Don't get your hopes up!
The poll from this oil and gas company has a margin of error of 7.1%.
Even with their claim he is winning by 5% points in PA, Hillary Clinton could be winning, with that kind of margin of error spread of 7.1%!!
Meh, right now, IMO, the polls are very tight with maybe an edge to Trump, but how much hidden support he may have is a mystery, but I think he is our version of Brexit in terms of polling.
But the main thing is with Hillary's inability to campaign as hard as Trump is, her micromanaging tendencies as opposed to trumps delegation style, her continued drip-drip-drip of Wikileaks emails getting dumped from now to the election, I do not see her recovering momentum. Trump on the other hand has avoided putting his foot in his mouth, fair or not, for the past week and he seems to have sobered up in this respect (I know he is a tea totaller)
I do not see this election improving for Hillary but only getting worse. How fast that happens and whether 10 weeks is still enough time, I think it is the case.
In fact, I would not be surprised if Trump is indeed about 4% ahead among Registered voters if you could poll them secretly, and he has probably another 5 to 10% of the public among the Likely voters who have never voted before.
But we will see. This is really just some tea leaf reading, and I only feel about 70% sure that Trump is slightly up and the trends will carry him to a major win bigger than Obamas 2008 win.
But I could be wrong; I am planning on both possibilities personally and I think that is what everyone should do.