Bureaucracy Depression: A Spiritual Problem?

Sep 22, 2013
Various Orwellian and civilization infrastructure paranoia stories/films such as 1984 and Dark City explore a new age urbanization-related angst towards the healthy management of labor-labyrinths.

In the modern age, we see so much information and views streamed to us through the media that we might start to feel overwhelmed with all this stimulation. We might consider how such a 'sensory overload' is making us ultra-sensitive about new age requirements of labor analysis and labor consciousness, which is why we might zone out to relevant experience-indulgence films such as The Beach or Working Girl.

This 'bureaucracy depression' could possible a spiritual problem or a failure in the 'marketing' of welcomed and dialogue-friendly religious pluralism (since most religions talk about the burdens of labor and even equate it philosophically/metaphysically with suffering). While Atheists do offer us valuable insights regarding the Machiavellian/Nihilistic evaluation of a causality-free and Creator-free universe, they really have little contrary evidence to add to the discussion (e.g., "How do YOU know God does NOT exist?").

So we can look at this 'civilization bureaucracy depression' problem through the useful lens of spiritualism/metaphysics philosophy (and alternative belief systems --- e.g., Scientology, Atheism, etc.) can contribute to the discussion with valuable ideas regarding reversible logic and counter-point logistics.

If we're being inundated with stimulation in the media/TV, we could see why Woody Allen would make a sardonic film such as Celebrity. We might feel the 'real sweat' of tedium, unrequited love, and boredom associated with monotonous daily office-work when we fantasize about being 'labor-free' movie-stars or world-travelling fashion models.

This 'sweat/perspiration' we feel may have real biochemical impact and therefore exhibit psychosomatic symptoms. Could watching TV for hours on end (as so many housewives do) create mild forms of schizophrenia or anemia?

How do we feel when we see pictures of media-happy movie stars (e.g., Tom Cruise) or media-embracing terrorists (e.g., ISIS) strewn across the widely-accessible Internet? How should we spiritually 'filter' such images?

I think the most useful Bible passage in this modern age of People Magazine is the following: "And the Lord spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Let my people go, that they may serve me. And if thou refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite all thy borders with frogs: And the river shall bring forth frogs abundantly, which shall go up and come into thine house, and into thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and into the house of thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thine ovens, and into thy kneadingtroughs" (Exodus 8 - KJV).

Dr. Feelgood (Anarchism Rock Song)

Random Confusing Images Taken from Internet (Tom Cruise and Man in Terrorist-Costume):

I went through what I call "political depression" following the ACA mandates that really killed me, months at a time. I cannot wait for that to be over.

I have experienced "legal abuse" living in the Freedmen's Town community that also oppressed and kills the spirit. So I've been through similar, and didn't need more piled on.

People who don't think this has any effect ought to be required to undergo training so we can even establish what are the standards of 'due process' before imposing penalties and taking liberties away at a cost to law abiding taxpayers who otherwise suffer "taxation without representation" and "involuntary servitude" IN SPIRIT.

Under the DOJ webpage, the definition of "economic abuse"
seems to clearly encompass 'depriving people of income" by fining taxes
for not buying health insurance even if that is against someone's Constitutional beliefs:

Domestic Violence | OVW | Department of Justice:
Economic Abuse: Is defined as making or attempting to make an individual financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding one's access to money, or forbidding one's attendance at school or employment.

The same way victims of domestic and legal abuse go through similar to PTSD,
I also went through depressive states of "helplessness" and resentment being forced to pay under terms that not only did I not consent to or have any say or representation in, but which VIOLATED my CONSTITUTIONAL BELIEFS with no way to correct this (except wait on other people to change or repeal those laws). What a mess. I hope this is getting corrected, because if I have to appeal to Congress, I don't think they will like what I have to say about the unconstitutionality of the mandates, and how all the Congress people who failed to change it to make it optional owe taxpayers like me the millions if not billions it has cost us over the conflicts caused by imposing beliefs instead of offering equal choice to taxpayers to decide which plans to fund and be under.

Either fix it, by assigning the plans to respective parties to represent their own members and collect tax investments or tax breaks by voluntary choice and participation, or pay the fines and costs back to taxpayers that are incurred until this matter of the ACA mandates being unconstitutional is settled and all grievances are redressed.

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