but WHY?


Senior Member
May 11, 2004
Madison, WI
OK, here's the thing. Noam Chomsky and his ilk, Micheal Moore, Democratic Underground, a good percentage of college professors, etc. They hate America. Hate it. Loathe it with every fiber of their being. Not just Bush. America.

I have trolled DU for some time. I have read things, many many things, worthy of an Al Qaeda web site. From wishing for more Americans to die in Iraq, to blaming America for 9/11, to blaming an American thermonuclear warhead test for the Asian Tsunami, to openly admiting to leaving lifelong friends and spouses because they voted for Bush, and being proud of it.

They trumpet American failures in the exact same way as Al Zarqawi. They WISH for their own country to DIE.

What are these people? They are beyond my (what I had thought to be considerable) knowledge of the political spectrum. Anarchists, Socialists, Communists; all words I had fitted into the "hardcore left" catagory, but none seem to fit here. Those people, Chomsky, Moore and the like, are insane. No rational, thinking, homo-sapien can come to these conclusions. Im not talking Democrat or Republican here.

They are mentally unstable. They can not accept reality. I truly beleive that so much hatred for others has caused a permanent chemical inbalance in their brains, and they are now unable to process rational thoughts. They truly beleive all the bilge they spout. They are physically unable to accept reality. In their world, Bush used his Diebold connections to rig the election. He strong-armed Colin Powell out to make way for more yes-men who will put their stamps of approval on his world domination plan. He is dumb as a rock yet is an evil genius at the same time. He seeks to nuke all non-christian nations and have America rule the world. Even though he has the capability, he has not done this yet because....I don't know. See what I mean though? NO capacity for a logical chain of thought, whatsoever.

But back to the question: Why is this? Why do they hate America so? Why do they HATE THEMSELVES?!

Are they masochistic? Do they take pleasure from seeing their countrymen blown apart? They do. But I cannot understand why. Honsestly. I am sitting here at my computer at 12:27 AM and can not think of one logical reason for someone to wish death upon his own country.

What truly saddens me is that this blatant anti-Americanism from Americans is catching on. You know its sort of funny. As some of you may know, Madison WI has the rather dubious honor of being the nations first school district to attempt the ban the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem. They did not succeed. So there I was in a public high school one day, as a UW student with my group to talk to high-schoolers about attending college and so forth. An entire gymnasium filled with teenagers. Pledge of alleigence come on, and I would say maybe 16 kids stood up. Sad and pathetic.
You know the more I learn about these people the more I am glad I am not like them. But I see faith reasons for why.

When the devil was cast out of heaven he made his choice of evil rather than good. And Wickedness never was and can never be happiness. I dont mean pleasure, i mean true happiness. Since he is wicked he is miserable and wants everyone else to be miserable. Its that old phrase "Misery loves company." The devil seeks to make everyone as miserable as he is.

These people you are talking about are the same. I remember when a gay man called Rush last year to debate the gay marriage thing. Rush asked him if he thinks marriage is so miserable why does he want to be married. And the guy was like "I want everyone to be equally as miserable" It made me think alittle. It seems like alot of the liberal agenda is designed to make people miserable. Lets tax people, taking away more of their money and making it harder to support yourself. Put you on welfare, take the confidence you get from hard work away. Have random sex with anyone, lose part of yourself with each person and continually wonder why you havent found what you are looking for in love. Abort your children, let the guilt of covering up your mistakes haunt you for the rest of your days. Destroy marriage as the foundation of society, watch as children go nuts, become unruly and violent and parents wonder why they havent found the happiness they want by looking out for themselves.

I know some of the left leaning people on the board probably think all that was ridiculous. But seriously can any person name something on the agenda of the left that is calculated to make people happy? They are in love with power, now they dont have it and they feel like they are helpless and scared. of course they are irrational. Whats worse is the light of Christ that is given to all men to know right from wrong is dying or dead within them. The Spirit does not always dwell in the hearts of men and when the Spirit is gone completely things get very ugly because men and women devolve into barbaric creatures and start slaughtering each other. Civilizations have been destroyed. When this process is complete 911 will be like a picnic...scary thing is World War II will seem like a picnic someday too...

We are seeing a sifting right now. There is a great polarization going on throughout the world. the wheat being separated from the tares. part of the world will grow darker and be a very unpleasant place, the other part will grow in faith and righteousness. its not going to be pretty soon though. we are lucky to have this time to rest and prepare.
Why..well as Avatars states above it's eaiser to be evil then good.

Me and my father were chatting, maybe a bit more he even got a mean look on his face while were talking(looked like he wanted to fist fight). He feels this country is on a slow decline to a civil war, and that perhaps it's even inevitable. I had to take a honest look at what he was saying. The more I thought about it the more I could see it happening. How long before free speech is treason? How long do we accept praising the deaths of our soldiers by people here on our own turf? As you stated people leaving each other because they simply had different political views. The first Civil war was brother against brother, could we be slipping into the same problem except this time there is no north south simply red blue?
wolvie20m said:
Why..well as Avatars states above it's eaiser to be evil then good.

Me and my father were chatting, maybe a bit more he even got a mean look on his face while were talking(looked like he wanted to fist fight). He feels this country is on a slow decline to a civil war, and that perhaps it's even inevitable. I had to take a honest look at what he was saying. The more I thought about it the more I could see it happening. How long before free speech is treason? How long do we accept praising the deaths of our soldiers by people here on our own turf? As you stated people leaving each other because they simply had different political views. The first Civil war was brother against brother, could we be slipping into the same problem except this time there is no north south simply red blue?

Free speech already gets people shunned, persecuted, often fired, its called Political correctness.

I think if events continue without any interuption there will be a red blue split. the more the fringe on the left is the kookier they will be. The fringe left is out of power. They dont know how to handle it and oddly enough they feel threatened by good honest sincere people. They are the bad guys to them for some reason. Eventually they will feel so oppressed by nothing more than their own minds that they will lash out against the majority of people. we have already seen that in some form with the political violence of the last election. tire slashings, campaign vandalism, etc. it will only get worse unless something happens to change who they are.
theim said:
OK, here's the thing. Noam Chomsky and his ilk, Micheal Moore, Democratic Underground, a good percentage of college professors, etc. They hate America. Hate it. Loathe it with every fiber of their being. Not just Bush. America.

I have trolled DU for some time. I have read things, many many things, worthy of an Al Qaeda web site. From wishing for more Americans to die in Iraq, to blaming America for 9/11, to blaming an American thermonuclear warhead test for the Asian Tsunami, to openly admiting to leaving lifelong friends and spouses because they voted for Bush, and being proud of it.

They trumpet American failures in the exact same way as Al Zarqawi. They WISH for their own country to DIE.

What are these people? They are beyond my (what I had thought to be considerable) knowledge of the political spectrum. Anarchists, Socialists, Communists; all words I had fitted into the "hardcore left" catagory, but none seem to fit here. Those people, Chomsky, Moore and the like, are insane. No rational, thinking, homo-sapien can come to these conclusions. Im not talking Democrat or Republican here.

They are mentally unstable. They can not accept reality. I truly beleive that so much hatred for others has caused a permanent chemical inbalance in their brains, and they are now unable to process rational thoughts. They truly beleive all the bilge they spout. They are physically unable to accept reality. In their world, Bush used his Diebold connections to rig the election. He strong-armed Colin Powell out to make way for more yes-men who will put their stamps of approval on his world domination plan. He is dumb as a rock yet is an evil genius at the same time. He seeks to nuke all non-christian nations and have America rule the world. Even though he has the capability, he has not done this yet because....I don't know. See what I mean though? NO capacity for a logical chain of thought, whatsoever.

But back to the question: Why is this? Why do they hate America so? Why do they HATE THEMSELVES?!

Are they masochistic? Do they take pleasure from seeing their countrymen blown apart? They do. But I cannot understand why. Honsestly. I am sitting here at my computer at 12:27 AM and can not think of one logical reason for someone to wish death upon his own country.

What truly saddens me is that this blatant anti-Americanism from Americans is catching on. You know its sort of funny. As some of you may know, Madison WI has the rather dubious honor of being the nations first school district to attempt the ban the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem. They did not succeed. So there I was in a public high school one day, as a UW student with my group to talk to high-schoolers about attending college and so forth. An entire gymnasium filled with teenagers. Pledge of alleigence come on, and I would say maybe 16 kids stood up. Sad and pathetic.

The "religious" take of the Good versus Evil theme is certainly one very excellent way to explain the maniacal Left on a higher plane. However, for those who don't cotton to a "religious" explanation there is an alternate "non-religious" explanation that seems to make some sense of the nonsense. This may seem too extreme to some but I think it becomes more apparent all the time.

To understand the "derangement" of the Left one must first realize that the Far Left desires to ultimately rule the world and in that pursuit they must destroy American democracy in any way they can. Therefore they will do anything to support CHAOS. So if they say and do things that are crazy and don't make sense it doesn't really matter. The point is to get everybody upset and confused and unhinge and unravel piece by piece and bit by bit the normal, logical, and sane workings and beliefs of our democratic society.

When things are in chaos Revolution has the best chance to raise its ugly head and succeed in changing the rules, either overtly or covertly. That is why they hate Bush so fiercely. Bush represents normal, sane America. He is a President who represents truth, freedom, and dedication to the traditional American values. These are the very things they must muddy and destroy in order to ascend to power and run things in the way that they (the elite) imperiously deem, democracy be damned.

They don't believe in Middle America. They believe in Muddle America.
Signature Material:

It seems like alot of the liberal agenda is designed to make people miserable. Lets tax people, taking away more of their money and making it harder to support yourself. Put you on welfare, take the confidence you get from hard work away. Have random sex with anyone, lose part of yourself with each person and continually wonder why you havent found what you are looking for in love. Abort your children, let the guilt of covering up your mistakes haunt you for the rest of your days. Destroy marriage as the foundation of society, watch as children go nuts, become unruly and violent and parents wonder why they havent found the happiness they want by looking out for themselves.
wolvie20m said:
Why..well as Avatars states above it's eaiser to be evil then good.

Me and my father were chatting, maybe a bit more he even got a mean look on his face while were talking(looked like he wanted to fist fight). He feels this country is on a slow decline to a civil war, and that perhaps it's even inevitable. I had to take a honest look at what he was saying. The more I thought about it the more I could see it happening. How long before free speech is treason? How long do we accept praising the deaths of our soldiers by people here on our own turf? As you stated people leaving each other because they simply had different political views. The first Civil war was brother against brother, could we be slipping into the same problem except this time there is no north south simply red blue?

Some of the views I see in the forum sicken and disgust me. At times I think some of the people that post here are living in a completely different world - and it's a world I want no part of.

So be it. Let's repeal the 14th amendment. This will result in a return to federalism and states rights. Issues relating to the "hot button" topics like abortion, school prayer and religion, marriage and civil unions, will no longer be hot "national" topics, but local ones for your state.

Then we can do things the way we want here in California, and you can do things the way you want in Oklahoma.


CivilLiberty said:
Some of the views I see in the forum sicken and disgust me. At times I think some of the people that post here are living in a completely different world - and it's a world I want no part of.

So be it. Let's repeal the 14th amendment. This will result in a return to federalism and states rights. Issues relating to the "hot button" topics like abortion, school prayer and religion, marriage and civil unions, will no longer be hot "national" topics, but local ones for your state.

Then we can do things the way we want here in California, and you can do things the way you want in Oklahoma.



I thought you were trying to understand ? Gotta keep that mind wide open, Andy
CivilLiberty said:
Some of the views I see in the forum sicken and disgust me. At times I think some of the people that post here are living in a completely different world - and it's a world I want no part of.

So be it. Let's repeal the 14th amendment. This will result in a return to federalism and states rights. Issues relating to the "hot button" topics like abortion, school prayer and religion, marriage and civil unions, will no longer be hot "national" topics, but local ones for your state.

Then we can do things the way we want here in California, and you can do things the way you want in Oklahoma.



I think if California actually made laws by true representation through the legislature instead of imperious decisions made through its judiciary system and illegal executive actions you might be in for some surprises.
CivilLiberty said:
Some of the views I see in the forum sicken and disgust me. At times I think some of the people that post here are living in a completely different world - and it's a world I want no part of.

So be it. Let's repeal the 14th amendment. This will result in a return to federalism and states rights. Issues relating to the "hot button" topics like abortion, school prayer and religion, marriage and civil unions, will no longer be hot "national" topics, but local ones for your state.

Then we can do things the way we want here in California, and you can do things the way you want in Oklahoma.



What exactly is wrong with the people of each state governing themselves?
CivilLiberty said:
Some of the views I see in the forum sicken and disgust me. At times I think some of the people that post here are living in a completely different world - and it's a world I want no part of.

So be it. Let's repeal the 14th amendment. This will result in a return to federalism and states rights. Issues relating to the "hot button" topics like abortion, school prayer and religion, marriage and civil unions, will no longer be hot "national" topics, but local ones for your state.

Then we can do things the way we want here in California, and you can do things the way you want in Oklahoma.



Federalism and state's rights sickens you??
CivilLiberty said:
Some of the views I see in the forum sicken and disgust me. At times I think some of the people that post here are living in a completely different world - and it's a world I want no part of.

So be it. Let's repeal the 14th amendment. This will result in a return to federalism and states rights. Issues relating to the "hot button" topics like abortion, school prayer and religion, marriage and civil unions, will no longer be hot "national" topics, but local ones for your state.

Then we can do things the way we want here in California, and you can do things the way you want in Oklahoma.



Wouldn't take the repeal of the 14th Amendment, I mean blacks will still get due process...
At times I think some of the people that post here are living in a completely different world - and it's a world I want no part of.

...and yet you continue to wake up each day.. Amazing. :salute:
CivilLiberty said:
Some of the views I see in the forum sicken and disgust me. At times I think some of the people that post here are living in a completely different world - and it's a world I want no part of.

So be it. Let's repeal the 14th amendment. This will result in a return to federalism and states rights. Issues relating to the "hot button" topics like abortion, school prayer and religion, marriage and civil unions, will no longer be hot "national" topics, but local ones for your state.

Then we can do things the way we want here in California, and you can do things the way you want in Oklahoma.



I can't believe that anybody who would put Libertarian as part of a description of themselves would write such a thing! Nothing can be further from any sort of Libertarian thought than this.

Jefferson said that it was supposed to be a conglomeration of States each with their own laws and constitutions drawn to attract whom they believe to be the best of Citizens. So repealing the 14th would get us closer to what the Founders had in mind when creating this Federation. So what you have described where people in California could make laws that appeal to them is EXACTLY how it was designed.
CivilLiberty said:
Some of the views I see in the forum sicken and disgust me. At times I think some of the people that post here are living in a completely different world - and it's a world I want no part of.

So be it. Let's repeal the 14th amendment. This will result in a return to federalism and states rights. Issues relating to the "hot button" topics like abortion, school prayer and religion, marriage and civil unions, will no longer be hot "national" topics, but local ones for your state.

Then we can do things the way we want here in California, and you can do things the way you want in Oklahoma.


I think you made my point for me....
CivilLiberty said:
This will result in a return to federalism and states rights. Issues relating to the "hot button" topics like abortion, school prayer and religion, marriage and civil unions, will no longer be hot "national" topics, but local ones for your state.

Then we can do things the way we want here in California, and you can do things the way you want in Oklahoma."

Yeah, letting the Unwashed Masses choose their own laws, lol. What do you think this is, a democracy?
no1tovote4 said:
I can't believe that anybody who would put Libertarian as part of a description of themselves would write such a thing! Nothing can be further from any sort of Libertarian thought than this.

That's because Civil Liberty is full of shit.

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