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She's a good conservative. She's a Jew. That's why the three/four of you have pissed all over this thread
The main thing is that these antisemitic liberals are in meltdown mode because Trump WON!!

I knew Gd saved him for a reason.

What in the world is WRONG with you? A Jewish woman explains she won’t be responding for the next few hours because she is going to shul, and you say “probably not”?

I'm starting to smell real bullshit now.

What kind of person talks about herself in the third person like this above (and her other posts)? Why do you need to constantly reiterate that you're a "Jewish woman" or a "Jewish girl?" You posted all day on this thread, so why did you need to tell anyone you were going to Saturday temple?

Are you even a jew? Shit, are you even a woman? Your temperament, aggression, and the way you use your words sounds just like a guy.

Who wants to bet that "Lisa" is actually a guy?

Natural Citizen
Anyone that uses the Holocaust as a verbal weapon or dig at a jewish person, is a dickwad motherfucker.

Assholes. Fucktards. Scumbags. Douche bags.

Is that clear enough?
Thank you! So is a person who mocks a Jewish person who is offended by the swastika - the most antisemitic symbol there is, and a reminder of the attemot to genocide all Jews.
" Benefits Of Incessant Breeding Over Attrition Through War And Inviting An Enemy Through Your Door "

* Reflection On Who Ended Up With What *

Imagine! A Jew is offended by a swastika!
Look at how libs went ape-shit over an Aunt Jemima logo. But a swastika? NBD.
Imagine everyone being offended by a hijab , or burka , as a symbol for a hate speech militant manifest from a sectarian supremacist ideology with +1400 years of homicide by doctrine to back it up .

Germans are disappearing as a peoples with autonomy or distinct identity , as their women are breeding out , their people are not reproducing and their peoples and values are being supplanted by fictional ishmaelism degenerates from the middle east and africa .

Someone flaunting a swastika that represents a national socialist party for a german state of germans is rather pathetic .
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