Blatant Speech Suppression by Biden

He spouted off about it, which was disgraceful.

Calling out fake news is one thing, but he was far too hostile to free speech for my taste.

Biden is worse and more active in suppression however.

Who are "you folks?"

This is meaningless garbage.

What are you spewing about?

Both sides do it, Einstein.

But it's wrong regardless.
Trump said they were fake news.....and he was 100% correct.
It's not Trump's fault the press has decided to throw their integrity in the trash and push their opinions down our throats instead of reporting the news. They're no longer journalists.....they're advocates for the left.

White House Recommends Spotify Do More to Censor Joe Rogan​

The White House indicated Tuesday that Spotify’s attempts to address what they described as coronavirus “misinformation” on podcaster Joe Rogan’s interviews was not a strong enough response to the freedom of speech controversy.

OP: Biden is not even hiding his authoritarian anti-free speech tendencies.
When will there be a USA trucker convoy to DC shutting down the government until Biden, Fauxi, dems and RINO leave, never to return?
Let tards be tards, I say. By making an issue of someone's speech, you bring more attention to them. Sooner or later, the tard will say something so unbelievably stupid, it which will shock a lot of people back to reality. Like injecting yourself with disinfectant to cure Covid.

A Tennessee school is trying to ban a book about the Holocaust, and now that book has jumped to the top of the bestseller list on Amazon.

It's like my favorite political science writer of all time, Alexis de Tocqueville, said:

If anyone could point out an intermediate and yet a tenable position between the complete independence and the entire servitude of opinion, I should perhaps be inclined to adopt it, but the difficulty is to discover this intermediate position. Intending to correct the licentiousness of the press and to restore the use of orderly language, you first try the offender by a jury; but if the jury acquits him, the opinion which was that of a single individual becomes the opinion of the whole country. Too much and too little has therefore been done; go farther, then. You bring the delinquent before permanent magistrates; but even here the cause must be heard before it can be decided; and the very principles which no book would have ventured to avow are blazoned forth in the pleadings, and what was obscurely hinted at in a single composition is thus repeated in a multitude of other publications. The language is only the expression and, if I may so speak, the body of the thought, but it is not the thought itself. Tribunals may condemn the body, but the sense, the spirit of the work is too subtle for their authority. Too much has still been done to recede, too little to attain your end; you must go still farther. Establish a censorship of the press. But the tongue of the public speaker will still make itself heard, and your purpose is not yet accomplished; you have only increased the mischief. Thought is not, like physical strength, dependent upon the number of its agents; nor can authors be counted like the troops that compose an army. On the contrary, the authority of a principle is often increased by the small number of men by whom it is expressed. The words of one strong-minded man addressed to the passions of a listening assembly have more power than the vociferations of a thousand orators; and if it be allowed to speak freely in any one public place, the consequence is the same as if free speaking was allowed in every village. The liberty of speech must therefore be destroyed as well as the liberty of the press. And now you have succeeded, everybody is reduced to silence. But your object was to repress the abuses of liberty, and you are brought to the feet of a despot. You have been led from the extreme of independence to the extreme of servitude without finding a single tenable position on the way at which you could stop.
Coronavirus lies are killing people. He really should stop.

I don't really care though, at this point almost everyone dying from it is a republican, and that can only be for the greater good.

Back in reality, almost everyone dying from it is actually old people over the age of 70, people who are morbidly obese, and people who are otherwise immunocompromised. Even your buddy RoWo from the CDC acknowledged this on national television recently. But by all means, stick to your rambling political narrative.
Trump said they were fake news.....and he was 100% correct.
Yes, but that's not all he said, though he was less dangerous than Biden.
It's not Trump's fault the press has decided to throw their integrity in the trash and push their opinions down our throats instead of reporting the news.

Liberal presstitutes are lackeys of the Permastate, as is nearly the entire Democrat Party.
They're no longer journalists.....they're advocates for the left.
Liberals and the Permastate, not the left.

Confusing the tiny and powerless left (which agrees with conservatives on many issues) with liberals is like believing the Jews Hitler murdered were Nazis.

White House Recommends Spotify Do More to Censor Joe Rogan​

The White House indicated Tuesday that Spotify’s attempts to address what they described as coronavirus “misinformation” on podcaster Joe Rogan’s interviews was not a strong enough response to the freedom of speech controversy.

OP: Biden is not even hiding his authoritarian anti-free speech tendencies.
That is government action.

The mere suggestion should be actionable. Joe Rogan should file for a permanent injunction against Biden and ask for attorney's fees.
CRT does not blame white kids for our history. Your head is full of shit.

It says that race is equivalent to class, and there is always an oppressor and a victim. Guess who's the oppressor?

It's Marxist class theory modified to include race.

It's the whole bullshit concept behind privlidge.
Coronavirus lies are killing people. He really should stop.

I don't really care though, at this point almost everyone dying from it is a republican, and that can only be for the greater good.
Who have "Coronavirus lies" killed?

You need to name names.

The only ones dying that I see are the very deserving leftist dim zombies that have taken the "vaccine". Go get your booster. We might get lucky.

So what EO’s is the White House issuing to suppress anything?

…or are you confusing an opinion with some sort of action.

You want to see REAL speech suppression?

Apples and oranges. State schools are not private entities.

What the hell is suppression of government speech?

Are you an idiot or a sociopath? Which is it?
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White House Recommends Spotify Do More to Censor Joe Rogan​

The White House indicated Tuesday that Spotify’s attempts to address what they described as coronavirus “misinformation” on podcaster Joe Rogan’s interviews was not a strong enough response to the freedom of speech controversy.

OP: Biden is not even hiding his authoritarian anti-free speech tendencies.
Since when is anyone forced to do what the government "suggests"?
Asking platforms to ensure the people they hire tell the truth.

How dare she?

Yes, how dare she. It is not here place to do and it is also not really the job of the platforms. Do they censor flat earthers?
Yes, how dare she. It is not here place to do and it is also not really the job of the platforms. Do they censor flat earthers?
Encouraging people to not spread dis/misinformation in a worldwide pandemic is the responsible thing to do.

Flat earthers are idiots but they aren't telling you to inject horse dewormer.
Yes, how dare she. It is not here place to do and it is also not really the job of the platforms. Do they censor flat earthers?
A progressive spoiled entitled shrew who got hers and reeks of self-importance. Given the easy life through extreme feminism and has helped to cause the destruction of traditional nuclear families in this nation. However, the minimum consequence is that many men will not defend progs like her anymore. And we are moving towards something that other nations do in in gender relationships. We see the affects that can never improve with things like they are now.
Apples and oranges. State schools are not private entities.

What the hell is suppression of government speech?

Are you an idiot or a sociopath? Which is it?
Not apples and oranges. You support tbe right of student free speech in those institutions but not teachers, who risk losing their certification if they discuss something that has the possibility of making a student or parent “uncomfortable”. Some. Of those laws also apply to private employers who conduct diversity training programs as well. Very broad, poorly defined and authoritarian.

And we are losing teachers at a very high rate.

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