Burton's 'Supergirl': Eco-Dome (Fantasy)


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Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA make you feel excited about eco-activism?

This yarn was inspired by Bio-Dome.



Americans were in love with Supergirl (DC Comics), and when Tim Burton announced he was making a Supergirl film, actresses lined up to audition for the awesome part. Americans felt jaded about TrumpUSA, Wall Street, North Korea, and Wal-Mart, and a nifty Supergirl film is just what the doctor ordered...


Actress Julie Bowen, of Modern Family (TV) fame, landed the iconic role of Supergirl in Burton's film, beating out younger Amy Adams, Anne Hathaway (who portrayed Catwoman), and Liv Tyler. Bowen stated in an interview that she was excited to make the movie which was a modernism-paranoia story about toxic-waste and a giant evil computer (perhaps reminiscent of the themes/ideas presented in the 1980s films Superman IV and Superman III!).


Americans cared greatly about toxic-waste, since industrialization was considered an ultimate achievement were it not for the terrible anathema of toxic-waste. Burton cast Johnny Depp as a toxic-waste terrorist named Mask who would contend with Supergirl (Julie Bowen) in a modernism-symbolic city called Metropolis. Burton stated in an interview that modern problems were as important to him as Nazism was a concern for film-making legend Charlie Chaplin(!).


As Bowen read the script for Burton's film, she noticed there was a social-consciousness side-story about Supergirl visiting inner-city black public schools in America where exciting new educational chess programs/tournaments were being choreographed to draw impressionable minority youngsters away from the temptation of poverty-induced crime. Bowen started learning chess so she could feel more 'in-tune' with the inspired side-story about this 'inner-city chess initiative.' Bowen discovered Burton got the idea for this side-story from his wife. Bowen decided to rent the inner-city chess-and-crime drama Fresh (starring Samuel L. Jackson) on Netflix! Burton's Supergirl was shaping up to be a nice 'democracy-design.'


After completing the handsome film, Burton decided to visit the Salk Institute where important top-level research was being conducted on the biological impact of toxic-waste and rampant use of chemicals/synthetics in modern society. Burton realized that Salk was an 'American institution' for research and enlightenment and decided to urge President Donald Trump to support the arts and sciences in this modern era of great (and arguably untempered) capitalism-ambition.


American movie-critics Rex Reed and Roger Ebert noted that Burton's Supergirl presented an impressive ominous giant 'evil-computer' very reminiscent of the one presented in Richard Lester's 1983 comics-adapted film Superman III (starring Christopher Reeve and Richard Pryor). Reed and Ebert suggested that Burton was interested in toxic-waste and giant evil computers, because modern civilization was so 'infested' with dangerous toys. Ebert wondered why Burton was not interested in making a re-make of Barry Levinson's symbolic imaginarium metropolis-paranoia film Toys (starring Robin Williams).


As the positive reviews and box-office success of Burton and Bowen's Supergirl became the news, a psychotic eco-terrorist named Thomas Hewitt decided to fashion himself a 'villain-costume' modelled after the Marvel Comics 'super-villain' Grasshopper and begin dropping homemade biochemical-poison filled balloons on the White House lawn on Easter! Grasshopper was arrested and then incarcerated in Arkham Asylum (the center for the criminally-insane in DC) where he was interviewed by FBI agent Tom Hanks (no relation to the movie-star).


GRASSHOPPER: Do you realize how popular Supergirl has become?
FBI HANKS: Yes, it's a success for Burton and Bowen, but what is that to you?
GRASSHOPPER: You think I'm a simple maniac, don't you, Agent Hanks?
FBI HANKS: I'm an officer of American law and order, not an editorialist.
GRASSHOPPER: Yet, you must have your own opinions about modern civilization.
FBI HANKS: Hey, I love America, President Trump, and McDonald's.
GRASSHOPPER: Sure, sure. Do you realize that my crazy deed was romanticized?
FBI HANKS: Journalists sometimes cater to a young audience craving zany news.
GRASSHOPPER: No, Agent Hanks. Americans want eco-terrorism spotlights.
FBI HANKS: Why do you say that?
GRASSHOPPER: America is a land of varied terrain and commercial traffic.
GRASSHOPPER: Americans are ultra-conscious of waste and pollution.
FBI HANKS: So you think eco-terrorism is the solution to toxic-waste?
GRASSHOPPER: Perhaps not, but it certainly makes the headlines...
FBI HANKS: We have to treat your anti-social urges, not cater to your deranged 'poetry.'
GRASSHOPPER: I'm merely a witness, Agent Hanks. Thank you...
FBI HANKS: Well, I hope you (and America) benefits from Supergirl and gets better soon.
GRASSHOPPER: Don't be surprised if Burton and Bowen are demonized...
FBI HANKS: American journalism will cover the problem of 'anti-sterling hysteria.'




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