CAIR crows: Muslims are winning big in local elections


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
CAIR Crows: Muslims are Winning Big in Local Elections – Refugee Resettlement Watch
CAIR, Jetpac, MPower Change: 26 American Muslim Candidates Win in Nov. 5 Elections for Total of 34 Muslims Elected in 2019
One might wonder, as I did here in 2007 why if refugees and Muslim migrants of all stripes were eager to assimilate did they need to place their people (representing their religion) into local, state and federal government?

Decadent movement - Wikipedia
Decadent movement - Wikipedia
Anonymous View
The Decadent movement was a late-19th-century artistic and literary movement, centered in Western Europe, that followed an aesthetic ideology of excess and ...

Aestheticism and decadence - The British Library
Aestheticism and decadence
Anonymous View
Mar 15, 2014 ... Aestheticism and decadence shocked the Victorian establishment by ... Although references to the 'aesthetic movement' are commonplace, ...

Because the people are dumbed down--------- because the idiots are so decadent they have no idea what reality is any longer they're out of it and vote for their rights to be taken everyday...
That's how they work it. From the inside out.

Anyone who votes for a Muslim into any form of our Government is a fucking idiot.
The Twin Cities media sure like to prop up CAIR as some inclusive entity. A story of a Somalian in a positive light daily. A bunch of rich liberals who celebrate their diversity from their gated communities while never daring to step foot in the ghetto where that population lives. They tend to bury the multiple stories of Somalian youth who have attempted to go join ISIS.
if refugees and Muslim migrants of all stripes were eager to assimilate did they need to place their people (representing their religion) into local, state and federal government?
A time honored tradition for immigrant assimilation is to become part of the American political process by running for public office.

The Irish, Jewish, and Italian immigrants are well known for assimilating into mainstream American culture in the last century by using this tactic. ... :cool:
if refugees and Muslim migrants of all stripes were eager to assimilate did they need to place their people (representing their religion) into local, state and federal government?
A time honored tradition for immigrant assimilation is to become part of the American political process by running for public office.

The Irish, Jewish, and Italian immigrants are well known for assimilating into mainstream American culture in the last century by using this tactic. ... :cool:
They ain't white tho, so what ev's
A time honored tradition for immigrant assimilation is to become part of the American political process by running for public office.

The Irish, Jewish, and Italian immigrants are well known for assimilating into mainstream American culture in the last century by using this tactic. .
The difference is Jews, the Irish and Italians want to assimilate into mainstream American culture, as you say.

Muslim politicians want to substantially change what mainstream American culture is. Look at Ilhan Omar or Keith Ellison to see that.
if refugees and Muslim migrants of all stripes were eager to assimilate did they need to place their people (representing their religion) into local, state and federal government?
A time honored tradition for immigrant assimilation is to become part of the American political process by running for public office.

The Irish, Jewish, and Italian immigrants are well known for assimilating into mainstream American culture in the last century by using this tactic. ... :cool:
It's the, "putting OUR people in office" that's the vhf problem. Kinda tells the rest of us they havent assimilated
CAIR Crows: Muslims are Winning Big in Local Elections – Refugee Resettlement Watch
CAIR, Jetpac, MPower Change: 26 American Muslim Candidates Win in Nov. 5 Elections for Total of 34 Muslims Elected in 2019
One might wonder, as I did here in 2007 why if refugees and Muslim migrants of all stripes were eager to assimilate did they need to place their people (representing their religion) into local, state and federal government?

Decadent movement - Wikipedia
Decadent movement - Wikipedia

Anonymous View
The Decadent movement was a late-19th-century artistic and literary movement, centered in Western Europe, that followed an aesthetic ideology of excess and ...

Aestheticism and decadence - The British Library
Aestheticism and decadence

Anonymous View
Mar 15, 2014 ... Aestheticism and decadence shocked the Victorian establishment by ... Although references to the 'aesthetic movement' are commonplace, ...

Because the people are dumbed down--------- because the idiots are so decadent they have no idea what reality is any longer they're out of it and vote for their rights to be taken everyday...
"Ignorance of one's enemy leads to defeat." Islam is and always has been the enemy of those who are not of Islam. Islam is comprised of religious, political and militaristic goals to achieve conquering all who do not follow its tenets. The Koran is quite explicit in its mandate.
While Muhammad initially preached peace, after Medina, he preached hatred and murder and any Muslim who believes him/herself to be a true Muslim, practices "abrogation," the concept that Muhammad's latter teachings of hatred and murder, supersede his earlier teachings of peace.
Because of its teachings, it is also political, as that is necessary for the long term goal of conquering regions, that and "outbreeding" non-Muslims.
Some years ago, I recall seeing an Indian (East) politician being interviewed by a reporter and the Indian said that the reason for the high birthrate in India, was to keep ahead of the Muslims in the country, as they didn't want to live under Islam.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an ex-Muslim, once said, "the only difference between a moderate Muslim and an extremist Muslim, is that while the extremist is stabbing the victim, the moderate is holding you down."
It was inevitable that Islam would field candidates. As their numbers grow, they will also, at some point, create the "Islamic Political Party" in the US, as they did in Europe and the non-Islamic public, as the Islamic influence grows, will have to keep acquiescing, to ever more increasing Islamic policies. Think England. Criticizing Islam is now a crime and pointing out that murderers happen to be Muslim gets you arrested.
A perfect example of how Islam functions is, Lebanon. Once considered the Paris, of the Middle-East, the Christian nation opened its hearts and doors to Muslims who claimed to be fleeing Israel. With sufficient numbers having moved into Lebanon, the Muslims attacked non-Muslims with ever increasing frequency until a war broke out and a multi-national peacekeeping force stepped in and brought them to the table where it was drafted that the government would be comprised of a 50-50, mix of Christian and Muslim representatives, to which they agreed. Afterwards, non-Muslim politicians were systematically murdered. Now, Hamas, runs the country.
Your and my enemy is, Islam. Always will be. They say you kill a snake by cutting off its head. The trouble is, the head of this snake, is the Koran.
Muslim politicians want to substantially change what mainstream American culture is. Look at Ilhan Omar or Keith Ellison to see that.
Both of them are Democrats and following the liberal agenda. Personally, I wouldn't vote for either one of them in an election.

Muslims are varied in their politics, just like any other ethnic, racial, or religious group in America. ... :cool:
Muslim politicians want to substantially change what mainstream American culture is. Look at Ilhan Omar or Keith Ellison to see that.
Both of them are Democrats and following the liberal agenda. Personally, I wouldn't vote for either one of them in an election.

Muslims are varied in their politics, just like any other ethnic, racial, or religious group in America. ... :cool:
Oh oh, here comes the Taqqiya.
Muslim politicians want to substantially change what mainstream American culture is. Look at Ilhan Omar or Keith Ellison to see that.
Both of them are Democrats and following the liberal agenda. Personally, I wouldn't vote for either one of them in an election.

Muslims are varied in their politics, just like any other ethnic, racial, or religious group in America. ... :cool:
The politics of each individual Muslim is irrelevant. Whether the Muslim is Sunni, Shiite or, any other Muslim sect. Each sect doesn't consider the other Muslim sect to be "true" Muslims and thus the internal Islamic conflicts. For those who are not Muslim, they are outsiders who should be converted, subjugated, or killed. In the meantime, non-Muslim governments are considered useful fools to fight opposing Muslim sects.
Both of them are Democrats and following the liberal agenda. Personally, I wouldn't vote for either one of them in an election.

Muslims are varied in their politics, just like any other ethnic, racial, or religious group in America.
So I'll keep an open mind about these newly elected people but remember how the Muslim politicians elected so far
have behaved.
It's a bad track record up to this point.
That's how they work it. From the inside out.

Anyone who votes for a Muslim into any form of our Government is a fucking idiot.

Actual, anyone who imagines we live in a theocracy is a fucking idiot and needs to get familiar with the fucking Constitution.
CAIR Crows: Muslims are Winning Big in Local Elections – Refugee Resettlement Watch
CAIR, Jetpac, MPower Change: 26 American Muslim Candidates Win in Nov. 5 Elections for Total of 34 Muslims Elected in 2019
One might wonder, as I did here in 2007 why if refugees and Muslim migrants of all stripes were eager to assimilate did they need to place their people (representing their religion) into local, state and federal government?

Decadent movement - Wikipedia
Decadent movement - Wikipedia

Anonymous View
The Decadent movement was a late-19th-century artistic and literary movement, centered in Western Europe, that followed an aesthetic ideology of excess and ...

Aestheticism and decadence - The British Library
Aestheticism and decadence

Anonymous View
Mar 15, 2014 ... Aestheticism and decadence shocked the Victorian establishment by ... Although references to the 'aesthetic movement' are commonplace, ...

Because the people are dumbed down--------- because the idiots are so decadent they have no idea what reality is any longer they're out of it and vote for their rights to be taken everyday...
"Ignorance of one's enemy leads to defeat." Islam is and always has been the enemy of those who are not of Islam. Islam is comprised of religious, political and militaristic goals to achieve conquering all who do not follow its tenets. The Koran is quite explicit in its mandate.
While Muhammad initially preached peace, after Medina, he preached hatred and murder and any Muslim who believes him/herself to be a true Muslim, practices "abrogation," the concept that Muhammad's latter teachings of hatred and murder, supersede his earlier teachings of peace.
Because of its teachings, it is also political, as that is necessary for the long term goal of conquering regions, that and "outbreeding" non-Muslims.
Some years ago, I recall seeing an Indian (East) politician being interviewed by a reporter and the Indian said that the reason for the high birthrate in India, was to keep ahead of the Muslims in the country, as they didn't want to live under Islam.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an ex-Muslim, once said, "the only difference between a moderate Muslim and an extremist Muslim, is that while the extremist is stabbing the victim, the moderate is holding you down."
It was inevitable that Islam would field candidates. As their numbers grow, they will also, at some point, create the "Islamic Political Party" in the US, as they did in Europe and the non-Islamic public, as the Islamic influence grows, will have to keep acquiescing, to ever more increasing Islamic policies. Think England. Criticizing Islam is now a crime and pointing out that murderers happen to be Muslim gets you arrested.
A perfect example of how Islam functions is, Lebanon. Once considered the Paris, of the Middle-East, the Christian nation opened its hearts and doors to Muslims who claimed to be fleeing Israel. With sufficient numbers having moved into Lebanon, the Muslims attacked non-Muslims with ever increasing frequency until a war broke out and a multi-national peacekeeping force stepped in and brought them to the table where it was drafted that the government would be comprised of a 50-50, mix of Christian and Muslim representatives, to which they agreed. Afterwards, non-Muslim politicians were systematically murdered. Now, Hamas, runs the country.
Your and my enemy is, Islam. Always will be. They say you kill a snake by cutting off its head. The trouble is, the head of this snake, is the Koran.

Cool fantasy bruh.

Jews and we Catholics used to hear the same shit though It's derivative.
Ilhan Omar and Keith Ellison were elected in Democrat districts with liberal Democrat governments running the show. Ellison turned off many Muslim supporters when he voted to support Gay marriage. Which is one reason I would never vote for him.

Eventually, there will be Muslims in the Republican party winning elections, and people's attitudes will change towards them. ... :cool:
CAIR Crows: Muslims are Winning Big in Local Elections – Refugee Resettlement Watch
CAIR, Jetpac, MPower Change: 26 American Muslim Candidates Win in Nov. 5 Elections for Total of 34 Muslims Elected in 2019
One might wonder, as I did here in 2007 why if refugees and Muslim migrants of all stripes were eager to assimilate did they need to place their people (representing their religion) into local, state and federal government?

Decadent movement - Wikipedia
Decadent movement - Wikipedia

Anonymous View
The Decadent movement was a late-19th-century artistic and literary movement, centered in Western Europe, that followed an aesthetic ideology of excess and ...

Aestheticism and decadence - The British Library
Aestheticism and decadence

Anonymous View
Mar 15, 2014 ... Aestheticism and decadence shocked the Victorian establishment by ... Although references to the 'aesthetic movement' are commonplace, ...

Because the people are dumbed down--------- because the idiots are so decadent they have no idea what reality is any longer they're out of it and vote for their rights to be taken everyday...

There are a number of cities that the Jihadi have already completely taken over in America.

In Dearborn, Michigan, Sharia law is now practiced almost exclusively. Several years ago, a group of Christians were Literally Stoned by the muslims for the "crime" of going into a public park and preaching the Word of God to heathen gathered there.
CAIR Crows: Muslims are Winning Big in Local Elections – Refugee Resettlement Watch
CAIR, Jetpac, MPower Change: 26 American Muslim Candidates Win in Nov. 5 Elections for Total of 34 Muslims Elected in 2019
One might wonder, as I did here in 2007 why if refugees and Muslim migrants of all stripes were eager to assimilate did they need to place their people (representing their religion) into local, state and federal government?

Decadent movement - Wikipedia
Decadent movement - Wikipedia

Anonymous View
The Decadent movement was a late-19th-century artistic and literary movement, centered in Western Europe, that followed an aesthetic ideology of excess and ...

Aestheticism and decadence - The British Library
Aestheticism and decadence

Anonymous View
Mar 15, 2014 ... Aestheticism and decadence shocked the Victorian establishment by ... Although references to the 'aesthetic movement' are commonplace, ...

Because the people are dumbed down--------- because the idiots are so decadent they have no idea what reality is any longer they're out of it and vote for their rights to be taken everyday...
"Ignorance of one's enemy leads to defeat." Islam is and always has been the enemy of those who are not of Islam. Islam is comprised of religious, political and militaristic goals to achieve conquering all who do not follow its tenets. The Koran is quite explicit in its mandate.
While Muhammad initially preached peace, after Medina, he preached hatred and murder and any Muslim who believes him/herself to be a true Muslim, practices "abrogation," the concept that Muhammad's latter teachings of hatred and murder, supersede his earlier teachings of peace.
Because of its teachings, it is also political, as that is necessary for the long term goal of conquering regions, that and "outbreeding" non-Muslims.
Some years ago, I recall seeing an Indian (East) politician being interviewed by a reporter and the Indian said that the reason for the high birthrate in India, was to keep ahead of the Muslims in the country, as they didn't want to live under Islam.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an ex-Muslim, once said, "the only difference between a moderate Muslim and an extremist Muslim, is that while the extremist is stabbing the victim, the moderate is holding you down."
It was inevitable that Islam would field candidates. As their numbers grow, they will also, at some point, create the "Islamic Political Party" in the US, as they did in Europe and the non-Islamic public, as the Islamic influence grows, will have to keep acquiescing, to ever more increasing Islamic policies. Think England. Criticizing Islam is now a crime and pointing out that murderers happen to be Muslim gets you arrested.
A perfect example of how Islam functions is, Lebanon. Once considered the Paris, of the Middle-East, the Christian nation opened its hearts and doors to Muslims who claimed to be fleeing Israel. With sufficient numbers having moved into Lebanon, the Muslims attacked non-Muslims with ever increasing frequency until a war broke out and a multi-national peacekeeping force stepped in and brought them to the table where it was drafted that the government would be comprised of a 50-50, mix of Christian and Muslim representatives, to which they agreed. Afterwards, non-Muslim politicians were systematically murdered. Now, Hamas, runs the country.
Your and my enemy is, Islam. Always will be. They say you kill a snake by cutting off its head. The trouble is, the head of this snake, is the Koran.

Cool fantasy bruh.

Jews and we Catholics used to hear the same shit though It's derivative.

Neither the Catholics nor Jews ever tried to implement their laws on the rest of the country.
Yeah, here's how they assimilate: "I am beyond honored and excited for a president who will fight against Western imperialism and fight for a just world." Ilhan Omar
Several years ago, a group of Christians were Literally Stoned by the muslims for the "crime" of going into a public park and preaching the Word of God to heathen gathered there.
There is quite a bit more to that story. ... :cool:

The muslims had rented the amusement park in order to have a family day for their kids.

The christian trouble makers showed up at the park's entrance using bull horns to scream the gospel at the muslim families. One of the so called christians had a pigs head on a pole and was using it to scare the muslim children.

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