Bush: Border crisis reflects 'broken' immigration system that Congress has 'failed' to fix


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
"Hi, my name is GWB, and I was so excited about the prospect of bombing a sandbox, that I forgot to even give a shyte about my own citizens. Now, years later and long after I was president for eight years, it's a great time to blame everyone else for my failures.

"Hey though, that Trump guy was really bad. Look, even all the people in media agree with me now and they finally love me"

EXCLUSIVE: Former President George W. Bush said the immigration system is "broken" because Congress "has failed to act" while saying the U.S. can "both be welcoming and insistent on border enforcement."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News to discuss his new book, "Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants," the former president discussed current immigration policy and possible remedies to the system

"You’re not going to solve this if there is politics," Bush told Fox News. "If you think about where we are right now, you’ve got people on one side of the aisle blaming the former president, and people on the other side of the aisle blaming the current president.

"And, the truth of the matter is, the system is broken because Congress has failed to act."
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The sad fact is he’s not wrong this problem goes back decades and it won’t be solved be EO that can be undone by the next President. It is up to Congress to come up with a solution to this border mess but both parties would rather have the issue than finding an answer to the problem.
The sad fact is he’s not wrong this problem goes back decades and it won’t be solved be EO that can be undone by the next President. It is up to Congress to come up with a solution to this border mess but both parties would rather have the issue than finding an answer to the problem.

After 9/11 he could have pushed through many important legislation. Including the border wall (which he did get bi-partisan support for), and, more thorough and protective immigration reform. The world was his oyster, he was the Commander and Chief in a time of war.

What did he do? He went to war, pushed the Patriot Act (talk about the terrorists winning) and never looked back.

He will be judged by Neo-Cons far differently than small government libertarians, this much is certain. Everyone is judged as time passes, he definitely failed on so many fronts that Trump tried to fix, and here he and others were pushing the Never Trumper bs. It is BUSH that didn't want to fix it.

He still dislikes Trump and loves the China First fake globalism. He has no leg to stand on. 30 years of policies in the U.S that weakened her, going back to Clinton.
"Hi, my name is GWB, and I was so excited about the prospect of bombing a sandbox, that I forgot to even give a shyte about my own citizens. Now, years later and long after I was president for eight years, it's a great time to blame everyone else for my failures.

"Hey though, that Trump guy was really bad. Look, even all the people in media now love me"

EXCLUSIVE: Former President George W. Bush said the immigration system is "broken" because Congress "has failed to act" while saying the U.S. can "both be welcoming and insistent on border enforcement."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News to discuss his new book, "Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants," the former president discussed current immigration policy and possible remedies to the system

"You’re not going to solve this if there is politics," Bush told Fox News. "If you think about where we are right now, you’ve got people on one side of the aisle blaming the former president, and people on the other side of the aisle blaming the current president.

"And, the truth of the matter is, the system is broken because Congress has failed to act."
No self respecting conserv gives a rats rear about what Cheney's puppet says.

All this crap going on and that village idiot only has this??
"Hi, my name is GWB, and I was so excited about the prospect of bombing a sandbox, that I forgot to even give a shyte about my own citizens. Now, years later and long after I was president for eight years, it's a great time to blame everyone else for my failures.

"Hey though, that Trump guy was really bad. Look, even all the people in media now love me"

EXCLUSIVE: Former President George W. Bush said the immigration system is "broken" because Congress "has failed to act" while saying the U.S. can "both be welcoming and insistent on border enforcement."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News to discuss his new book, "Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants," the former president discussed current immigration policy and possible remedies to the system

"You’re not going to solve this if there is politics," Bush told Fox News. "If you think about where we are right now, you’ve got people on one side of the aisle blaming the former president, and people on the other side of the aisle blaming the current president.

"And, the truth of the matter is, the system is broken because Congress has failed to act."
Dude here is how you read the article...

"Giving an interview former President Bush...."
And there is where your brain stopped.

Pretty much everything he said is true except not admitting his own contribution to the failed border.
Other than that - he is spot on.
Illegal aliens are dependent on government handouts and will work cheap without complaining...offering both dems and swampy republicans just what they want...welfare takers and slave labor.....
"Hi, my name is GWB, and I was so excited about the prospect of bombing a sandbox, that I forgot to even give a shyte about my own citizens. Now, years later and long after I was president for eight years, it's a great time to blame everyone else for my failures.

"Hey though, that Trump guy was really bad. Look, even all the people in media agree with me now and they finally love me"

EXCLUSIVE: Former President George W. Bush said the immigration system is "broken" because Congress "has failed to act" while saying the U.S. can "both be welcoming and insistent on border enforcement."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News to discuss his new book, "Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants," the former president discussed current immigration policy and possible remedies to the system

"You’re not going to solve this if there is politics," Bush told Fox News. "If you think about where we are right now, you’ve got people on one side of the aisle blaming the former president, and people on the other side of the aisle blaming the current president.

"And, the truth of the matter is, the system is broken because Congress has failed to act."
Don't care what he or ANY other president has said. They all had an opportunity to fix our shit and failed to do so.
The sad fact is he’s not wrong this problem goes back decades and it won’t be solved be EO that can be undone by the next President. It is up to Congress to come up with a solution to this border mess but both parties would rather have the issue than finding an answer to the problem.
The fix is easy. Enforce the laws, all of them. The system isn’t broken it’s not being used.
"Hi, my name is GWB, and I was so excited about the prospect of bombing a sandbox, that I forgot to even give a shyte about my own citizens. Now, years later and long after I was president for eight years, it's a great time to blame everyone else for my failures.

"Hey though, that Trump guy was really bad. Look, even all the people in media agree with me now and they finally love me"

EXCLUSIVE: Former President George W. Bush said the immigration system is "broken" because Congress "has failed to act" while saying the U.S. can "both be welcoming and insistent on border enforcement."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News to discuss his new book, "Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants," the former president discussed current immigration policy and possible remedies to the system

"You’re not going to solve this if there is politics," Bush told Fox News. "If you think about where we are right now, you’ve got people on one side of the aisle blaming the former president, and people on the other side of the aisle blaming the current president.

"And, the truth of the matter is, the system is broken because Congress has failed to act."
No amount of alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror will ever solve our border problem. Abolish them to save money!
"Hi, my name is GWB, and I was so excited about the prospect of bombing a sandbox, that I forgot to even give a shyte about my own citizens. Now, years later and long after I was president for eight years, it's a great time to blame everyone else for my failures.

"Hey though, that Trump guy was really bad. Look, even all the people in media agree with me now and they finally love me"

EXCLUSIVE: Former President George W. Bush said the immigration system is "broken" because Congress "has failed to act" while saying the U.S. can "both be welcoming and insistent on border enforcement."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News to discuss his new book, "Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants," the former president discussed current immigration policy and possible remedies to the system

"You’re not going to solve this if there is politics," Bush told Fox News. "If you think about where we are right now, you’ve got people on one side of the aisle blaming the former president, and people on the other side of the aisle blaming the current president.

"And, the truth of the matter is, the system is broken because Congress has failed to act."
George bush is a swamp asshole whose actions as president has greatly added to the illegals. It was this jackass who gave us JUDGE ROBERTs who ignored our laws, our history, and common sense to push for making illegals pushed out of their mothers on this side of the border citizens entitling them to WELFARE bennies and so much more which is WHY the illegals flood over. Get rid of the roberts ruling on illegal anchors and much of the problem would go away and allow us to kick out welfare and criminals problems while saving the country trillions from the cost of these illegal assholes.

Barring this, this damn corrupt pol should keep his damn mouth quiet since he created so much of the mess.
"Hi, my name is GWB, and I was so excited about the prospect of bombing a sandbox, that I forgot to even give a shyte about my own citizens. Now, years later and long after I was president for eight years, it's a great time to blame everyone else for my failures.

"Hey though, that Trump guy was really bad. Look, even all the people in media agree with me now and they finally love me"

EXCLUSIVE: Former President George W. Bush said the immigration system is "broken" because Congress "has failed to act" while saying the U.S. can "both be welcoming and insistent on border enforcement."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News to discuss his new book, "Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants," the former president discussed current immigration policy and possible remedies to the system

"You’re not going to solve this if there is politics," Bush told Fox News. "If you think about where we are right now, you’ve got people on one side of the aisle blaming the former president, and people on the other side of the aisle blaming the current president.

"And, the truth of the matter is, the system is broken because Congress has failed to act."
No amount of alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror will ever solve our border problem. Abolish them to save money!
They accomplished their agendas. We now must carry ID's that track our movements & show them to do things Free People take for granted, like traveling, voting & relieving ourselves in restrooms.
The sad fact is he’s not wrong this problem goes back decades and it won’t be solved be EO that can be undone by the next President. It is up to Congress to come up with a solution to this border mess but both parties would rather have the issue than finding an answer to the problem.
The fix is easy. Enforce the laws, all of them. The system isn’t broken it’s not being used.
Then the people really do not control our nation. It is is difficult to accept. The real rulers have turned the immigration issue into hate, bigotry, racism and everything else. And the success over the years has been A plus with gold stars on the report card for them.
"Hi, my name is GWB, and I was so excited about the prospect of bombing a sandbox, that I forgot to even give a shyte about my own citizens. Now, years later and long after I was president for eight years, it's a great time to blame everyone else for my failures.
Bush tried to fix this issue and the Republicans lost their shit over it and labeled it amnesty, so it never got anywhere.
"Hi, my name is GWB, and I was so excited about the prospect of bombing a sandbox, that I forgot to even give a shyte about my own citizens. Now, years later and long after I was president for eight years, it's a great time to blame everyone else for my failures.
Bush tried to fix this issue and the Republicans lost their shit over it and labeled it amnesty, so it never got anywhere.

He's the leader of the party and he had deep inroads that ensured he had plenty of allies. He, more than any president in recent memory, had the opportunity and ability to address it, especially after 9/11.

I supported him as I did all U.S Presidents. I was verbally attacked for showing outward support for Bush and cheering his response to the attackers on 9/11. It wasn't as difficult as supporting Trumps policies, but with all the hatred people had for the war in general, it was pretty close.

I recall being at a bar with friends and one woman, who was a friend of one of these friends brings up politics and tells me that "Bush has no right to start a war" and I responded with "and what the hell do you expect him to do after thousands of his citizens have been attacked on their soil? The war has already been started by those who hate America!"

This woman was irate and incredulous that I would dare support the U.S response. The bartender gave me a free beer for that one, hah, but I didn't stick around much longer, walking out on my pals because I didn't want to listen to the nonsense of blaming America for everything, too often I have heard this logic in Canada.

The point is I supported Bush and America, him stating all of this now is hogwash. Many of us were around at that time, he had power and support few presidents had after 9/11. Even the polls state this, he had record numbers. Trump was able to defy many in his party and build a wall, it upset all the fools who want your country to be overrun. No one wants it over run more than China does.

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