But.....Who Knows???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
There are indications.....but one often one attributes more importance to a particular event or situation simply because they would like it to be true.

We've all seen videos of blacks screaming at woke whites because they don't agree with them, with a black women taking a brick from ANTIFA that they were trying to give to black rioters, etc., and would like to believe it is a sign that black Americans may be breaking the leash that the Democrats have had on them.

Like this:

"Democrats Losing Decades-Long Grip on Young Black Voters

Young black voters have a shocking message for Democrats: We’re just not that into you.

Perhaps following the lead of Kanye West, who abandoned the Democrats years ago, younger voters have grown tired of broken promises and white Democrats’ sense of entitlement to their vote.

... black voters “over 60 remain among the most reliable of Democratic voters, and those between 40-59 are still pretty locked in as well, those under 30 (whom we oversampled to comprise half of our sample) are anything but.”

The numbers come from their recent survey of 1,215 African American voters in key battleground states like Pennsylvania and Florida.

At our sister site RedState, Brandon Morse adds:

It would appear that the black youth in America has become disillusioned with the Democratic party’s attempts to kowtow to them, and as such, their willingness to vote for Democrats is at an all-time low. In fact, most say that they feel the Democrat party takes them for granted. It expects their vote but does nothing to earn it besides claim that it’s “less racist” than Republicans."

There are indications.....but one often one attributes more importance to a particular event or situation simply because they would like it to be true.

We've all seen videos of blacks screaming at woke whites because they don't agree with them, with a black women taking a brick from ANTIFA that they were trying to give to black rioters, etc., and would like to believe it is a sign that black Americans may be breaking the leash that the Democrats have had on them.

Like this:

"Democrats Losing Decades-Long Grip on Young Black Voters

Young black voters have a shocking message for Democrats: We’re just not that into you.

Perhaps following the lead of Kanye West, who abandoned the Democrats years ago, younger voters have grown tired of broken promises and white Democrats’ sense of entitlement to their vote.

... black voters “over 60 remain among the most reliable of Democratic voters, and those between 40-59 are still pretty locked in as well, those under 30 (whom we oversampled to comprise half of our sample) are anything but.”

The numbers come from their recent survey of 1,215 African American voters in key battleground states like Pennsylvania and Florida.

At our sister site RedState, Brandon Morse adds:

It would appear that the black youth in America has become disillusioned with the Democratic party’s attempts to kowtow to them, and as such, their willingness to vote for Democrats is at an all-time low. In fact, most say that they feel the Democrat party takes them for granted. It expects their vote but does nothing to earn it besides claim that it’s “less racist” than Republicans."

View attachment 372214
Thank you for yet ANOTHER fine post, PC.
There are indications.....but one often one attributes more importance to a particular event or situation simply because they would like it to be true.

We've all seen videos of blacks screaming at woke whites because they don't agree with them, with a black women taking a brick from ANTIFA that they were trying to give to black rioters, etc., and would like to believe it is a sign that black Americans may be breaking the leash that the Democrats have had on them.

Like this:

"Democrats Losing Decades-Long Grip on Young Black Voters

Young black voters have a shocking message for Democrats: We’re just not that into you.

Perhaps following the lead of Kanye West, who abandoned the Democrats years ago, younger voters have grown tired of broken promises and white Democrats’ sense of entitlement to their vote.

... black voters “over 60 remain among the most reliable of Democratic voters, and those between 40-59 are still pretty locked in as well, those under 30 (whom we oversampled to comprise half of our sample) are anything but.”

The numbers come from their recent survey of 1,215 African American voters in key battleground states like Pennsylvania and Florida.

At our sister site RedState, Brandon Morse adds:

It would appear that the black youth in America has become disillusioned with the Democratic party’s attempts to kowtow to them, and as such, their willingness to vote for Democrats is at an all-time low. In fact, most say that they feel the Democrat party takes them for granted. It expects their vote but does nothing to earn it besides claim that it’s “less racist” than Republicans."

View attachment 372214
Thank you for yet ANOTHER fine post, PC.

I will be very interested in the exit polls in November.
There are indications.....but one often one attributes more importance to a particular event or situation simply because they would like it to be true.

We've all seen videos of blacks screaming at woke whites because they don't agree with them, with a black women taking a brick from ANTIFA that they were trying to give to black rioters, etc., and would like to believe it is a sign that black Americans may be breaking the leash that the Democrats have had on them.

Like this:

"Democrats Losing Decades-Long Grip on Young Black Voters

Young black voters have a shocking message for Democrats: We’re just not that into you.

Perhaps following the lead of Kanye West, who abandoned the Democrats years ago, younger voters have grown tired of broken promises and white Democrats’ sense of entitlement to their vote.

... black voters “over 60 remain among the most reliable of Democratic voters, and those between 40-59 are still pretty locked in as well, those under 30 (whom we oversampled to comprise half of our sample) are anything but.”

The numbers come from their recent survey of 1,215 African American voters in key battleground states like Pennsylvania and Florida.

At our sister site RedState, Brandon Morse adds:

It would appear that the black youth in America has become disillusioned with the Democratic party’s attempts to kowtow to them, and as such, their willingness to vote for Democrats is at an all-time low. In fact, most say that they feel the Democrat party takes them for granted. It expects their vote but does nothing to earn it besides claim that it’s “less racist” than Republicans."

View attachment 372214
Thank you for yet ANOTHER fine post, PC.

I will be very interested in the exit polls in November.
the democrats plan and only plan is to steal the election with fraudulent mail in voting.
There are indications.....but one often one attributes more importance to a particular event or situation simply because they would like it to be true.

We've all seen videos of blacks screaming at woke whites because they don't agree with them, with a black women taking a brick from ANTIFA that they were trying to give to black rioters, etc., and would like to believe it is a sign that black Americans may be breaking the leash that the Democrats have had on them.

Like this:

"Democrats Losing Decades-Long Grip on Young Black Voters

Young black voters have a shocking message for Democrats: We’re just not that into you.

Perhaps following the lead of Kanye West, who abandoned the Democrats years ago, younger voters have grown tired of broken promises and white Democrats’ sense of entitlement to their vote.

... black voters “over 60 remain among the most reliable of Democratic voters, and those between 40-59 are still pretty locked in as well, those under 30 (whom we oversampled to comprise half of our sample) are anything but.”

The numbers come from their recent survey of 1,215 African American voters in key battleground states like Pennsylvania and Florida.

At our sister site RedState, Brandon Morse adds:

It would appear that the black youth in America has become disillusioned with the Democratic party’s attempts to kowtow to them, and as such, their willingness to vote for Democrats is at an all-time low. In fact, most say that they feel the Democrat party takes them for granted. It expects their vote but does nothing to earn it besides claim that it’s “less racist” than Republicans."

View attachment 372214
Thank you for yet ANOTHER fine post, PC.

I will be very interested in the exit polls in November.
the democrats plan and only plan is to steal the election with fraudulent mail in voting.

Well....the 'plan' has more aspects.....more heads than Medusa had snakes.

1. The DNC/Media lies about Trump and Russia, from the start

2. Constant reminders to their constituent groups about real or imagined gripes

3. Riots and arson and looting as threats as to what they would unleash if Trump is re-elected

4. Keeping the economy closed, with large $600 bonuses for workers to stay home

5. Keeping schools closed so parents can't go back to work.
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"Barker and Fulwood’s research showed that

Only 47% of [under-30 black voters] say that the party is welcoming to Black Americans, and only 43% say they trust Democrats in Congress to do what’s best for the Black community. Perhaps most strikingly, unlike their older counterparts, only half of those under 30 view the Democrats as any better than the Republicans on these scores.

Also affecting voter attitudes is decades of Democrat condescension, especially pronounced with alleged Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

In just one of many similar instances, Biden told radio host Charlamagne tha God, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

America Rising


May 22

: "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
: "It don't have nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with the fact -- I want something for my community."
"Joe Biden: Latino Community Has Diverse Attitudes “Unlike the African-American Community”

Posted by Stacey Matthews Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 3:00pm
“Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community, with incredibly different attitudes about different things,” Biden told a reporter.

As it turns out, Joe Biden bizarrely asking black CBS News journalist Errol Barnett if he was a cocaine “junkie” after a question about Biden’s cognitive abilities was not the only cringeworthy moment from an interview Biden did earlier this week.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee took part Tuesday in what Yahoo News described as a “multi-moderator interview at a conference of Black and Latino journalists” when he was asked a question about Cuban deportations by Latina NPR reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro.

Biden gave a babbling and incoherent answer for about a minute before asserting that the Latino community was “incredibly diverse” in contrast to the African-American community “with notable exceptions”:

“And by the way, what you all know but most people don’t know – unlike the African-American community with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community, with incredibly different attitudes about different things. You to go Florida you find a very different attitude about immigration in certain places than you do when you’re in Arizona. So it’s a very different, very diverse community.”

Did they forget to tell Joe that without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election?????

Maybe he forgot.

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