Bryant[NBA]/Oscar: Marketing Dianetics(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Kobe Bryant (famed and retired championship-winning NBA player with the Los Angeles Lakers) was honoured at the Oscar 2018 awards, when the animated-film he was involved with Dear Basketball (inspired by a poem he wrote!) won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film.

Bryant was involved in a controversial sexual assault case in 2003 which was eventually forgotten, but his award stirred up chats about celebrities involved in media-scandals being 'forgiven' by continuing fame-related honors (such as Oscars!). This is during a time when a slew of allegations regarding sexual harassment accusations have been flying around the media industry (e.g., Harvey Weinstein --- producer of the Scorsese/DiCaprio film Gangs of New York).

So should this age of media make us more 'critical' of celebrities in the spotlight?

Does this feel...Christian?

Anyone a fan of Don King: Only in America?


Here's a photo of Kobe Bryant at a media-event co-sponsored by Variety and Mercedes-Benz.


Celebrity photos make the Oscars a terrific media-PR experience...and we Americans eat it up with a spoon(!).


Here's actor Jamie Foxx at last night's Mercedes Benz Oscar after-party(!). Foxx was in the sports-industry (NFL) film Any Given Sunday co-starring Al Pacino.


Bust out the champagne! After all, the provocative if under-valued Ridley Scott sci-fi horror-film Alien: Covenant premiered on HBO during this Oscar weekend. Olympians also attended the Oscars and the Oscars after-parties (since the Trump Administration was able to negotiate valuable commerce-pacts with South Korea and 'oversee' civil relations between North and South Korea heading into the Winter Games this February in PeyongChang!).


After all, we all like seeing Hollywood (USA) 'super-celebrity' Tom Cruise in his celebrated sports-industry films --- All the Right Moves (high school football), Days of Thunder (NASCAR), and Jerry Maguire (sports-agent culture).


This summer, if you're out BBQing in your backyard, celebrating the awesome underdog-victory of the Philadelphia Eagles (NFL) over the seemingly-indomitable New England Patriots in Super Bowl 52, you might consider how pluralism-politics and democracy-intrigue (under 'TrumpUSA') makes you 'pensive' about 'marketing-consciousness' in a capitalism society(!).





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