*****BREAKING***** Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case .

"though the case was ultimately dismissed, according to a police report and court documents."

Thanks for the quote and the comical partisan outrage.
See, Hillary is called a criminal despite not being charged with crimes, but a charged loony right wingnut is not guilty at all!
That's the logic of the Alt-Right in this board.
Then there's the admitted perv serial women humping serial women abuser serial wife cheater Bill Clinton. You libs have some stones even going there.
"though the case was ultimately dismissed, according to a police report and court documents."

Thanks for the quote and the comical partisan outrage.
See, Hillary is called a criminal despite not being charged with crimes, but a charged loony right wingnut is not guilty at all!
That's the logic of the Alt-Right in this board.

:laugh:.. neither of us is in the mood to waste time on your epiphany, I figure it's a waste of time, you figure that it doesn't matter either way is my guess...
*****BREAKING***** Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case .


Stephen K. Bannon, the new CEO of the Donald Trump campaign, was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness following an incident in early January 1996, though the case was ultimately dismissed, according to a police report and court documents.
The Santa Monica, Calif., police report says that Bannon’s then-wife claimed he pulled at her neck and wrist during an altercation over their finances, and an officer reported witnessing red marks on her neck and wrist to bolster her account. Bannon also reportedly smashed the phone when she tried to call the police.

Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case

Well, trump has red necks and assholes running his campaign.

Case dismissed, asshole. Just about every guy who has been divorced has been charged with domestic violence. Calling the police on their husbands is a favorite tactic with women going through a divorce.
*****BREAKING***** Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case .


Stephen K. Bannon, the new CEO of the Donald Trump campaign, was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness following an incident in early January 1996, though the case was ultimately dismissed, according to a police report and court documents.
The Santa Monica, Calif., police report says that Bannon’s then-wife claimed he pulled at her neck and wrist during an altercation over their finances, and an officer reported witnessing red marks on her neck and wrist to bolster her account. Bannon also reportedly smashed the phone when she tried to call the police.

Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case

Well, trump has red necks and assholes running his campaign.
As long as the the Clinton campaign has a serial rapist With close ties to the nominee, the wife of that serial rapist has nothing to hold over the Trump campaign's staff.
Oh whatever. The entire Trump campaign thinks women are idiots and most of his supporters have probably beaten a few. Trump himself has been quoted as saying that if a woman is griping and bitching, then that's grounds for divorce.

They embrace this. You have to argue with them about something else if you want them to take you seriously.
Apparently male metro-sexual liberals will tolerate being married to a shrew.
Trump himself has been quoted as saying that if a woman is griping and bitching, then that's grounds for divorce.

lol, wow. Did he really say that?
“Often, I will tell friends whose wives are constantly nagging them about this or that that they’re better off leaving and cutting their losses,” wrote Trump. “I’m not a great believer in always trying to work things out, because it just doesn’t happen that way. For a man to be successful he needs support at home, just like my father had from my mother, not someone who is always griping and bitching. When a man has to endure a woman who is not supportive and complains constantly about his not being home enough or not being attentive enough, he will not be very successful unless he is able to cut the cord.”

Donald Trump's Marital Advice: Divorce "Griping And Bitching" Wives

Good advice.
Trump himself has been quoted as saying that if a woman is griping and bitching, then that's grounds for divorce.

lol, wow. Did he really say that?
“Often, I will tell friends whose wives are constantly nagging them about this or that that they’re better off leaving and cutting their losses,” wrote Trump. “I’m not a great believer in always trying to work things out, because it just doesn’t happen that way. For a man to be successful he needs support at home, just like my father had from my mother, not someone who is always griping and bitching. When a man has to endure a woman who is not supportive and complains constantly about his not being home enough or not being attentive enough, he will not be very successful unless he is able to cut the cord.”

Donald Trump's Marital Advice: Divorce "Griping And Bitching" Wives

Makes perfect sense to me.

You think that if your wife is complaining that you aren't being attentive enough, then that is grounds for divorce? You sound like a real catch, bub.
He's an alt-righty. He's got more in common with ISIS than with the principles our nation was founded upon.

ISIS endorsed Hillary, not Trump.
Looks like liberal men (?) prefer to be pussy whipped...
Yeah. Put a burka on those dumb bitches and send them to the kitchen. Right Lumpy?

I'm married to a spectacular women that I honor and respect. I'm blessed, lucky and I know it.

Let's just hope she doesn't get mouthy, wouldn't want you to get those divorce papers ready...

I kinda like when she occasionally gets mouthy or bitchy, in fact, I inspire it... :)

.. ends up it's good for both of us..
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Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case .

As much as I can't stand the guy, he was not convicted. Were he convicted, I might have something to say about it, although I doubt it because he likely wouldn't be the campaign CEO had he been convicted, which in turn means he wouldn't even cross my mind.
Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case .

As much as I can't stand the guy, he was not convicted. Were he convicted, I might have something to say about it, although I doubt it because he likely wouldn't be the campaign CEO had he been convicted, which in turn means he wouldn't even cross my mind.

Oh, Come on, the problem is, Trump never should have picked this guy.

But he fired the grownups telling him how to run an adult campaign and picked people who endorsed his worst impulses, including this wife beater.
*****BREAKING***** Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case .


Stephen K. Bannon, the new CEO of the Donald Trump campaign, was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness following an incident in early January 1996, though the case was ultimately dismissed, according to a police report and court documents.
The Santa Monica, Calif., police report says that Bannon’s then-wife claimed he pulled at her neck and wrist during an altercation over their finances, and an officer reported witnessing red marks on her neck and wrist to bolster her account. Bannon also reportedly smashed the phone when she tried to call the police.

Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case

Well, trump has red necks and assholes running his campaign.

You really should look up the definition of breaking. No one cares one bit about the desperate trash you have to keep on digging since you can't find any real scandals. You picked the wrong candidate if that's your goal.

So tired of the leftist "listen and believe" imaginary bullshit.
Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case .

As much as I can't stand the guy, he was not convicted. Were he convicted, I might have something to say about it, although I doubt it because he likely wouldn't be the campaign CEO had he been convicted, which in turn means he wouldn't even cross my mind.

Oh, Come on, the problem is, Trump never should have picked this guy.

But he fired the grownups telling him how to run an adult campaign and picked people who endorsed his worst impulses, including this wife beater.

No question about that. Even so, my principles say that as go truly criminal acts, one is innocent until proven guilty, and as much as I can't stand that man, he's due that much. Everyone is. Might it be that he lucked-out? Yes, but the fact remains that he did luck-out; therefore he deserves the benefit of the doubt and does not deserve the rush to judgement.

You may infer from the above that I hold the court of public opinion in greater disdain than I at times do the objects of its disaffection. If you do, you'd be correct. I think the court of public opinion is an odiously suffocating oppressive orgy of perversely unprotected pseudo-intellectual intercourse among myopic cretins.

In fairness, Ms. Conway is an adept political operative. Singularly, among everyone in the Trump campaign, including Trump, she poses the greatest threat to Mrs. Clinton's chances of winning the election.

There are also some very competent policy advisors on Trump's team, but it's pretty clear to me that Trump doesn't pay them much mind. Were he heeding them, he'd have far more robustly developed policy positions across the board and he would not find himself now trying to articulate what can only be described as an incoherent immigration policy that is moreover in shambles given his recent flip-flop.

For as reprehensible as were his primary-period immigration positions, at least everyone was clear on what the major elements of them were. Now, he's begun to grind and shred the "red meat" of those positions, resulting in his revealing the dissembling chicanery that rests at the center of the man's opportunistic character. Trumpeteers will countenance far more manipulative mendacity than will most, but even they will endure only so much.
No question about that. Even so, my principles say that as go truly criminal acts, one is innocent until proven guilty, and as much as I can't stand that man, he's due that much. Everyone is. Might it be that he lucked-out? Yes, but the fact remains that he did luck-out; therefore he deserves the benefit of the doubt and does not deserve the rush to judgement.

You may infer from the above that I hold the court of public opinion in greater disdain than I at times do the objects of its disaffection. If you do, you'd be correct. I think the court of public opinion is an odiously suffocating oppressive orgy of perversely unprotected pseudo-intellectual intercourse among myopic cretins.

well, he doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt. He slapped his wife around. The cops were called. Just because we don't take domestic violence as seriously as we should is not a reason to excuse it when we see it.

This SHOULD have come up in a vetting, and it would have if Trump were running a professional campaign.

In fairness, Ms. Conway is an adept political operative. Singularly, among everyone in the Trump campaign, including Trump, she poses the greatest threat to Mrs. Clinton's chances of winning the election.

There are also some very competent policy advisors on Trump's team, but it's pretty clear to me that Trump doesn't pay them much mind. Were he heeding them, he'd have far more robustly developed policy positions across the board and he would not find himself now trying to articulate what can only be described as an incoherent immigration policy that is moreover in shambles given his recent flip-flop.

For as reprehensible as were his primary-period immigration positions, at least everyone was clear on what the major elements of them were. Now, he's begun to grind and shred the "red meat" of those positions, resulting in his revealing the dissembling chicanery that rests at the center of the man's opportunistic character. Trumpeteers will countenance far more manipulative mendacity than will most, but even they will endure only so much.

Trump isn't going to win.. THis country isn't that far gone yet.

If Trump is walking back his racism, it's because he knows he has to try to rebuild his brand after this fiasco is over. The thing is, his businesses are suffering. Attendence at his casinos are down, and he's not going to have a TV show to go back to when this is over.
We are being side tracked, we need to find out who the billionaire is that is paying Kellyann Conway and Bannon.....some Wall Street guy named Mercer....

He backed Cruz with Kellyann and Bannon, when Cruz dropped out this billionaire wall street guy moved to trump...with Kellyann and Bannon
This SHOULD have come up in a vetting

It should have. I don't know if it did and someone decided they didn't care or if it just didn't. Not that it matters for either of those is characteristic of the way Trump operates: act now, and worry and worry about the fallout later.

Trump isn't going to win.. THis country isn't that far gone yet.

Let's hope not. I really don't know. When folks whom I once held in high regard, folks like John McCain, can publicly lambaste Trump as the Senator did a couple weeks back, yet still say, "I still support him," I am no longer sure just how depraved our polity have become.
*****BREAKING***** Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case .


Stephen K. Bannon, the new CEO of the Donald Trump campaign, was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness following an incident in early January 1996, though the case was ultimately dismissed, according to a police report and court documents.
The Santa Monica, Calif., police report says that Bannon’s then-wife claimed he pulled at her neck and wrist during an altercation over their finances, and an officer reported witnessing red marks on her neck and wrist to bolster her account. Bannon also reportedly smashed the phone when she tried to call the police.

Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case

Well, trump has red necks and assholes running his campaign.

Look at that nose, he's a drunk.

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