Bunch Of Kamala Pollworkers In SC Refused To Allow A Trump Supporter To Vote Because Of His Hat

i wonder how the knuckledragger would have reacted, had those poll workers been men.
HE violated the polling place with his harassment & threatening manner. HE violated those women's personal space at various times. HE instigated every part of that exchange.

good god, y'all will do anything to justify yerselves.


You are the one justifying a criminal act of assault.
Probably not.

Was he?

The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division said that they were investigating the incident. Newsweek contacted Orangeburg County officials for an update on the situation.

According to South Carolina state regulations, voters are not allowed to wear anything that displays a political party, candidate name or ballot issue.

The law reads: "The poll manager shall use every reasonable means to keep the area within five hundred feet of any such entrance clear of political literature and displays, and the county and municipal law enforcement officers, upon request of a poll manager, shall remove or cause to be removed any material within five hundred feet of any such entrance distributed or displayed in violation of this section."

Trump supporter clashes with poll worker over MAGA hat dispute
The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division said that they were investigating the incident. Newsweek contacted Orangeburg County officials for an update on the situation.

According to South Carolina state regulations, voters are not allowed to wear anything that displays a political party, candidate name or ballot issue.

The law reads: "The poll manager shall use every reasonable means to keep the area within five hundred feet of any such entrance clear of political literature and displays, and the county and municipal law enforcement officers, upon request of a poll manager, shall remove or cause to be removed any material within five hundred feet of any such entrance distributed or displayed in violation of this section."

Trump supporter clashes with poll worker over MAGA hat dispute

This dispute led to a confrontation, and the Orangeburg Department of Public Safety responded. A police report says the poll worker was given a citation for assault and battery but not arrested.

Assault is a crime. It involves physically attacking someone or threatening to do so. Depending on the severity, it can result in criminal charges and/or civil liability24.
HE violated the polling place with his harassment & threatening manner. HE violated those women's personal space at various times. HE instigated every part of that exchange.

good god, y'all will do anything to justify yerselves.

You cannot wear vote for Trump stuff
Aspirational hats like God Bless America or America Great are perfectly fine but it irks you. It’s an emotional extrapolation on libs part that Trumps effective MAGA statement can’t be used in public
You cannot wear vote for Trump stuff
or harris.

Aspirational hats like God Bless America or America Great are perfectly fine

yep, 'cause they are generic. MAGA is trump specific, no matter how you slice it or dice it.

but it irks you.

not following the law irks me, ESPECIALLY from those who think they can be karens ... & that dude was a karen.

It’s an emotional extrapolation on libs part that Trumps effective MAGA statement can’t be used in public

How about assault?

extenuating circumstances, as revealed on that phone video proved it wasn't one sided as much as you would like to make it out to be.
she wasn't arrested because of extenuating circumstances. that being him instigating & harassing. if it was a real assault, a blatant one, she would have been arrested.

There's video. Duh.

It was an assault pure and simple.

Was he arrested or cited for anything?

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