Brain dead Medicaid patients on life support

Lovely, but makes no difference. We still haven't established that these alleged hordes of dead people are being kept alive against the will of their loved ones, or that people who should be dead are being forced onto life support.

Conspiracy theories. A horror story to justify killing off unwanted, disabled folks that lovely people like you don't want to be bothered with. This has nothing to do with the pretend population of zombies being stored somewhere to generate $$ for crooked health professionals. It has everything to do with whackos who want to kill off whole groups of people they see as extraneous.

What in the hell are you talking about? If I didn't want to deal with the infirm, I wouldn't be in health care.


the whole situation is that Gawdaw thinks that people on public funds should not have life support. Then he thinks that all of those that are infirm, sick, mental retards should be offed also.

They should have it but when they are BRAIN DEAD they need to be allowed to die in peace. They are already dead.
Your last sentence is a lie so that makes you a liar.
But we already knew that.
How many people who are brain dead are being kept alive against their/their families' wishes?
They are being kept alove BECAUSE THEIR FAMILY WERE TOO STUPID to have drawn up a DNR order and want to keep their vegetable kin alive as long as possible.
For many years in most instances. Hundreds of thousands of dollars FOR NOTHING.
You really are dumb as a box of rocks. I relayed my experience which is also common. But when the family intervenes they get it taken off but the bills are still run up.
Amazing how incompetent you are. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.
I think KG is referring to the intangibles involved with a patient kept on life support.

Money does not compare to closure or the possibility of life in such situations.
How many people who are brain dead are being kept alive against their/their families' wishes?
They are being kept alove BECAUSE THEIR FAMILY WERE TOO STUPID to have drawn up a DNR order and want to keep their vegetable kin alive as long as possible.
For many years in most instances. Hundreds of thousands of dollars FOR NOTHING.
You really are dumb as a box of rocks. I relayed my experience which is also common. But when the family intervenes they get it taken off but the bills are still run up.
Amazing how incompetent you are. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

Ah, so you want a law passed so that when families don't want to kill their relatives, the state does it anyway.

My reading comprehension is fine. We've proven that there are no warehouses of vegetables being kept alive just to generate income, we've established that you were one of the idiots who wanted to kill a relative, but was too stupid to provide a dnr...and we've shown that this has nothing to do with allowing desperately ill people to die peacefully, but rather everything to do with allowing the state to kill people at will.

Thank you for playing.
My son works for a private health nursing staffing agency staffing nurses for Medicaid patients. One of the things he does is staff nurses to watch totally brain dead folks on respirators. His company bills Medicaid $40 an hour for 84 hours each week to sit and watch these people that have no chance whatsoever of ever living a productive life again. His company bills Medicaid $3360.00 a week for this. He has numerous patients they staff for this.
Do the math. He states that with the other administrative work that is involved the total cost is $200,000.00 a year in tax payer $$ to keep these people alive.
He states that many parents and family do not want it but that many people just sit and watch their loved ones with no chance of any productive life. The reason they need the care is that these people can not blink their eyes as they have no brain function for this.
Ethically, he believes this is a waste of money even though his company makes a lot of $$ off of it.
I posted it in this section because he states that almost all of the families that demand this Medicaid program are very religous and will not allow their family members to be taken off of life support.
I saw this when my father died. Full ward of 85+ year old patients billing Medicare $5,000 a day in ICU in south Florida hospitals on respirators with no chance of ever doing anything. Everyone of them brain dead.
This has to change. No other country on earth allows this kind of waste.

Don't threat, under Obama care, this waste as you call it, would not be tolerated. So my assumption is that you are willing to decide whom shall live and die? Most people have signed directives in place, apparently these cases did not, so who gives you or a pannel of experts the right over life and death?
My son works for a private health nursing staffing agency staffing nurses for Medicaid patients. One of the things he does is staff nurses to watch totally brain dead folks on respirators. His company bills Medicaid $40 an hour for 84 hours each week to sit and watch these people that have no chance whatsoever of ever living a productive life again. His company bills Medicaid $3360.00 a week for this. He has numerous patients they staff for this.
Do the math. He states that with the other administrative work that is involved the total cost is $200,000.00 a year in tax payer $$ to keep these people alive.
He states that many parents and family do not want it but that many people just sit and watch their loved ones with no chance of any productive life. The reason they need the care is that these people can not blink their eyes as they have no brain function for this.
Ethically, he believes this is a waste of money even though his company makes a lot of $$ off of it.
I posted it in this section because he states that almost all of the families that demand this Medicaid program are very religous and will not allow their family members to be taken off of life support.
I saw this when my father died. Full ward of 85+ year old patients billing Medicare $5,000 a day in ICU in south Florida hospitals on respirators with no chance of ever doing anything. Everyone of them brain dead.
This has to change. No other country on earth allows this kind of waste.

Don't threat, under Obama care, this waste as you call it, would not be tolerated. So my assumption is that you are willing to decide whom shall live and die? Most people have signed directives in place, apparently these cases did not, so who gives you or a pannel of experts the right over life and death?

No, that is the myth and I would not vote for Obama for anything.
Fact is the new managed care for Medicaid is what will change it.
And that is a Republican bill. In Georgia we are going to that 100% and our Legislature is Republican.
Good deflection though. Used to be "It was Bush's fault" and now we hear "It is Obama's fault"
This is all about common sense and respect. Let people die. Quit playing God by artificially "keeping them alive."
They are already dead.

"I insist that you kill my relatives when I call you long distance and tell you it's time, dammit!"

That is what the doctor said down in Fort Myers when I got there the day after I found out Dad was BACK IN LEE MEMORIAL.
Dad had been in there 4 other times that year and the DNR order was in place. Got the call at 1 am Friday morning and by noon Saturday I was there in their face. Took until Tuesday to get him off the life support. Had to threaten to sue them.
They knew they had the DNR, admitted it but stated many times "Well, we know he wanted no life support but we made a mistake and now we need our legal department to look at it."
The doctor came out the second day I was there, on a Sunday and stated "Well we know some folks want to unplug their parents."
He was just like you KG, did not care about the DNR THAT DAD HAD HIS LAWYER draw up years before that. All he cared about was getting his way, CASH FROM MEDICARE.
Dad's lawyer helped sort it out. Dad was taken off of life support that Tuesday and died 2 minutes later.
3 months later we get the bill, the portion Medicare will not pay. Our portion was about 7K.
I told them to go fuck themselves. Included in the bill was a $700 charge for the ambulance that took Dad 700 feet from the rehab center across the street. I refused to pay any of that as EOB is required.
10 days before DAd died his doctor advised he needed to go to a rehab center to help him get on his feet. He was 88 almost 89. I stated OK. They billed Medicare for 11K in rehab fees over a 10 day period OVER AND ABOVE the cost of staying there. His rehab routine for those 10 days? Occupational therapy, speech therapy and vocational retraining. FOR A FUCKING 88 YEAR OLD MAN!!!
You fools are too stupid to understand what is going on all over America with Medicaid and Medicare.
Total bill to the taxpayers for all those services DAD DID NOT WANT PER DNR was over 100K. Medicare paid all of that and it was all A WASTE and not wanted by my father.
But folks like you that are so naive and gullible that does not compute.
They did it FOR THE MEDICARE CASH. Happens every day.
People do die.

Happens every day.

You want to let the state kill them against the wishes of family. Big diff.

I wish for you to give each of my kids 50K after I die.
That is the wish of my family so government must make sure it happens.
Any family member that would allow any of their family to be hooked up to a machine and make them live in a diaper brain dead needs to have the govenrment take any other children they have and place them in foster care.
People like that are unfit to be parents.
You are a closet liberal.
I'm a closet liberal because I don't want the state killing people who are expensive?

yeah, right.

BTW, the dnr has to be updated. No one is going to authorize offing someone based on an ancient dnr.

It's a shame you were such a crap son you didn't know that before the situation reached critical mass.
Let's have the name of the warehouses where they're hidden from the public!

Well, to be fair, he did only claim that there were ICU wards all over Florida full of brain dead old people being kept alive.

Which is an unbelievably ignorant assumption on his part.
People do die.

Happens every day.

You want to let the state kill them against the wishes of family. Big diff.

no one would be killing anyone KG....Pulling the letting nature take its course.

True enough. But in the OP's mind, the people he sees in ICU are all brain dead. He is certainly NOT qualified to make that judgement based on his idiotic observations.

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