Building the wall is the most critical political issue in America, we must do it

Will you vote for Trump in 2020? This is best guess only

  • Voted for Trump in 2016 and will again in 2020

  • Voted for Trump in 2016 but won't in 2020

  • Didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but will in 2020

  • Voted for Hillary in 2016 and will vote Democrat in 2020

  • Voted third party in 2016 and will vote third party in 2020

Results are only viewable after voting.
And we have millions of unemployed who won't do those jobs as long as wages are artificially driven down by illegal aliens who will work for low wages.

Three problems with your statement.

First, most of those unemployed do not live where the labor is needed.

Second, the wages are not artificially driven down, they are set by the companies doing the hiring. And you have no plan or desire to go after them so it will never stop, wall or no wall.

Third, the American people would not stand for the price of their producing tripling due to extra labor cost, there would be riots in the streets if that happened.

Mexicans come work for several months in fields. Why wouldn't other people do that if there were better wages? Work a few months and go home. And there are lots of local jobs mowing lawns, cleaning houses, baby sitting everywhere that poor people can use to get started on but won't when wages are artificially low and they get free money for not working.

Normal people: Teach someone to fish and they can eat for life

Democrats: Give them a fish and you have a voter for life

Dear kaz
Since there are an est 12-20 million Mexican Nationals living on US soil,
why not have Trump negotiate with Mexico to set aside LAND on THEIR side of the
border for these Nationals to claim as Mexican citizens.

Give them the same ownership of property and programs they build there,
similar to settlers colonizing Texas by giving land grants for them to work.

Once schools are built, to provide campus housing jobs and services
to support self-governing communities and populations, this creates
an enrollment system for people who want to comply with authority and
have a legal track for claiming residency.

From there, just like other international school programs, students
or workers registered with a university can apply to "transfer" and
work or study in other cities, and it's still under a supervised managed
system that the sponsoring schools is responsible for.

As for how to finance all this construction and development,
as Trump said, Americans are owed billions if not trillions in
restitution from crime committed by drug and human trafficking,
plus rapes and murders and other crimes such as drunk driving,
home invasions, gang and drug related robberies, fraud, etc.

So by assessing the total costs of restitution, and putting that
amount in a bank fund similar to the Federal Reserve, the
costs can be held as the responsibility of wrongdoers.
And anyone who works off or pays restitution on behalf
of these debts should be able to claim shares in ownership
of the property or programs (similar to grantors giving to
endowments to expand universities) and/or earn their
status back in society if they are responsible for debts or damages themselves.
He's only built like 5 miles of new wall in 4 years. Massive failure to follow through on a campaign promise.

Good to see he has abandoned it though.
And we have millions of unemployed who won't do those jobs as long as wages are artificially driven down by illegal aliens who will work for low wages.

Three problems with your statement.

First, most of those unemployed do not live where the labor is needed.

Second, the wages are not artificially driven down, they are set by the companies doing the hiring. And you have no plan or desire to go after them so it will never stop, wall or no wall.

Third, the American people would not stand for the price of their producing tripling due to extra labor cost, there would be riots in the streets if that happened.

Mexicans come work for several months in fields. Why wouldn't other people do that if there were better wages? Work a few months and go home. And there are lots of local jobs mowing lawns, cleaning houses, baby sitting everywhere that poor people can use to get started on but won't when wages are artificially low and they get free money for not working.

Normal people: Teach someone to fish and they can eat for life

Democrats: Give them a fish and you have a voter for life

Dear kaz
Since there are an est 12-20 million Mexican Nationals living on US soil,
why not have Trump negotiate with Mexico to set aside LAND on THEIR side of the
border for these Nationals to claim as Mexican citizens.

Give them the same ownership of property and programs they build there,
similar to settlers colonizing Texas by giving land grants for them to work.

Once schools are built, to provide campus housing jobs and services
to support self-governing communities and populations, this creates
an enrollment system for people who want to comply with authority and
have a legal track for claiming residency.

From there, just like other international school programs, students
or workers registered with a university can apply to "transfer" and
work or study in other cities, and it's still under a supervised managed
system that the sponsoring schools is responsible for.

As for how to finance all this construction and development,
as Trump said, Americans are owed billions if not trillions in
restitution from crime committed by drug and human trafficking,
plus rapes and murders and other crimes such as drunk driving,
home invasions, gang and drug related robberies, fraud, etc.

So by assessing the total costs of restitution, and putting that
amount in a bank fund similar to the Federal Reserve, the
costs can be held as the responsibility of wrongdoers.
And anyone who works off or pays restitution on behalf
of these debts should be able to claim shares in ownership
of the property or programs (similar to grantors giving to
endowments to expand universities) and/or earn their
status back in society if they are responsible for debts or damages themselves.
He's only built like 5 miles of new wall in 4 years. Massive failure to follow through on a campaign promise.

Good to see he has abandoned it though.

Gotta keep that Democrat voter pipeline flowing, huh?
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And we have millions of unemployed who won't do those jobs as long as wages are artificially driven down by illegal aliens who will work for low wages.

Three problems with your statement.

First, most of those unemployed do not live where the labor is needed.

Second, the wages are not artificially driven down, they are set by the companies doing the hiring. And you have no plan or desire to go after them so it will never stop, wall or no wall.

Third, the American people would not stand for the price of their producing tripling due to extra labor cost, there would be riots in the streets if that happened.

Mexicans come work for several months in fields. Why wouldn't other people do that if there were better wages? Work a few months and go home. And there are lots of local jobs mowing lawns, cleaning houses, baby sitting everywhere that poor people can use to get started on but won't when wages are artificially low and they get free money for not working.

Normal people: Teach someone to fish and they can eat for life

Democrats: Give them a fish and you have a voter for life

Dear kaz
Since there are an est 12-20 million Mexican Nationals living on US soil,
why not have Trump negotiate with Mexico to set aside LAND on THEIR side of the
border for these Nationals to claim as Mexican citizens.

Give them the same ownership of property and programs they build there,
similar to settlers colonizing Texas by giving land grants for them to work.

Once schools are built, to provide campus housing jobs and services
to support self-governing communities and populations, this creates
an enrollment system for people who want to comply with authority and
have a legal track for claiming residency.

From there, just like other international school programs, students
or workers registered with a university can apply to "transfer" and
work or study in other cities, and it's still under a supervised managed
system that the sponsoring schools is responsible for.

As for how to finance all this construction and development,
as Trump said, Americans are owed billions if not trillions in
restitution from crime committed by drug and human trafficking,
plus rapes and murders and other crimes such as drunk driving,
home invasions, gang and drug related robberies, fraud, etc.

So by assessing the total costs of restitution, and putting that
amount in a bank fund similar to the Federal Reserve, the
costs can be held as the responsibility of wrongdoers.
And anyone who works off or pays restitution on behalf
of these debts should be able to claim shares in ownership
of the property or programs (similar to grantors giving to
endowments to expand universities) and/or earn their
status back in society if they are responsible for debts or damages themselves.
He's only built like 5 miles of new wall in 4 years. Massive failure to follow through on a campaign promise.

Good to see he has abandoned it though.
/——/ Get your facts straight Fact check: Trump administration has built more border wall than meme claims
If that asshole had built that fucking wall, he be YELLING ABOUT IT every fucking minute.

He thinks you are rubes, but he gives you some credit. He knows that he, the great builder, has failed to build that wall.

He's only built like 5 miles of new wall in 4 years. Massive failure to follow through on a campaign promise.

Good to see he has abandoned it though.
You say Trump has built 5 miles of new wall (with no source-link). So much for any credibility you might have ever had in this forum. Zap!

Trump, this week, said he's built over 300 miles. He's right. The 5 miles of "new" wall claim is a deception from leftist media. It refers to THEIR DEFINITION of "new wall" built where there was none before - but so what ? The hundreds of miles of wall built by Trump where there was some kind of barrier already, is still good work, and could just as easily be called "new wall", because it is just that. And it replaces barriers as pathetic as a 3 foot tall, flimsy, barbed wire fence, easily cut with wire cutter, or a 7 foot chain link fence, like the kind I used to climb over to retrieve a baseball in my old schoolyard.

Well, I suppose if we all were to restrict ourselves to the leftist media's definition of "new wall", we'd all claiming the same thing they are, but were not fooled by that, because OUR DEFINITION (and the Border Patrol's) of "new wall" is all the new wall (over 341 miles of it, that Trump has built which is 30 feet tall, and which I would hesitate to try climbing over now, or when I was a kid). Most Mexican could not get over this wall. Women, children, overweight men. Forget it. Only the very tall & skinny, and in top shape young men could even have a shot at getting over this wall, and since most Mexican men are short, that leaves maybe 10% of migrants (if that many) who could possibly ever get over this new wall, and it would take them a long time to do it, giving the Border Patrol lots of times to catch up with them before the get to the American side (in one piece)

And hey, what happened to my (and Obama's) idea of a moat on the American side, with hungry alligators waiting for the climbers to come down ? Plenty of them here in Florida, we're willing to get rid of, free of charge. :biggrin:


On August 7, Mark Morgan, Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), said construction of the border wall continues on a daily basis, with hundreds of miles projected to be completed by year’s end.

“The United States Army Corps of Engineers and CBP are actually moving faster than ever,” Morgan said. “The last few months … we’re putting more wall system in place every single day than we have before.”

He went on to say: "We’re now up to 265 miles — I’ve probably got to check right now, we probably added a mile or two since I put this down in my talking points. And we remain confident by the end of this year, we’ve been saying for a very long time, even though we’ve had a lot of naysayers out there, by end of this year, we’re going to have 450 miles of new border wall system in the ground, and America will be safer because of it."

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You say Trump has built 5 miles of new wall (with no source-link).

Trump, this week, said he's built 300 miles.

On August 7, Mark Morgan, Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), said construction of the border wall continues on a daily basis, with hundreds of miles projected to be completed by year’s end.

Much of it is not adding walls to where none existed, but replacing walls that were easily compromised. I don't know why it's an issue. If the old walls weren't worth a crap, then replacing them does the same thing as adding additional walls which is to keep people out.
Much of it is not adding walls to where none existed, but replacing walls that were easily compromised. I don't know why it's an issue. If the old walls weren't worth a crap, then replacing them does the same thing as adding additional walls which is to keep people out.
That's what I just said, but thanks for the support. Leftist con jobbing needs to be exposed repeatedly.
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

I didn't vote for Trump last time for two main reasons. First, I'm a capitalist and he isn't. Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Second, he has been a pig to women. Unlike Democrats who voted twice for a sexual predator and again for his hoe who attacked his victims again, that does matter to me.

But now it's down to this. We must end the endless flow now. And for me, my decision of whether I will vote for him comes down to this. Build the wall and I'll vote for him. Don't, and I won't. I can't imagine what would make me flip from that. This is THE political question in our country. We must build the wall, and build it now.

I voted that I did not vote for 2016 but I will in 2020 because I believe/hope he'll actually do it.

Please explain your vote if you voted you will change your vote regarding Trump either way.
How'd it go?
And the libs are going to let thousands of Afghan refugees into America. They'll do anything for a future Dem voter.
Gotta laugh at Conservatives who criticize Biden for leaving Afghan allies behind and then scream..
Don’t bring them here!
Gotta laugh at Conservatives who criticize Biden for leaving Afghan allies behind and then scream..
Don’t bring them here!

We are for our allies that helped our military, but that's not what Dementia is shipping to our country. They had to hire interpreters to talk to these people when they got here. Why would we need interpreters to interpret the interpreters that were in Afghanistan?
We are for our allies that helped our military, but that's not what Dementia is shipping to our country. They had to hire interpreters to talk to these people when they got here. Why would we need interpreters to interpret the interpreters that were in Afghanistan?
Are interpreters the only Afghans that helped us?
And the libs are going to let thousands of Afghan refugees into America. They'll do anything for a future Dem voter.

The number one mission for the Communists are to wipe out the white race for the first time in US history. Once they get rid of us politically, they will have a sinlge-party country forever, which of course will quickly slip to Socialism and not far down the road, pure Communism.

The Communists said many years ago they will take over this country, but do so without one bullet being fired. They will take over from within, and that's what we are experiencing unfortunately.

I didn't check it out yet, but according to Tucker Carlson, the commies are not sending these refugees to left-wing sanctuary cities and states, they are shipping them to swing states so they will no longer be swing states, and instead, turn them to blue states.

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