BLM nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Um, BLM was formed in Obama's second term.
In Obama's last year as President 32 unarmed blacks were shot dead by cops. (highest on record.)
In Trump's last year as President 10 unarmed blacks were shot dead by cops. (more blacks died falling out of bed)
Sounds like 42 unarmed black men in only two years should NOT have been murdered by police.

Obviously BLM has a point.

Thank for pointing that out
On average 3 blacks are killed by cops every 2 days in Jamaica.
Why doesn't BLM protest there?
Any other excuses you care to make?
Um, BLM was formed in Obama's second term.
In Obama's last year as President 32 unarmed blacks were shot dead by cops. (highest on record.)
In Trump's last year as President 10 unarmed blacks were shot dead by cops. (more blacks died falling out of bed)
Sounds like 42 unarmed black men in only two years should NOT have been murdered by police.

Obviously BLM has a point.

Thank for pointing that out
On average 3 blacks are killed by cops every 2 days in Jamaica.
Why doesn't BLM protest there?

Gun control is strong in China. Why doesn't the NRA protest there?
Probably because it is a Communist nation. That is what we are becoming. It took massive fraud to do it but it seems like it got done.
The person in charge of BLM funds is an elderly white Jewish lady who served time in jail for terrorism and was pardoned by the Clintons. She has diverted billions of dollars donated to help the black community into the Biden campaign. Money that should have been used for investment in coloured areas was wasted electing that potato brain.
Post a link moron
What's with the personal abuse?
Here you go.
So Rosenberg sits on a Board of Directors of a non profit fund raising group that was contracted to do fund raising for BLM. She doesn't have any actual association with BLM other than fund raising activity and in fact does this type of fund raising work for numerous organizations. She makes no decisions for BLM and doesn't sit on any of their actual committees.

She was convicted of weapons charges 36 years ago and served 16 years in jail. (a hefty sentence considering the charges) . Her sentence was commuted TWENTY years ago


So tell us...why is some Irish asshole so invested in American right wing politics? Are you even a resident here?
She doesn't fund raise for BLM, it is a hoax. All of the money goes to ActBlue, and then into campaigns for Dems. They created BLM and hired some blacks to organize protests like Gay Deray.
The person in charge of BLM funds is an elderly white Jewish lady who served time in jail for terrorism and was pardoned by the Clintons. She has diverted billions of dollars donated to help the black community into the Biden campaign. Money that should have been used for investment in coloured areas was wasted electing that potato brain.
Post a link moron
What's with the personal abuse?
Here you go.
So Rosenberg sits on a Board of Directors of a non profit fund raising group that was contracted to do fund raising for BLM. She doesn't have any actual association with BLM other than fund raising activity and in fact does this type of fund raising work for numerous organizations. She makes no decisions for BLM and doesn't sit on any of their actual committees.

She was convicted of weapons charges 36 years ago and served 16 years in jail. (a hefty sentence considering the charges) . Her sentence was commuted TWENTY years ago


So tell us...why is some Irish asshole so invested in American right wing politics? Are you even a resident here?
She doesn't fund raise for BLM, it is a hoax. All of the money goes to ActBlue, and then into campaigns for Dems. They created BLM and hired some blacks to organize protests like Gay Deray.
That was just stupid. STFU
It’s an unjust world

A little less so after the protests.

What did they accomplish besides destroying property and killing people?

The riots probably ruined any chance the Democrats had of imposing draconian gun control on our nation. Today many liberals are first time gun owners. They realize that dialing 911 when all the cops are tied up dealing with rioters may not protect your family.

The person in charge of BLM funds is an elderly white Jewish lady who served time in jail for terrorism and was pardoned by the Clintons. She has diverted billions of dollars donated to help the black community into the Biden campaign. Money that should have been used for investment in coloured areas was wasted electing that potato brain.
Post a link moron
What's with the personal abuse?
Here you go.
She should have never been pardoned ever. Clinton also pardoned some terrorists from Puerto Rico.
The Impeached Rapist Bill Clinton pardoned Racist Latino Terrorist who shot 5 congressmen inside the capital.
1954 United States Capitol shooting - Wikipedia
The person in charge of BLM funds is an elderly white Jewish lady who served time in jail for terrorism and was pardoned by the Clintons. She has diverted billions of dollars donated to help the black community into the Biden campaign. Money that should have been used for investment in coloured areas was wasted electing that potato brain.
Post a link moron
What's with the personal abuse?
Here you go.
So Rosenberg sits on a Board of Directors of a non profit fund raising group that was contracted to do fund raising for BLM. She doesn't have any actual association with BLM other than fund raising activity and in fact does this type of fund raising work for numerous organizations. She makes no decisions for BLM and doesn't sit on any of their actual committees.

She was convicted of weapons charges 36 years ago and served 16 years in jail. (a hefty sentence considering the charges) . Her sentence was commuted TWENTY years ago


So tell us...why is some Irish asshole so invested in American right wing politics? Are you even a resident here?
She doesn't fund raise for BLM, it is a hoax. All of the money goes to ActBlue, and then into campaigns for Dems. They created BLM and hired some blacks to organize protests like Gay Deray.
That was just stupid. STFU
You are a useful idiot. How can anyone be so ignorant, so STFU you raging lunatic.
This is the donation link from BLM's website
Contribution rules
  1. This contribution is made from my own funds or the funds of an authorizing corporation or other entity, and the funds are not being provided by any other person or entity.
  2. ActBlue Charities is a registered charitable organization formed to democratize charitable giving.
The person in charge of BLM funds is an elderly white Jewish lady who served time in jail for terrorism and was pardoned by the Clintons. She has diverted billions of dollars donated to help the black community into the Biden campaign. Money that should have been used for investment in coloured areas was wasted electing that potato brain.
Post a link moron
What's with the personal abuse?
Here you go.
So Rosenberg sits on a Board of Directors of a non profit fund raising group that was contracted to do fund raising for BLM. She doesn't have any actual association with BLM other than fund raising activity and in fact does this type of fund raising work for numerous organizations. She makes no decisions for BLM and doesn't sit on any of their actual committees.

She was convicted of weapons charges 36 years ago and served 16 years in jail. (a hefty sentence considering the charges) . Her sentence was commuted TWENTY years ago


So tell us...why is some Irish asshole so invested in American right wing politics? Are you even a resident here?
She sits on the funding board and decides where the money goes......e.g Democrats.
I think you meant to say....."Why is some Irish man more knowledgable on U.S politics than I am??"
The person in charge of BLM funds is an elderly white Jewish lady who served time in jail for terrorism and was pardoned by the Clintons. She has diverted billions of dollars donated to help the black community into the Biden campaign. Money that should have been used for investment in coloured areas was wasted electing that potato brain.
Post a link moron
What's with the personal abuse?
Here you go.
So Rosenberg sits on a Board of Directors of a non profit fund raising group that was contracted to do fund raising for BLM. She doesn't have any actual association with BLM other than fund raising activity and in fact does this type of fund raising work for numerous organizations. She makes no decisions for BLM and doesn't sit on any of their actual committees.

She was convicted of weapons charges 36 years ago and served 16 years in jail. (a hefty sentence considering the charges) . Her sentence was commuted TWENTY years ago


So tell us...why is some Irish asshole so invested in American right wing politics? Are you even a resident here?
She sits on the funding board and decides where the money goes......e.g Democrats.
I think you meant to say....."Why is some Irish man more knowledgable on U.S politics than I am??"
She sits on the board of an organization that does fund raising. NOTHING you provided says anything about her having input on how those funds are spent.

Nice try but your slander is weak. Well it wasn't even a nice try but...
BLM is a violent racist organization.
The Corporations and Politicians who support them are supporting hate, racism and violence.
They have zero empathy for the 5 Dallas Policemen who were assassinated at one of their riots.
Liberals have no shame because they have no conscience.

A Black Lives Matter protest was organized in Dallas by the Next Generation Action Network in response to the killings of two men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota, respectively, days before.[12] The Dallas protest was one of several held across the United States on the night of July 7.[13] Around 800 protesters were involved, and around 100 police officers were assigned to monitor the event.[9][14] About 20 to 30 open-carry gun rights activists joined the protest march, some wearing gas masks, bulletproof vests, and fatigues, according to Dallas Police Chief David Brown.
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia
Um, BLM was formed in Obama's second term.
In Obama's last year as President 32 unarmed blacks were shot dead by cops. (highest on record.)
In Trump's last year as President 10 unarmed blacks were shot dead by cops. (more blacks died falling out of bed)
Sounds like 42 unarmed black men in only two years should NOT have been murdered by police.

Obviously BLM has a point.

Thank for pointing that out
Yet the police kill more whites.

Obviously, the Nobel Committee refuses to believe the many lies trump's Nazis use as their narrative for the BLM protests.

However, the Committee members do understand how outside opportunists started the violence and committed the associated crimes. knowing trump's Nazis would blame the protestors.

Only trump's Nazis are as stupid to believe the nonsense they fabricate, rational people, especially the Nobel Committee know much better.


Unbelievable. :cuckoo:

I thought it was a joke, a bad joke at that....but's not a joke it's very real.

like I say

Dozens of people were killed
Hundreds of police officers were killed
Tens of thousands of private citizens were injured.
The downtowns of numerous cities were burned to the ground.
And yet oddly you care not about wit about the death and injuries that your MAGArat buddies inflicted on the police in the Capitol Insurrrection
Wait a minute lesh (definition: large pile of shit per urban dictionary), you morons kept claiming the two things can’t be compared. Now you cry crocodile tears about officers dying. Spare us your hypocrisy. There was no burning of the city by Trump supporters. No businesses got destroyed. And you neglect to mention the FBI knew about this day so in advance. Sorry asshole, it’s all on you leftards. Own it.

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