BUH-BAM! Trump Administration Cleaning Up Barry's Mess!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
HUGE MS-13 BUST: 'Columbus Clique' group rounded up in Midwest raids

13 accused 'Columbus Clique' MS-13 gang members arrested in Ohio, Indiana

"Federal prosecutors said a grand jury had charged 10 gang members of the "Columbus Clique" with conspiracy to commit extortion and money laundering, as well as the use of firearms during a violent crime, in an indictment returned in late July.

The indictment alleges the 10 "conspired to commit extortion through the use of threatened or actual force, violence or fear to intimidate their victims into paying money to the defendants and their co-conspirators."

Prosecutors said money was then sent "usually by wire transfer and often through intermediaries," to MS-13 members and associates in El Salvador and elsewhere to promote the group's criminal activities."

Besides the 10 members charged in the federal indictment, federal officials said an additional five people were arrested and charged with federal immigration offenses."

“With more than 10,000 members across 40 states, MS-13 is one of the most dangerous criminal organizations in the United States today," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement. "MS-13 members have killed children and pregnant women, extorted immigrant-owned businesses, and trafficked underage girls to sell them for sex. President Trump has ordered the Department of Justice to reduce crime and take down transnational criminal organizations, and we will be relentless in our pursuit of these objectives. Today's charges are our next step toward making this country safer by taking MS-13 off of our streets for good.”


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10 people :rolleyes:
It's a start...but thanks for demonstrating again how nothing the President and his administration is doing will ever be good enough / praise-worthy for the snowflakes who rioted, looted, called for military coups, called for assassinations, attempted to carry out those assassinations, and violated numerous laws in an attempt to undermine / overthrow President Trump.

10 people :rolleyes:
It's a start...but thanks for demonstrating again how nothing the President and his administration is doing will ever be good enough / praise-worthy for the snowflakes who rioted, looted, called for military coups, called for assassinations, attempted to carry out those assassinations, and violated numerous laws in an attempt to undermine / overthrow President Trump.

I guess if I had written "BUH-BAM MAGA LOLOLOLOLO!!!1!!1!" every time a couple gang members were arrested for something during Obama's Presidency you'd benall up his butt like you are with Dump.
Now, BF, don't get all pissed 'cause Trump is actually dealing with the vicious MS-13 gang Obama let waltz into the country and start terrorizing, victimizing Americans...
Members of Columbus, Ohio Clique of MS-13 Arrested and Charged

In 2012, the U.S. government designated MS-13 as a “transnational criminal organization.” It is the first and only street gang to receive that designation. MS-13 has become one of the largest and most violent criminal organizations in the U.S., with more than 10,000 members and associates operating in at least 40 states, including Ohio. In Ohio and elsewhere in the U.S., MS-13 is organized into “cliques,” which are smaller groups of MS-13 members and associates acting under the larger mantle of the organization and operating in a specific region, city or part of a city.

is part of Operation Matador:

Operation Matador nets 39 MS-13 arrests in last 30 days

Operation Matador is the latest example of ICE’s ongoing efforts, begun in 2005 under Operation Community Shield, to target violent gang members and their associates, eradicate the violence they inflict upon our communities and stop the cash flow to transnational organized crime groups. Since 2005, HSI special agents working in conjunction with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies have made more than 47,000 gang-related arrests.

Operation Community Shield is a global initiative in which HSI collaborates with federal, state and local law enforcement partners to combat the growth and proliferation of transnational criminal street gangs, prison gangs and outlaw motorcycle gangs in the United States and abroad. Through its domestic and international Operation Community Shield task forces, HSI leverages its worldwide presence and expansive statutory and civil enforcement authorities to mitigate the threats posted by these global networks, often through the tracing and seizing of cash, weapons and other illicit proceeds.

Partnerships with state, local, federal and international law enforcement agencies are critical to the success of HSI gang enforcement operations. Law enforcement partners provide actionable intelligence which is critical in the targeting of gangs and their membership for enforcement actions. HSI special agents use intelligence gathered from surge operations to pursue complex criminal enterprise investigations and federal prosecutions.

news from 2016 regarding OPMAT:

Santa Maria police arrest 12, detain 40 in connection with recent violence

A look at ICE's role in "Operation Matador"
To you it is Mid-west. To me it is my daughter's new neighbors. And, please pay attention to this part:
Kasich can't do enough for Soros. He is sacrificing Ohio, for financial backing in his bid for the presidency. Illegals and "refugees" are pouring into Ohio Because of him.
And he will sacrifice this country for a spot in the UN government if you elect him.
There was a plot to bomb the mall that had become my daughter's second home awhile back. Governor Kasich your days as governor are numbered. You reek of ass-kissing globalism. We will be taking Ohio back again.
THANK YOU SO MUCH PRESIDENT TRUMP. I thank you, my husband thanks you, my daughter thanks you...

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