Breitbart sides w/ Trump and goes after Bill Kristol

The GOP will be exhausted by the 1st of August
I've always liked Kristol.I subscribe to his emails. Man oh man he's gone off the rails big time in this election year though. On the other hand so have many. Lines are very clear now on the left and the right.

Bernie's people are totally being screwed over by the DNC. Dot did you check out my thread on what happened in Nevada? Oh and I am not rejoicing that his people got fucked over big time.
I've always liked Kristol.I subscribe to his emails. Man oh man he's gone off the rails big time in this election year though. On the other hand so have many. Lines are very clear now on the left and the right.

Bernie's people are totally being screwed over by the DNC. Dot did you check out my thread on what happened in Nevada? Oh and I am not rejoicing that his people got fucked over big time.

Metro police had to be called in to clear out all the politicos' in the Paris Hotel in order to avoid a riot...........should be an interesting Dem convention.
Kristol & Romney want a serious candidate

No, what they want is a guy who carries out the Neo-Con agenda.

Let's not forget, Kristol was one of the people who instigated the foolish Iraq War, insisted up and down that we needed to double down on that bad idea, and when the country dealt the GOP a crushing body blow in 2006 and 2008, whimpered when Obama extracated us from that mess. and not learning a bit from his mistake, he's been instigating for a war with Iran.

Frankly, Kristol is against Trump because Trump is the guy who denounced the Bush Doctrine and cast it on the scrapheap of history.

Now, there are a lot of good reasons to not want Trump in the White House. The fact he is hated by Bill Kristol and his Neo-Con buddies is not one of them.
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