Breaking CNN: Conservative Leaders And GOPe Have Meeting In Washington To Plot How To Stop Trump


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This is truly disgusting to say the least. I never would have thought in my lifetime where the candidate the people want as their president is such a threat to the establishment that they would resort to this. Trump is right. The people will riot over this if his delegates are stolen.

Conservatives gather to plot against Donald Trump -

A radical proposal for how Republicans could try to stop Donald Trump

Conservatives pin hopes on convention fight

How the GOP Elite Plan To Rob Donald Trump
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Not impossible that this ship of fools would try to nominate Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky to run as their candidate since she can never be the Democrat Party choice. Hey, the bus has been idling outside the convention hall for weeks just waiting for George Soros to give the bois the word.
Not impossible that this ship of fools would try to nominate Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky to run as their candidate since she can never be the Democrat Party choice. Hey, the bus has been idling outside the convention hall for weeks just waiting for George Soros to give the bois the word.

And these GOP elites and misguided conservative Republicans are some of the same people who have always demanded that all Republicans support the GOP nominee when the nominee was someone they liked (Ford, Dole, Bush, McCain, Romney).

I remember how angry Republicans were at Pat Buchanan for running a third-party candidacy in 2000. They howled and screamed against him, calling him "disloyal," "treacherous," "back-stabber," and claiming that he was a dream come true for Al Gore.
Evidently no one has shown them the latest poll showing 60% of those polled say the WE-GOP efforts to plot and plan the back-stabbing / robbery of Trump's nomination only makes people want to support the man more.

If they do try to - or especially if they successfully - get the deed done, I believe Trump was / is right. There will be massive protests, potential violence...a civil war. The GOP will cease to exist as we know it, and people will not vote for whoever the WE-GOP/Millionaire/Billionaires give the nomination to.
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Anti-Trump "Conservatives" Release Statement After Meeting to Dump Trump - Want to Unite Republicans - The Gateway Pundit

Erick Erickson’s website released this statement today after attending a meeting how to stop Trump

We are a group of grassroots conservative activists from all over the country and from various backgrounds, including supporters of many of the other campaigns. We are committed to ensuring a real conservative candidate is elected. We believe that neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump, a Hillary Clinton donor, is that person.

We believe that the issue of Donald Trump is greater than an issue of party. It is an issue of morals and character that all Americans, not just those of us in the conservative movement, must confront.

We call for a unity ticket that unites the Republican Party. If that unity ticket is unable to get 1,237 delegates prior to the convention, we recognize that it took Abraham Lincoln three ballots at the Republican convention in 1860 to become the party’s nominee and if it is good enough for Lincoln, that process should be good enough for all the candidates without threats of riots.

We encourage all former Republican candidates not currently supporting Trump to unite against him and encourage all candidates to hold their delegates on the first ballot.

Lastly, we intend to keep our options open as to other avenues to oppose Donald Trump. Our multiple decades of work in the conservative movement for free markets, limited government, national defense, religious liberty, life, and marriage are about ideas, not necessarily parties.
Evidently no one has shown them the latest poll showing 60% of those polled say the WE-GOP efforts to plot and plan the back-stabbing / robbery of Trump's nomination only makes people want to support the man more.

I haven't seen that poll. :link:

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