Blatant Speech Suppression by Biden

Not apples and oranges. You support tbe right of student free speech in those institutions but not teachers, who risk losing their certification if they discuss something that has the possibility of making a student or parent “uncomfortable”. Some. Of those laws also apply to private employers who conduct diversity training programs as well. Very broad, poorly defined and authoritarian.

And we are losing teachers at a very high rate.

The government schools are not private citizens, you dumbass. Parents have every right in the world to forbid the imposition of CRT on their children. You are exhibit A as to why the only thing that leftists will ever understand about the inalienable rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.

Universal school choice now!

So what EO’s is the White House issuing to suppress anything?

…or are you confusing an opinion with some sort of action.

You want to see REAL speech suppression?

They shouldn't teach white people they are racist and blacks are all just victims in elementary school and up. That has nothing to do with a child's education. I mean if you could find an article saying "schools want to ban teachers from showing students how to make meth" then you would show your fake outrage at how Republicans are censoring America.

And that site you linked is horribly biased and skewed. Which is obvious as the 5th paragraph starts out with hugely bolded letters "the right wing crt freakout". It's anti Republican so they write in order to oppose the right, not be concise or fair. And it talks about inclusive and diversity, well that means discrimination and racism towards non blacks in today's standards. We had starting in the 90s diversity and inclusion, just no one gave it a name or pointed it out because we were just progressing along and no one really cared until the left decided to force it to become an issue and actually set things backwards.

And no "only white history allowed" isn't a thing. It's American history. Whites settled and founded America, that doesn't make us somehow racist. I mean blacks founded Ethiopia, does that make them racist? Whites settled Switzerland, Asians setting Japan, Spanish settled Spain, are they all racist also for teaching their history in schools?

You have some serious problems if you're going to say not teaching and exucating racist and discriminatiory stuff in school to small children is censorship and comparing it to what is actually real calls for censorship in full grown adults publicly discussing information and opinions.
Asking platforms to ensure the people they hire tell the truth.

How dare she?

Rogan had pasts well-qualified guests stating that the virus could be spread by the unvaccinated. At the time, that would have been considered “misinformation”. Now, it is an accepted fact. This big group-think by the left without even entertaining the possibility that they could be wrong has to stop.
Rogan had pasts well-qualified guests stating that the virus could be spread by the unvaccinated. At the time, that would have been considered “misinformation”. Now, it is an accepted fact. This big group-think by the left without even entertaining the possibility that they could be wrong has to stop.
Good post
Not apples and oranges. You support tbe right of student free speech in those institutions but not teachers, who risk losing their certification if they discuss something that has the possibility of making a student or parent “uncomfortable”. Some. Of those laws also apply to private employers who conduct diversity training programs as well. Very broad, poorly defined and authoritarian.

And we are losing teachers at a very high rate.
What's strange is the people who support oppression and forced mandates call us Nazis.
A Nazi isn't just a racist.
A Nazi is an oppressor.
An oppressor is someone who punishes people if they don't bow down to their will.
Racism is just one tool they use to oppress people.
And diversity is just another form of racism.
Diversity really means favoring one race/sex/religion over another.
What's strange is the people who support oppression and forced mandates call us Nazis.
A Nazi isn't just a racist.
A Nazi is an oppressor.
An oppressor is someone who punishes people if they don't bow down to their will.
Racism is just one tool they use to oppress people.
And diversity is just another form of racism.
Diversity really means favoring one race/sex/religion over another.
Democrats always accuse other of that which they themselves are guilty of

Racism is another example

"I don’t see how Joe Biden can last another year. His creepy whispering is getting stranger. He can’t read a Teleprompter. His anger is uncontrollable. He can barely walk. He doesn’t even know what he’s saying. This is so embarrassing. We’re the laughingstock of the world."
It says that race is equivalent to class, and there is always an oppressor and a victim. Guess who's the oppressor?

It's Marxist class theory modified to include race.

It's the whole bullshit concept behind privlidge.
TEACHER: Today we are going to learn about Plessy v. Ferguson.


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