Bush at the U.N.: Another Political Masterstroke?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Baaaaaaawwwww, they just can't stand it....:rotflmao: :cow:

Posted Tuesday, Sep. 19, 2006
President Bush has been so busy lately giving speeches and taking questions about terrorism and Iraq and the ideological battle against Islamo-fascism that he's practically owned the airwaves. Which is just what Karl Rove wanted. Bush's address at the United Nations General Assembly today may have been a long-scheduled, annual diplomatic event. But it was also a key piece in an elaborate Labor Day political strategy devised by the man whose job it is to keep Republicans in control of Congress in November and thereby salvage the President's legacy. In the past two and half weeks Bush has given a major address on detainee policy, a series of speeches surrounding the five-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and an extensive press conference — all of them covered as Presidential rather than political events by the cable channels and, for the most part, the broadcast networks. ABC even broke into its daytime programming to carry Bush's United Nations speech this morning. :eek: The result has been saturation coverage of the President talking tough on terror, just as Rove planned.

Democrats and some observers have argued that the old strategy — that making the election about national security, a traditional G.O.P. strength — wouldn't work this time because voters have gotten wise to it and are generally fed up. But this morning's Gallup Poll numbers in USA Today suggest otherwise; Democrats may have reason to panic. Bush's approval at 44% isn't great, but it's a 12-month high. Still better news for the G.O.P. is the so-called "generic " — in which likely voters say whether they plan to vote Republican or Democratic in congressional races this fall. The result — a 48-48% tie — is potentially catastrophic for the Democrats. Recent polling history suggests the Dems need at least a 5-point advantage in the generic just to break even in the midterms. This is just one poll, and it's just a snapshot. The Democrats' advantage may reappear. But for now, it's clear that Rove's strategy is working.

As politics, the President's United Nations speech was genius. It almost didn't matter what he said as long as he talked tough. He lectured the bad guys — Syria, Iran, Hamas, etc. — and promised to stay the course in Iraq. He invoked 9/11. He said he hoped for a diplomatic solution to the nuclear crisis with Iran but offered no new means to achieve it. He was Presidential. Expect another bump up in the polls.
Baaaaaaawwwww, they just can't stand it....:rotflmao: :cow:

Posted Tuesday, Sep. 19, 2006
President Bush has been so busy lately giving speeches and taking questions about terrorism and Iraq and the ideological battle against Islamo-fascism that he's practically owned the airwaves. Which is just what Karl Rove wanted. Bush's address at the United Nations General Assembly today may have been a long-scheduled, annual diplomatic event. But it was also a key piece in an elaborate Labor Day political strategy devised by the man whose job it is to keep Republicans in control of Congress in November and thereby salvage the President's legacy. In the past two and half weeks Bush has given a major address on detainee policy, a series of speeches surrounding the five-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and an extensive press conference — all of them covered as Presidential rather than political events by the cable channels and, for the most part, the broadcast networks. ABC even broke into its daytime programming to carry Bush's United Nations speech this morning. :eek: The result has been saturation coverage of the President talking tough on terror, just as Rove planned.

Democrats and some observers have argued that the old strategy — that making the election about national security, a traditional G.O.P. strength — wouldn't work this time because voters have gotten wise to it and are generally fed up. But this morning's Gallup Poll numbers in USA Today suggest otherwise; Democrats may have reason to panic. Bush's approval at 44% isn't great, but it's a 12-month high. Still better news for the G.O.P. is the so-called "generic " — in which likely voters say whether they plan to vote Republican or Democratic in congressional races this fall. The result — a 48-48% tie — is potentially catastrophic for the Democrats. Recent polling history suggests the Dems need at least a 5-point advantage in the generic just to break even in the midterms. This is just one poll, and it's just a snapshot. The Democrats' advantage may reappear. But for now, it's clear that Rove's strategy is working.

As politics, the President's United Nations speech was genius. It almost didn't matter what he said as long as he talked tough. He lectured the bad guys — Syria, Iran, Hamas, etc. — and promised to stay the course in Iraq. He invoked 9/11. He said he hoped for a diplomatic solution to the nuclear crisis with Iran but offered no new means to achieve it. He was Presidential. Expect another bump up in the polls.

That was too funny! I'm not sure that the GOP is going to keep the House, but it seems that the dems are more and more sure that they are not going to win it.
More jabber jabber about freedom that will not be happening any time soon. Picking on the Syrians was brilliant though, telling them flat out they're puppets of Iran, something that certainly will hit home with a good many of them.
More jabber jabber about freedom that will not be happening any time soon. Picking on the Syrians was brilliant though, telling them flat out they're puppets of Iran, something that certainly will hit home with a good many of them.

It's a shame we have to spend years jibber jabbering about reality to gain oublic support for defending our way of life against brain washed hatemongers.

Democracy is incredibly slow.
He did a pretty good job, but the dude has to learn how to say "nuclear".

Really he should. It's not that difficult:gang1: .
He did a pretty good job, but the dude has to learn how to say "nuclear".

Really he should. It's not that difficult:gang1: .

I worked at a nuclear power plant for two yrs....And I still can't pronounce it right......
It's like some people say warsh, instead of wash.....
I'ts all from where your from......
Geve al ues sum a fregen brek........

He did a pretty good job, but the dude has to learn how to say "nuclear".

Really he should. It's not that difficult:gang1: .

Maybe it's just the fact that I'm from Texas, but I've never noticed a major flaw in the way he says nuclear. Tom Berenger saying "Rebeccer" in the final episodes of Cheers stood out far more to me. :huh:


I thought it was a good speech, and as a whole it was a good gathering. To go with President Bush's speech, people have now seen first hand what kind of freaks are leading Iran and Venezuela.

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