BREAKING Pentagon : " Ukraine receives Fighter Planes, parts to bolster Air Force ! "

there is the only one solution


What the golden horde 's Losses In Ukraine Could Mean For Putin And the golden horde​

I didnt say he SHOULD, I said I am amazed he didnt.

You clearly know it all, so how is this going to end?
Sorry if I upset you. I The bit I knew which I did not know till last night is that the US has this blueprint which it will mindlessly put into order if Russia starts in any way playing with nukes. That was what prompted me to say that one of the reasons he had not brought them out yet, could be that Putin knows this. I am concerned that our fearlessness concerning nuclear war is dangerous. The worst I have heard is that Putin is dying and would feel fine taking Russia and Ukraine with him. I wasn't meaning you in this but I feel we should start being more aware that how we are acting could end up in nuclear war.

The howitzers are not a turn key solution, people should understand. These are 3-6 months out from the battlefield.

Next offensive- not this one. This is a shaping operation.

What they need right now is 152mm ammunition.

We've promised 80 pieces, and equal number of towing vehicles and 188K rounds of ammunition. France is sending 12 Caesar SPH's and I think 40K rounds.

The NATO 155's have different sights, we use a 6400 mil circle and the Russians use a 6000 mil circle. The Ukrainian bn's will have to learn new TFT/GFT's, go from semi-fixed ammunition to separate loading. They'll have to learn new shell, propellant and fusing combinations, get used to swabbing the tube after every shot, they will have different emplacement procedures and base deflections. That's just a few basics- meaning it will take time.

What this also means is that everyone is settling in for a long conflict. There is a limited supply of 152mm munitions available in NATO countries, and then it's gone. Ukraine needs to transition to 155 before that happens.

They are being provided with a very large number of 155's- 80 pcs just from the US alone. That is a significant shift to NATO standard.

I won't be surprised if I see Ukrainian pilots training on Gripens or even A-10's. When this war is over, Ukraine could be more NATO compliant than some NATO members.

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