British government hits new low.



BBC News - David Miranda detention: MP asks police for explanation

The chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee is to ask the police to justify the detention at Heathrow of a journalist's partner under terror laws.

Keith Vaz said the full facts of David Miranda's nine-hour detention must be established quickly.

Mr Miranda's partner is the Guardian's Glenn Greenwald, who has written about US whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Brazil has said the detention of Brazilian national Mr Miranda caused "grave concern" and was "unjustified".

Mr Miranda was held at Heathrow on his way from Berlin to Rio de Janeiro. He reportedly had his mobile phone, laptop, DVDs and other items seized before he was released.

Detaining the partner of a journalist in order to get information about Snowden, and using the terrorism act to do it.
The very act of trying to intimidate journalists into dropping politically sensitive stories suggests there's something very wrong with the government of that country.

False arrest is a crime in the UK and these people are, or at least should be, subject to the law.
I call for their immediate arrest, criminal action taken against them and compensation paid to the man out of the pockets of the wrong doers.
Why don't we concentrate on bad governmental behavior in our own country instead of worrying about what some other country is doing? That should keep us busy for eternity. Also there is little we can do to change laws of other countries.
Why don't we concentrate on bad governmental behavior in our own country instead of worrying about what some other country is doing? That should keep us busy for eternity. Also there is little we can do to change laws of other countries.

The British government is doing this for both your government and to protect its own skin.
The states will be doing this sooner or later.
BBC News - David Miranda detention: MP asks police for explanation

The chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee is to ask the police to justify the detention at Heathrow of a journalist's partner under terror laws.

Keith Vaz said the full facts of David Miranda's nine-hour detention must be established quickly.

Mr Miranda's partner is the Guardian's Glenn Greenwald, who has written about US whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Brazil has said the detention of Brazilian national Mr Miranda caused "grave concern" and was "unjustified".

Mr Miranda was held at Heathrow on his way from Berlin to Rio de Janeiro. He reportedly had his mobile phone, laptop, DVDs and other items seized before he was released.

Detaining the partner of a journalist in order to get information about Snowden, and using the terrorism act to do it.
The very act of trying to intimidate journalists into dropping politically sensitive stories suggests there's something very wrong with the government of that country.

False arrest is a crime in the UK and these people are, or at least should be, subject to the law.
I call for their immediate arrest, criminal action taken against them and compensation paid to the man out of the pockets of the wrong doers.

Are the partners of journalists somehow exempt from being questioned by governments?

He was carrying a disc full of material that could be very dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands. Do you not understand this? Is the partner of a journalist qualified to protect U.S. national secrets from Russian spies, Chinese spies, or (insert frenemy nation name) spies? If he isn't - he should not be in possession of those secrets, should he?

There is a LOT more that Snowden has that he has not released to the public. Information that he himself would not release and neither would a responsible journalist - but information that would be very valuable to the nation that successfully steals that information from him.

The real danger to U.S. lives is not what Snowden has or will release but in what he has not and will not release... Information like, the identities of secret agents.

But I know most people on this board would care less if all of our covert agents in say, China, were killed or disappeared.
There is no free speech in the UK. So what are you bitching about?

It seems not.

BBC News - No 10 contacted Guardian over Edward Snowden secrets

Turns out they forced a newspaper to destroy their records regarding a story.

The government feared that if secret data held by the newspaper fell into what it called "the wrong hands" it could have been a threat to the UK, the sources added.

This is quite obvious to any rational person and to all of the foreign nations which seek to steal our intelligence information - but the vast majority of media driven hysteria enraged Americans don't care about it.

The Russians are surely laughing at us. Why do you guys think they are helping Snowden out? Just because they're nice people?
With the passage of time, as the world faces new challenges of terrorism, its the demand the new laws should have been made or modify some of them. In order to protect its pubic the Government should take steps like this way and in future but only they can get their best benefit from it when it apply to all without any hesitation.
But revelations to newspapers about how the National Security Agency (NSA), along with British spy services, have deciphered data under encryption could help America’s adversaries, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said in a statement. “While the specifics of how our intelligence agencies carry out this cryptanalytic mission have been kept secret, the fact that NSA’s mission includes deciphering enciphered communications is not a secret, and is not news,” the ODNI said in a statement.

US says Snowden leak on code-breaking is ?not news? |
Why don't we concentrate on bad governmental behavior in our own country instead of worrying about what some other country is doing? That should keep us busy for eternity. Also there is little we can do to change laws of other countries.

This is a thread in the 'Europe' forum. Why don't you stay out of it if you don't like people discussing Europe?
BBC News - David Miranda detention: MP asks police for explanation

The chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee is to ask the police to justify the detention at Heathrow of a journalist's partner under terror laws.

Keith Vaz said the full facts of David Miranda's nine-hour detention must be established quickly.

Mr Miranda's partner is the Guardian's Glenn Greenwald, who has written about US whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Brazil has said the detention of Brazilian national Mr Miranda caused "grave concern" and was "unjustified".

Mr Miranda was held at Heathrow on his way from Berlin to Rio de Janeiro. He reportedly had his mobile phone, laptop, DVDs and other items seized before he was released.

Detaining the partner of a journalist in order to get information about Snowden, and using the terrorism act to do it.
The very act of trying to intimidate journalists into dropping politically sensitive stories suggests there's something very wrong with the government of that country.

False arrest is a crime in the UK and these people are, or at least should be, subject to the law.
I call for their immediate arrest, criminal action taken against them and compensation paid to the man out of the pockets of the wrong doers

I don't think it is uncommon in many countries for people who may have vital information about a crime to be detained and questioned by the police. It may even happen in America. Being 'detained' is not being arrested. The 'partner' wasn't tortured. I don't see it as a big deal. Suggesting the UK is out of control is hyperbole. He wasn't arrested, he was detained.
There is no free speech in the UK. So what are you bitching about?

It seems not.

BBC News - No 10 contacted Guardian over Edward Snowden secrets

Turns out they forced a newspaper to destroy their records regarding a story.

The government feared that if secret data held by the newspaper fell into what it called "the wrong hands" it could have been a threat to the UK, the sources added.

This is quite obvious to any rational person and to all of the foreign nations which seek to steal our intelligence information - but the vast majority of media driven hysteria enraged Americans don't care about it.

The Russians are surely laughing at us. Why do you guys think they are helping Snowden out? Just because they're nice people?

Snowden is just a jailed prisoner now. He may be a able to go shopping, maybe sight seeing, but I am sure he has chaperones.
It seems not.

BBC News - No 10 contacted Guardian over Edward Snowden secrets

Turns out they forced a newspaper to destroy their records regarding a story.

The government feared that if secret data held by the newspaper fell into what it called "the wrong hands" it could have been a threat to the UK, the sources added.

This is quite obvious to any rational person and to all of the foreign nations which seek to steal our intelligence information - but the vast majority of media driven hysteria enraged Americans don't care about it.

The Russians are surely laughing at us. Why do you guys think they are helping Snowden out? Just because they're nice people?

Snowden is just a jailed prisoner now. He may be a able to go shopping, maybe sight seeing, but I am sure he has chaperones.

I think it is absolutely hilariously ironic that the only place he has found 'refuge' is in a communist dictatorship controled by a former KGB officer and where the government has a history and ongoing reputation for spying on its citizens and not allowing free speech.
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This is quite obvious to any rational person and to all of the foreign nations which seek to steal our intelligence information - but the vast majority of media driven hysteria enraged Americans don't care about it.

The Russians are surely laughing at us. Why do you guys think they are helping Snowden out? Just because they're nice people?

Snowden is just a jailed prisoner now. He may be a able to go shopping, maybe sight seeing, but I am sure he has chaperones.

I think it is absolutely hilariously ironic that the only place he has found 'refuge' is in a communist dictatorship controled by a former KGB officer and where the government has a history and ongoing reputation for spying on its citizens and not allowing free speech.

Many suspects enter the KGB buildings and many do not come out alive.
There is no free speech in the UK. So what are you bitching about?

Got to love a brow beater.

Legal basis for free speech in the UK

The UK is known around the world for its respect for and tolerance of free speech. Although free speech has long been recognised as a common law right in Britain, it also has a statutory basis in Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the "Convention"), which has been incorporated into UK law by the Human Rights Act 1998.

Free speech - Law and Government
There is no free speech in the UK. So what are you bitching about?

Got to love a brow beater.

Legal basis for free speech in the UK

The UK is known around the world for its respect for and tolerance of free speech. Although free speech has long been recognised as a common law right in Britain, it also has a statutory basis in Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the "Convention"), which has been incorporated into UK law by the Human Rights Act 1998.

Free speech - Law and Government

Free speech in Europe is not the same as the freedom of speech in the US that is guaranteed by the Constitution/Bill of Rights. For example, denying the Holocaust is against the law in Germany and Austria and you can go to jail for breaking that law. In the US, such a law would be impossible.
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There is no free speech in the UK. So what are you bitching about?

Got to love a brow beater.

Legal basis for free speech in the UK

The UK is known around the world for its respect for and tolerance of free speech. Although free speech has long been recognised as a common law right in Britain, it also has a statutory basis in Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the "Convention"), which has been incorporated into UK law by the Human Rights Act 1998.

Free speech - Law and Government

Free speech in Europe is not the same as the freedom of speech in the US that is guaranteed by the Constitution/Bill of Rights. For example, denying the Holocaust is against the law in Germany and Austria and you can go to jail for breaking that law. In the US, such a law would be impossible.

Yes I am aware of what goes on in other countries in Europe, but the focal point was the UK.
Yes I am aware of what goes on in other countries in Europe, but the focal point was the UK.

You can say pretty much whatever you like in the UK as long as it isn't about hate.
Apert from obvious slander, a civil offence, the only thing you can't do is spout hate or suggest crimes against someone.

So, I could walk down the street suggesting Tony Blair or whoever is a total bastard for whatever reason but I can't legally wander around telling the world, all pakis/gays/women/christians/whoever are bastards and/or suggesting they should all be deported or shot.

Question is, why would you want to?
You'd have to be some sort of pathetic moron to suggest all in any group (not made of of those who chose to be in that group) are the same.

Of course that doesn't apply to extremists who do choose to be in that group.
So I could happily have a go at Muslim extremist pillocks or the bloody morons in the EDL.

Free speech in Europe is not the same as the freedom of speech in the US that is guaranteed by the Constitution/Bill of Rights. For example, denying the Holocaust is against the law in Germany and Austria and you can go to jail for breaking that law. In the US, such a law would be impossible.

Yes I am aware of what goes on in other countries in Europe, but the focal point was the UK.

I was referring to this, which is posted above.
Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the "Convention"), which has been incorporated into UK law by the Human Rights Act 1998
The UK is part of Europe. Free speech in the UK is not the same as in the US. We cannot expect it to be so. It's another country. Not the US.

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