Bring your own goat day.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
The wife and I were in Dallas a few weeks ago and on the way back stopped at an 'authentic' Mexican restaurant. ( her idea ....Outback or Chili's would have been fine with me)

Long story short we found out the hard way that they specialize in goat meat.... and a live band playing extremely loud Latino music --so loud that you had to yell for the waitress to hear you.

I'll spare you the details but the food sucked.... aside from just being the only white people there the highlight of the occasion was watching a family feast on a whole roasted goat ...that they brought out on this huge platter.

So I shouted to my wife ...."This must be ' Bring Your Own Goat' day... that's why they play the loud music so you won't hear the baby goats being slaughtered by the chef in the back."

She almost choked on a testacle or something.

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