pray:

California Senator Barbara Boxer is now the latest Democratic incumbent to find herself in a tightening race for reelection

Boxer leads former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina by just three points, 46% to 43%. In November, Boxer was also at the 46% level of support but led Fiorina by nine points.

The longtime Democratic senator runs best right now against state Assemblyman Chuck Devore, beating him by six points, 46% to 40%. Two months ago, though, she posted a 10-point lead on DeVore, 49% to 39%.

As for Campbell, the ex-congressman and former state finance director who on Thursday quit the governor’s race to jump into the Senate contest, Boxer leads him by just four points, 46% to 42%.

Election 2010: California Senate - Rasmussen Reports™

I watched Carly Fiorina during an interview. That lady is one smart cookie when it comes to the economy. Californian's would be real stupid with the unemployment rate they have to re-elect Boxer.

If she is so smart, how come HP got so screwed up under her watch?

Thanks but no thanks, I'd rather have the witch I know than the bitch I don't trust!
Term Limits would be something many of us could agree on.

Not me. IMO, term limits should be eliminated on all elected positions. If the incumbant is so bad, you feel they should not get re-elected...go out and vote them out. Don't limit my ability to re-elect someone who I feel is doing a good job, just because some people have taken advantage of the system.

Term Limits would be something many of us could agree on. I think that's an issue both Liberals and Conservatives could come together on. Lets hope it happens at some point.

Yes, let's hope.

The problem is that the people who would be term limited out of their cushy jobs are the same ones who would have to pass term limits.

It's possible, but unlikely.
Agreed. No reason a Senator should serve more than two consecutive six year terms.

As for the House of Reps, no more than five consecutive two year terms.

Having figures so deeply entrenched in DC inevitably leads to corruption.
Could this finely be the year that California unloads Boxer, all I can say is Please..:eusa_pray:

California Senator Barbara Boxer is now the latest Democratic incumbent to find herself in a tightening race for reelection

Boxer leads former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina by just three points, 46% to 43%. In November, Boxer was also at the 46% level of support but led Fiorina by nine points.

The longtime Democratic senator runs best right now against state Assemblyman Chuck Devore, beating him by six points, 46% to 40%. Two months ago, though, she posted a 10-point lead on DeVore, 49% to 39%.

As for Campbell, the ex-congressman and former state finance director who on Thursday quit the governor’s race to jump into the Senate contest, Boxer leads him by just four points, 46% to 42%.

Election 2010: California Senate - Rasmussen Reports™

I watched Carly Fiorina during an interview. That lady is one smart cookie when it comes to the economy. Californian's would be real stupid with the unemployment rate they have to re-elect Boxer.

Any reason is a good reason to get rid of Boxer..:eusa_pray:

For those not from California, I guess this would be NOT their business!
I watched Carly Fiorina during an interview. That lady is one smart cookie when it comes to the economy. Californian's would be real stupid with the unemployment rate they have to re-elect Boxer.

Any reason is a good reason to get rid of Boxer..:eusa_pray:

For those not from California, I guess this would be NOT their business!

I happen to live in California if that was your point. Also, those holding federal Congressional seats affect all of us.
The PBS onlineNewshour summarizes the House Banking Scandal, also known as Rubbergate: "In 1992, many House members were suspected of bouncing checks from accounts they held at the so-called "House Bank" -- a loose operation that allowed member of Congress to cash their checks but kept shoddy records and often were quite delayed in recording deposits or withdrawals. Although the lawmakers had broken no laws and many did not even know they were bouncing checks, several took advantage of the bank system and many voters viewed the scandal as a blatant abuse of power. Of the 296 sitting representatives and 59 former members who had overdrafted their personal accounts in the preceding 39 months, the House Ethics Committee released a list of the 24 worst abusers."[1]

Boxer was among the top 24 involved in the House bank scandal. On March 1, 1992 the Sacramento Bee quoted Boxer as admitting she didn't pay enough attention to her House bank account. More specifically, that meant 143 bad checks totaling $41,417 over a three-year period that she had written on the House bank
Barbara Boxer - SourceWatch

While the race in CA. may be getting a little closer one must consider that Boxer is a poor candidate and has accomplished little in her tenure in the Senate. She has a less than stellar record when it comes to things like what I posted above, but what I find interesting about her is that when it comes to Defense matters she will not hesitate to spend money especially in California. She is also one of the prime movers behind forcing the Air Force henid purchasing additional C-17's it has told congress on many occasions it does not need or want. If the employment situation in CA. does not turn around soon she is going to be facing a tough fight.
The PBS onlineNewshour summarizes the House Banking Scandal, also known as Rubbergate: "In 1992, many House members were suspected of bouncing checks from accounts they held at the so-called "House Bank" -- a loose operation that allowed member of Congress to cash their checks but kept shoddy records and often were quite delayed in recording deposits or withdrawals. Although the lawmakers had broken no laws and many did not even know they were bouncing checks, several took advantage of the bank system and many voters viewed the scandal as a blatant abuse of power. Of the 296 sitting representatives and 59 former members who had overdrafted their personal accounts in the preceding 39 months, the House Ethics Committee released a list of the 24 worst abusers."[1]

Boxer was among the top 24 involved in the House bank scandal. On March 1, 1992 the Sacramento Bee quoted Boxer as admitting she didn't pay enough attention to her House bank account. More specifically, that meant 143 bad checks totaling $41,417 over a three-year period that she had written on the House bank
Barbara Boxer - SourceWatch

While the race in CA. may be getting a little closer one must consider that Boxer is a poor candidate and has accomplished little in her tenure in the Senate. She has a less than stellar record when it comes to things like what I posted above, but what I find interesting about her is that when it comes to Defense matters she will not hesitate to spend money especially in California. She is also one of the prime movers behind forcing the Air Force henid purchasing additional C-17's it has told congress on many occasions it does not need or want. If the employment situation in CA. does not turn around soon she is going to be facing a tough fight.

When you consider the, pathetic "Dust Bowl" of central California.. Boxer, Pelosi, etc. will do nothing to alleviate, their may be far more reaching affect across the whole state and beyond. Trust me... it's a sad sight.
Well Lumpy as I am one state over and the Navy saw fit that I was a resident of CA. more than once, am pretty familier with the state. I'm aware of the plight of the farmers over the shutting off of the pumps in an effort to save a minnow. It's rather hard it would seem to campaign on jobs when your so willing to stand by and let up to 40,000 of them dry up.
Well Lumpy as I am one state over and the Navy saw fit that I was a resident of CA. more than once, am pretty familier with the state. I'm aware of the plight of the farmers over the shutting off of the pumps in an effort to save a minnow. It's rather hard it would seem to campaign on jobs when your so willing to stand by and let up to 40,000 of them dry up.

About that minnow:

It's the delta smelt, a subspecies of smelt. Were it to disappear, probably no one would notice, but:

It is an indicator species, which means its shows how healthy the whole ecosystem is. That ecosystem also supports the salmon fishery, which provides jobs also

About the farmers:

They are growing subsidized cotton in a desert. Cotton is one of the thirstiest crops there is. The water they're using is also subsidized. Some of them find it more profitable to sell the water to Los Angeles than to use it for irrigation.

About the water:

Yes, turning off the pumps has impacted the amount of water available, of course. The continued drought in N. California has had even more of an impact.

About the Central Valley:

it is still one of the most productive farming areas in the world, delta smelt or no.

In conclusion: Remember that simplistic analysis of complex questions are always full of half truths and therefore not reliable.

But I digress. Back to Boxer, who has no doubt been in the Senate for too long already.
Well Lumpy as I am one state over and the Navy saw fit that I was a resident of CA. more than once, am pretty familier with the state. I'm aware of the plight of the farmers over the shutting off of the pumps in an effort to save a minnow. It's rather hard it would seem to campaign on jobs when your so willing to stand by and let up to 40,000 of them dry up.

The jobs for sure but also importing produce from China, Mexico , etc., when it should be be grow right here in the U.S.A. is just plain nuts. Consider that environmentalists..
Well Lumpy as I am one state over and the Navy saw fit that I was a resident of CA. more than once, am pretty familier with the state. I'm aware of the plight of the farmers over the shutting off of the pumps in an effort to save a minnow. It's rather hard it would seem to campaign on jobs when your so willing to stand by and let up to 40,000 of them dry up.

The jobs for sure but also importing produce from China, Mexico , etc., when it should be be grow right here in the U.S.A. is just plain nuts. Consider that environmentalists..

Are environmentalists into free trade now?
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