BREAKING : Poland: "russia" and Germany have to pay To Poland World War II reparations" Great news


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
BREAKING : Poland: "Muscovy ( "russia") and Germany have to pay To Poland World War II reparations" Great news, Germany have paid already couple of times, today its Muscovites turn to pay World War II reparations to Poles, Jews , Belarusians, Czechs , Estonians etc,

"Kaczynski: Germany and Russia must pay compensation to Poland for damage caused to the country during World War II

Germany and Russia must pay compensation to Poland for damage caused to the country during World War II. This was stated in an interview with the German “Bild” by the leader of the ruling Polish party “Law and Justice” Jaroslav Kaczynski. The topic of reparations has been discussed in Poland since July last year, when Kaczynski said that the country had never refused compensation from Germany. A working group in the Polish parliament estimated them at nearly a trillion dollars. The German government has repeatedly indicated that they see no reason for any payments. "
Google Oversatt


Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact - Wikipedia
Neo-Stalinism (Russian: ) is the promotion of positive views of Joseph Stalin's role in history, the partial re-establishing of Stalin's policies on certain issues and nostalgia for the Stalin period. Neo-Stalinism overlaps significantly with neo-Sovietism and Soviet nostalgia. Various definitions of the term have been given over the years. Neo-Stalinism - Wikipedia

"EP calls to counter Russia's attempts to whitewash Soviet crimes and rewrite history

European Parliament
called on the European Commission to take decisive measures, including providing "effective support for projects of historic memory [...] and remembrance of the victims of totalitarianism".
EP calls to counter Russia's attempts to whitewash Soviet crimes and rewrite history - LRT
So then the US can sue Japan for everything they have. Israel will end up with the money because they want to sue Poland.
They're putting in a clause. They have to be able to spell their name without looking at their national ID cards

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