blm protest in rhode island in the rain


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

they want to police defiunded becasue those black people got brawl and buncvh cops stopped it . some of the kids go pepper sprayed. and i was reading some of the parents might sue. BLM alwas finds some where to protest around the holidays.

they want to police defiunded becasue those black people got brawl and buncvh cops stopped it . some of the kids go pepper sprayed. and i was reading some of the parents might sue. BLM alwas finds some where to protest around the holidays.

Too bad the K-9s weren't released. It makes for better video than the spray.

The perps react the best when a G-Shepherd is up on them and the little doggies have so much fun.

wag wag wag

good boy / girl
This is what we have today. We have people in the streets fighting, getting violent, and then expecting NO consequences, and in fact they raise hell over it.

One must break down the situation from the time the first officer arrives. Officer arrives upon a scene where(low income?) people are what looks like milling around in group(s) @ 19:36 hours(7:36 pm). Watching the recording for a couple minutes it is obvious to me that there is none, zippo no organization with these people what so ever. Kids are shouting from door ways, women confused in despair & the men just there idling around, apparently with no purpose in life? Obesity & trash abound which tells me that these people are not too energetic. The housing reminds me of communal living with over crowding adding to the frustration & hopelessness of the situation. I've seen situations like this before. What a difference if the parents & other folks 16 years of age or older were employed & moved out of the ghetto zone to a quieter area. This is a classic case of what welfare so called benefits(?) can do to destroy both individuals & family units.

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