Boomer songs in TV commercials...


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
<Rant On>

....does anyone else hate them? I mean they seem to choose the crappiest popular songs from the 70's: Songs that I couldn't stand even back then. They use them to peddle erectile dysfunction pills, arthritis medicine, Type 2 diabetes medicine, and pills for high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, cancer, Hepatitis C, and a whole fuckload of diseases nobody's ever hear of.

Does the advertising industry think we're a bunch of broken-down old cripples or something? I mean screw that soft pablum they keep playing over and over in those commercials. I hated that shit back then just as much as I do now.

Listen up, you bunch of millennial Madison Avenue dweebs who don't have a fuckin' clue what really happened in the 60's and 70's: If you want any of my cash, you're gonna have to do a little better. How about some Hendrix for a change? Or Jeff beck? or Blue Cheer? Or Ten Years After? or Leslie West? Or Black Sabbath? Or Deep Purple? Or Johnny Winter? Or Grand Funk Railroad? Or Humble Pie? Or Uriah Heep? Or Lord Sutch? Or Atomic Rooster? Do you geeks have any idea just how nasty the 60's and 70's were? Do you think it was some kind fuckin' love fest or something?

So just give this old SOB a break, ok?, I would rather have my balls nailed to a flaming stump and be given a rusty butter knife, than to have to listen to this craplum during every commercial break...

I would much rather hear this, which really reflects the current state of not only the 60's and 70's, but today's Boomerism. Because death walks behind each and every one of you fuckers...

<Rant Off>
<Rant On>

....does anyone else hate them? I mean they seem to choose the crappiest popular songs from the 70's: Songs that I couldn't stand even back then. They use them to peddle erectile dysfunction pills, arthritis medicine, Type 2 diabetes medicine, and pills for high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, cancer, Hepatitis C, and a whole fuckload of diseases nobody's ever hear of.

Does the advertising industry think we're a bunch of broken-down old cripples or something? I mean screw that soft pablum they keep playing over and over in those commercials. I hated that shit back then just as much as I do now.

Listen up, you bunch of millennial Madison Avenue dweebs who don't have a fuckin' clue what really happened in the 60's and 70's: If you want any of my cash, you're gonna have to do a little better. How about some Hendrix for a change? Or Jeff beck? or Blue Cheer? Or Ten Years After? or Leslie West? Or Black Sabbath? Or Deep Purple? Or Johnny Winter? Or Grand Funk Railroad? Or Humble Pie? Or Uriah Heep? Or Lord Sutch? Or Atomic Rooster? Do you geeks have any idea just how nasty the 60's and 70's were? Do you think it was some kind fuckin' love fest or something?

So just give this old SOB a break, ok?, I would rather have my balls nailed to a flaming stump and be given a rusty butter knife, than to have to listen to this craplum during every commercial break...

I would much rather hear this, which really reflects the current state of not only the 60's and 70's, but today's Boomerism. Because death walks behind each and every one of you fuckers...

<Rant Off>

Maybe its because no one of their generation can come with anything worth listening to.
<Rant On>

....does anyone else hate them? I mean they seem to choose the crappiest popular songs from the 70's: Songs that I couldn't stand even back then. They use them to peddle erectile dysfunction pills, arthritis medicine, Type 2 diabetes medicine, and pills for high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, cancer, Hepatitis C, and a whole fuckload of diseases nobody's ever hear of.

Does the advertising industry think we're a bunch of broken-down old cripples or something? I mean screw that soft pablum they keep playing over and over in those commercials. I hated that shit back then just as much as I do now.

Listen up, you bunch of millennial Madison Avenue dweebs who don't have a fuckin' clue what really happened in the 60's and 70's: If you want any of my cash, you're gonna have to do a little better. How about some Hendrix for a change? Or Jeff beck? or Blue Cheer? Or Ten Years After? or Leslie West? Or Black Sabbath? Or Deep Purple? Or Johnny Winter? Or Grand Funk Railroad? Or Humble Pie? Or Uriah Heep? Or Lord Sutch? Or Atomic Rooster? Do you geeks have any idea just how nasty the 60's and 70's were? Do you think it was some kind fuckin' love fest or something?

So just give this old SOB a break, ok?, I would rather have my balls nailed to a flaming stump and be given a rusty butter knife, than to have to listen to this craplum during every commercial break...

I would much rather hear this, which really reflects the current state of not only the 60's and 70's, but today's Boomerism. Because death walks behind each and every one of you fuckers...

<Rant Off>


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