"Broke Generation": 64% Of Gen Xers Have Stopped Saving For Retirement


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Now this is truly scary stuff.

A recent survey conducted by Clever Real Estate polled 1,000 Gen Xers born between 1965 and 1980 to find out how they fare when it comes to personal finances and the road to retirement. A staggering 56% of Gen Xers said they have less than $100,000 saved for retirement, and 22% said they have yet to save a single cent.

While the desire to retire may be there, the money just isn’t. A whopping 64% of respondents said they stopped saving for retirement not because they don’t want to but because they simply can’t afford to.

Now back to your regularly scheduled MSM TRUMP EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME Distraction program.
Good. It's stupid to save in today's economy. Better to buy a room full of toilet paper instead of saving money. All the stock market gamblers of course lament the loss of suckers, as usual.
In my earning years I used to stop for a large cup of coffee and a breakfast sammich at the 7-11 just like millions of other Americans did......Back then it was about $3.50 a morning. Then I tallied-up the cost, close on to 1K a year.

I said fuck that noise and had coffee and something for breakfast at home. I figured I saved $600.00+ a year.

So I upped my contribution to my 401K by that amount and never looked back at stopping for coffee again.....If my life depended on it I could not tell you how much a coffee and breakfast sammich is now at the 7-11.

The thing about it all was the wife was only too happy to get up and fix breakfast. It was also a good time to talk for a bit over a real breakfast.....A great way to start the day.

The point is there are easy (and even pleasant) lifestyle changes that can be made that serves to grow your retirement nest egg.
Now this is truly scary stuff.

Now back to your regularly scheduled MSM TRUMP EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME Distraction program.

People make choices. they will not give up their starbucks or new car every 3 years or latest cell phone to save for retirement.

But it is not too late. 12 years ago the wife and I had no money saved for retirement, when we retire in 6 years we will be pushing a million along with pensions for her and I.
People make choices. they will not give up their starbucks or new car every 3 years or latest cell phone to save for retirement.

But it is not too late. 12 years ago the wife and I had no money saved for retirement, when we retire in 6 years we will be pushing a million along with pensions for her and I.

Cool story bro.
In my earning years I used to stop for a large cup of coffee and a breakfast sammich at the 7-11 just like millions of other Americans did......Back then it was about $3.50 a morning.

I hear Mickey D's is gettin' expensive. ;)

I hear Mickey D's is gettin' expensive. ;)

Fake news.

Considering american wages are pathetically low for the productivity it makes sense. I forgot one am glad when I hear an employer can't find an employee.
If you think a "Deluxe McCrispy" approaching 10 1/2 bucks is business as usual, I dunno what to tell ya.

I know that it is half of what you claimed in your fake news thread.

Sorry that you cannot afford McDs any longer, perhaps you should do something to better your situation.
I know that it is half of what you claimed in your fake news thread.

Sorry that you cannot afford McDs any longer, perhaps you should do something to better your situation.

I don't eat at McDonald's, Waterman Grille is more my speed.

But the story was pertaining to a particular store in CT.

Which you would know if you bothered to read it.

Dipshit ;)

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