Boehner boner


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Boehner uses golf balls with Pelosi face for fundraiser - On Congress -

Not just the golf balls, which of course he disavows all knowledge blah-blah, bleepin blah, but

Boehner was targeted on Tuesday by "hundreds of members of local labor unions, progressive organizations, social justice groups, and local activists" who were protesting at Boehner's congressional office in West Chester. About 50 of the protestors made their way to the golf fundraiser in Dublin, which is over 100 miles from West Chester. These activists want Boehner back on Capitol Hill. The protestors "are outraged that [Boehner] would rather play golf and Washington politics rather than focus on job creation for his district and the nation," according to an e-mail sent out by an Ohio-based group helping organize the demonstration.
Prounouncing Boehner as Bayner reminds me of "Keeping Up Appearances" and Mrs Buquet spelled Bucket :)
I used to live in Dublin.
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Honest-to-god and I shit you not - I have a friend whose friend is J*O*A*N. She pronounces it JoAnne. Srsly. "Hi, I'm Bobbi. That's D*A*V*I*D. Bobbi."

Any hoot, back to the idiot of the hour.

Republicans repeatedly assured the nation that once the debt-limit deal was done -- capping spending, cutting the budget deficit, and getting "98 percent" of what they wanted, according to House Speaker John Boehner -- the economy would bounce back.

Guess what? Just the opposite seems to be happening. The stock market has plunged, Standard & Poor's has downgraded the nation's debt, and America seems closer than ever to falling into another recession.

Wall Street investors aren't ideologues. They don't obsess about budget deficits 10 years from now or the size of the government. Their worries are based on cold, hard facts.

The first fact is the economy is almost at a standstill. The Commerce Department reports almost no growth in the first half of the year.

The second fact is the job situation is growing worse. Although the recent job report showed 117,000 jobs were added in July, that's nothing to celebrate.

We need a bold jobs bill to stop the economy from tanking |
I really cannot think of any jobs bill that will make any rapid difference in our situation.

It will be painful and take time and we must learn to live with less.
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Oh, I'm as frugal as the day is long.

Right now, I'm ready to toss anybody out of office that looks like they're thinking about stonewalling.

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