Blue staters fleeing taxes they increased to live in Red States....ask Mark Levine...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Apparently, a lot of blue state residents are fleeing high tax blue states to live in free Red States. Mark Levine, head of the Land Mark Legal Foundation, and radio host explained it this way a long time ago.....democrats are like locusts....they move into a state or city, raise taxes, fines, fees, and spend the state or city into bankruptcy, they undermine the police and increase the crime rate, they destroy the school system by supporting anti education Public Teacher Unions...and then, when that state or city really sucks because of their policies...they move to find a new place...and start the process all over again.....

He said they were like locusts....

Here is some evidence of that....

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

A newly published study shows taxpayers are (still) abandoning blue states and heading to states where Republicans retain a greater level of influence.

Leah Jessen of the Daily Signal reported:

Study: Taxpayers Are Leaving Democrat-Run States for States Controlled by Republicans

In an analysis of Internal Revenue Service income statistics and migration data, Americans for Tax Reform—an advocacy group for lower and simpler taxes—concluded that in 2013 more than 200,000 taxpayers fled states with a Democrat governor to states with Republicans in control.

The analysis shows that in 2013 states run by Democrats lost 226,763 taxpayers while Republican-run states gained about 220,000 new taxpayers.

The state with the most growth in new taxpayers? Texas.

The state, governed by Republican Rick Perry during the 2012-2013 year, saw a positive net migration of 152,477 people. “Texas accounted for more than half of the net migration into the South,” the IRS reports.

The IRS report can be seen here.
Blue states are where you go to make money. Red states are where you go when you need to live somewhere that people make less money. Like when you retire because you want your money to go further than it can in a blue state. Which is what's happening in this case.

Maybe they'll start turning those red states blue.
Blue states are where you go to make money. Red states are where you go when you need to live somewhere that people make less money. Like when you retire because you want your money to go further than it can in a blue state. Which is what's happening in this case.

Maybe they'll start turning those red states blue.

Oh boy....:cuckoo:
LOL. Going to be some interesting side effects from that. Not only turning those states purple, but people of color bring back their education, and applying it to the local politics where they retire.
Where do red staters go to retire?

Or maybe they just keep working until they drop. They seem to enjoy working for very little money.

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