Blacks were SLAVES ON A PLANTATION until yesterday

So where is evidence of President Trump anti-black policies? All we’ve heard so far are lame ass accusations that went nowhere decades ago.
He took white supremacist groups off the terrorist watch list while making a special classification for black organizations called black identity extremists. The DOJ busted trump for racial, discrimination and he lost..

View attachment 340235

Case NameUnited States v. Fred C. Trump, Donald Trump, and Trump Management, Inc.
Docket / Court73-1529 ( E.D.N.Y. )
State/TerritoryNew York
Case Type(s)Fair Housing/Lending/Insurance
Attorney OrganizationU.S. Dept. of Justice Civil Rights Division
Case SummaryThis case was brought against Fred and Donald Trump, and their real estate company, in 1973 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York. We are working to obtain the relevant documents. In the meantime, the facts in the summary are from an article by Michael Kranish and Robert O'Harrow Jr. in the Washington Post, Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it (Jan. 23, 2016).

In October 1973, the Justice Department filed this civil rights case in federal court in Brooklyn against Fred Trump, Donald Trump, and their real estate company. The complaint alleged that the firm had committed systemic violations of the Fair Housing Act of 1968 in their many complexes--39 buildings, between them containing over 14,000 apartments. The allegations included evidence from black and white "testers" who had sought to rent apartments; the white testers were told of vacancies; the black testers were not, or were steered to apartment complexes with a higher proportion of racial minorities. The complaint also alleged that Trump employees had placed codes next to housing applicant names to indicate if they were black.

The Trumps retained Roy Cohn, former aide to Senator Joseph McCarthy, to defend them; they counter-claimed against the government, seeking $100 million in damages for defamation.

The case was assigned to District Judge Edward R. Neaher. He dismissed the counterclaim and allowed the Fair Housing Act suit to proceed.

After two years, the matter settled with a consent decree, signed June 10, 1975. It included the ordinary disclaimer of liability (the settlement was “in no way an admission” of a violation"), but prohibited the Trumps from "discriminating against any person in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale or rental of a dwelling." Fred and Donald Trump were ordered to "thoroughly acquaint themselves personally on a detailed basis" with the Fair Housing Act. The agreement also required the Trumps to place ads informing minorities they had an equal opportunity to seek housing at their properties. According to a contemporary article in the New York Times, Trump Management was required to furnish the New York Urban League with a weekly list of all apartment vacancies, for two years; the League would get three days to provide qualified applicants for every fifth vacancy in Trump buildings where fewer than 10 percent of the tenants were black.

The Justice Department called the decree “one of the most far-reaching ever negotiated.”
Newspaper headlines echoed that assessment. The New York Amsterdam News, for example, titled its article “Minorities win housing suit,” and told readers that “qualified Blacks and Puerto Ricans now have the opportunity to rent apartments owned by Trump Management.”

Apparently you need to learn to read. There was no fine, and the DOJ agreed that they were “ in no way” in violation. The Trumps agreed to have their rentals listed in the Urban League listings, so they got some free advertising out of it. Gee, giving the Trumps more business, is them getting “busted”?

Your low IQ strikes again.

Apparently my IQ is far higher than yours. They lost a racial discrimination suit and that story was plastered all over the news in NYC. That's not free advertising, it's bad publicity.
Let’s also not forget the record low black unemployment record President Trump had. Funny how he is supposedly “anti- black” but so many got off welfare and got jobs under President Trump. I guess Democrats consider getting black people off welfare and making them productive citizens is “anti-black” or racist.
Trump did not create low black unemployment. Black unemployment fell 1 percent with trump and 10 percent with Obama.
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

^ cucked and has to pretend he likes it
WYPPO mad no one is going to vote for the incompent fuckup currently in the white house. ^ :)
If you dislike him then vote him out like the subservient bitch that you are.
Youre the subservient bitch that voted Drumpf in. I'm that mf that going to vote Drumpfs bitch ass out.
Use your own words little man. As Biden said you’re his little dog now run along and bark for him. Guess slavery still lives after all.
I did use my own words. If you dont like my words then try and make me stop. As Drumpf said youre still a stupid white boy being led around by a carnival barker.
No loser, you copied and pasted my words. Call Biden your master and kiss his feet or else you’re not really black. LMAO. His words not mine. You’re his bitch. Period. End of story. Zero to do with a Trump. If he were running against Rubio he would say they same thing. You’re his little lapdog. Go fetch.
When WYPPO try to use reverse pychology!! :laughing0301:
What was that, little lap dog? You’re not black if you don’t vote for your master Biden. Didn’t you hear him? Ha ha ha ha. You have been a slave to the Democrats for your entire life and you still don’t even see that. You’re stupid. And a bitch.
You really mad huh bro? :laughing0301:
Dogs get mad. People get angry. So you’re the mad one, lapdog.
Dogs get lice and so do white people. You also smell like dogs when wet so I am assuming you also go mad like dogs. :)

You claim to have dated white women so lice and wet-dog smell must not be a problem for you.
It was always a huge problem. I kicked one stinky woman out of my apartment over the smell. After that I made sure to discuss it with any white women as a prerequisite to dating. Before I dated a white woman it was mandatory that she had to be clean, use lotion, and be free of hair lice. Lots of white women know about the smell so they had no problem with me saying I wasnt going to tolerate it. Hell Tide made a commercial about it.

You don’t really expect me to believe any of this horseshit, do ya?

Seems to me that if dating white women was so rife with these problems you would just stick to dating black women. Either you like the smell and the lice or you’re just a fucking idiot.
I didnt ask you if you believed my answer. I just gave it to you. Do what you wish with the information.

Dating white women was never rife with any problems. I just told you what the prerequisites were. I dated all women but for some reason white women gave it up the easiest therefore before I settled down to just Black women I went through a couple hundred.
Your imagination is fantastic.
How do you know? Did you date someone I put the pipe to?
I live in the real world, so that would be a no. I am still trying to decipher how you said that Jews are Neo Nazis. Was that your pick-up line?
I'm willing to bet you ran across a few.

Dont let me rent space in your head. If you cant figure it out after the link I gave you and a couple of days fretting over it then leave it alone. :)
I am 20 years younger than you so I doubt it. I don't hit on grannies.
Who told you that you were 20 years younger than me?
You did. You're an old man with 4 kids from 4 different women (your words not mine).
I didnt tell you that you were 20 years my jr though it makes sense if its true. No wonder you think like a child. You do realize I could be the same age as you and have four kids with 4 different women right?
You were born in 1960. Are you taking that back now? You have told so many lies here you cannot even keep up with them. LOL.
Who told you I born in 1960? Please show us a quote....If you can. :)
When you told me you had 4 kids. When were you born, old man? Maybe you said 60s. I don't recall. But you definitely were not born in the 80s. I was. So you're old. This is also why you are afraid of the COVID-19. It kills old people and African

Sucks to be you.
Thats none of your business when I was born but I get it. I have spanked you so much you must think of me as if I am your daddy. No wonder you think I am so much older than you. :)
Don't change the subject, old man. You're old and you're afraid of the COVID-19. Want me to find that post? :cool:
Yes. Please find the post where I said I was born in the 60's and post it so everyone can see. Can you do that? :)
Don't change the subject. Interesting that COVID-19 kills African Americans at 4x the rate of whites. Hell, I am a poor Jew and I recovered just fine but you said you were "SCARED"....if you were a young person (under 60) you would not have been scared as you know the statistics I am sure. Old, black, candidate for the COVID-19 attack. In fact your clock is ticking, old man. Tik tok tik tok.....sure you want to spend your last days on a messageboard?

I didnt change the subject. You did. You were the one that claimed I was 60 or born in the 60's. Now you want to talk about Covid 19? Get your ass back on topic. :)
Scared, old man? You should be. 4x the rate and country is opening up.....tik tok tik tok...why don't you tell us all now what year you were born....come on. 64? 65? Definitely the 60s....



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And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

^ cucked and has to pretend he likes it
WYPPO mad no one is going to vote for the incompent fuckup currently in the white house. ^ :)
If you dislike him then vote him out like the subservient bitch that you are.
Youre the subservient bitch that voted Drumpf in. I'm that mf that going to vote Drumpfs bitch ass out.
Use your own words little man. As Biden said you’re his little dog now run along and bark for him. Guess slavery still lives after all.
I did use my own words. If you dont like my words then try and make me stop. As Drumpf said youre still a stupid white boy being led around by a carnival barker.
No loser, you copied and pasted my words. Call Biden your master and kiss his feet or else you’re not really black. LMAO. His words not mine. You’re his bitch. Period. End of story. Zero to do with a Trump. If he were running against Rubio he would say they same thing. You’re his little lapdog. Go fetch.
When WYPPO try to use reverse pychology!! :laughing0301:
What was that, little lap dog? You’re not black if you don’t vote for your master Biden. Didn’t you hear him? Ha ha ha ha. You have been a slave to the Democrats for your entire life and you still don’t even see that. You’re stupid. And a bitch.
You really mad huh bro? :laughing0301:
Dogs get mad. People get angry. So you’re the mad one, lapdog.
Dogs get lice and so do white people. You also smell like dogs when wet so I am assuming you also go mad like dogs. :)

You claim to have dated white women so lice and wet-dog smell must not be a problem for you.
It was always a huge problem. I kicked one stinky woman out of my apartment over the smell. After that I made sure to discuss it with any white women as a prerequisite to dating. Before I dated a white woman it was mandatory that she had to be clean, use lotion, and be free of hair lice. Lots of white women know about the smell so they had no problem with me saying I wasnt going to tolerate it. Hell Tide made a commercial about it.

You don’t really expect me to believe any of this horseshit, do ya?

Seems to me that if dating white women was so rife with these problems you would just stick to dating black women. Either you like the smell and the lice or you’re just a fucking idiot.
I didnt ask you if you believed my answer. I just gave it to you. Do what you wish with the information.

Dating white women was never rife with any problems. I just told you what the prerequisites were. I dated all women but for some reason white women gave it up the easiest therefore before I settled down to just Black women I went through a couple hundred.
Your imagination is fantastic.
How do you know? Did you date someone I put the pipe to?
I live in the real world, so that would be a no. I am still trying to decipher how you said that Jews are Neo Nazis. Was that your pick-up line?
I'm willing to bet you ran across a few.

Dont let me rent space in your head. If you cant figure it out after the link I gave you and a couple of days fretting over it then leave it alone. :)
I am 20 years younger than you so I doubt it. I don't hit on grannies.
Who told you that you were 20 years younger than me?
You did. You're an old man with 4 kids from 4 different women (your words not mine).
I didnt tell you that you were 20 years my jr though it makes sense if its true. No wonder you think like a child. You do realize I could be the same age as you and have four kids with 4 different women right?
You were born in 1960. Are you taking that back now? You have told so many lies here you cannot even keep up with them. LOL.
Who told you I born in 1960? Please show us a quote....If you can. :)
When you told me you had 4 kids. When were you born, old man? Maybe you said 60s. I don't recall. But you definitely were not born in the 80s. I was. So you're old. This is also why you are afraid of the COVID-19. It kills old people and African

Sucks to be you.
Thats none of your business when I was born but I get it. I have spanked you so much you must think of me as if I am your daddy. No wonder you think I am so much older than you. :)
Don't change the subject, old man. You're old and you're afraid of the COVID-19. Want me to find that post? :cool:
Yes. Please find the post where I said I was born in the 60's and post it so everyone can see. Can you do that? :)
Don't change the subject. Interesting that COVID-19 kills African Americans at 4x the rate of whites. Hell, I am a poor Jew and I recovered just fine but you said you were "SCARED"....if you were a young person (under 60) you would not have been scared as you know the statistics I am sure. Old, black, candidate for the COVID-19 attack. In fact your clock is ticking, old man. Tik tok tik tok.....sure you want to spend your last days on a messageboard?

I didnt change the subject. You did. You were the one that claimed I was 60 or born in the 60's. Now you want to talk about Covid 19? Get your ass back on topic. :)
Scared, old man? You should be. 4x the rate and country is opening up.....tik tok tik tok...why don't you tell us all now what year you were born....come on. 64? 65? Definitely the 60s....

View attachment 340574
You shouldnt let me get into your head like this. I keep spanking you like I'm your daddy. It makes you look weaker than I already knew you were. :)
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Let’s also not forget the record low black unemployment record President Trump had. Funny how he is supposedly “anti- black” but so many got off welfare and got jobs under President Trump. I guess Democrats consider getting black people off welfare and making them productive citizens is “anti-black” or racist.
Trump did not create low black unemployment. Black unemployment fell 1 percent with trump and 10 percent with Obama.
White boys love creating false history. This is the main reason europeans think ancient Egyptians and Hebrews were white. How much you wanna bet Obama becomes a white guy in 50 years?
Biden could do a virtual town hall tomorrow in black face, and these guys would still support him.

Yet none of these race baiters can even name one policy of President Trump that is “anti-black”. They have to go back decades to a failed lawsuit attempt. Meanwhile the Obamas fled their black neighborhood and live with a bunch of rich white people, but they aren’t sellouts!
I did name several. Gutting the civil rights department, ending consent decrees in police departments, relaxing civil rights enforcement, taking white supremacists off the terrorist list and making a new designation arrest black protest groups. His permanent tax cuts for the rich and rollbacks in clean air and water as well as his sabotaging Obamacare to make it less effective are all anti black measures. But yt9ou wouldn't know an anti black policy unless the words anti black policy was written in bold words in a policy press release.

You've been shown these things before but you don't care. You benefit from racism so why worry?

YOU are a member of the republican party and your membership alone is reason for me to support Biden.
Let’s also not forget the record low black unemployment record President Trump had. Funny how he is supposedly “anti- black” but so many got off welfare and got jobs under President Trump. I guess Democrats consider getting black people off welfare and making them productive citizens is “anti-black” or racist.
Trump did not create low black unemployment. Black unemployment fell 1 percent with trump and 10 percent with Obama.
White boys love creating false history. This is the main reason europeans think ancient Egyptians and Hebrews were white. How much you wanna bet Obama becomes a white guy in 50 years?
50 years? These guys are trying to make him white now.
And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

^ cucked and has to pretend he likes it
WYPPO mad no one is going to vote for the incompent fuckup currently in the white house. ^ :)
If you dislike him then vote him out like the subservient bitch that you are.
Youre the subservient bitch that voted Drumpf in. I'm that mf that going to vote Drumpfs bitch ass out.
Use your own words little man. As Biden said you’re his little dog now run along and bark for him. Guess slavery still lives after all.
I did use my own words. If you dont like my words then try and make me stop. As Drumpf said youre still a stupid white boy being led around by a carnival barker.
No loser, you copied and pasted my words. Call Biden your master and kiss his feet or else you’re not really black. LMAO. His words not mine. You’re his bitch. Period. End of story. Zero to do with a Trump. If he were running against Rubio he would say they same thing. You’re his little lapdog. Go fetch.
When WYPPO try to use reverse pychology!! :laughing0301:
What was that, little lap dog? You’re not black if you don’t vote for your master Biden. Didn’t you hear him? Ha ha ha ha. You have been a slave to the Democrats for your entire life and you still don’t even see that. You’re stupid. And a bitch.
You really mad huh bro? :laughing0301:
Dogs get mad. People get angry. So you’re the mad one, lapdog.
Dogs get lice and so do white people. You also smell like dogs when wet so I am assuming you also go mad like dogs. :)

You claim to have dated white women so lice and wet-dog smell must not be a problem for you.
It was always a huge problem. I kicked one stinky woman out of my apartment over the smell. After that I made sure to discuss it with any white women as a prerequisite to dating. Before I dated a white woman it was mandatory that she had to be clean, use lotion, and be free of hair lice. Lots of white women know about the smell so they had no problem with me saying I wasnt going to tolerate it. Hell Tide made a commercial about it.

You don’t really expect me to believe any of this horseshit, do ya?

Seems to me that if dating white women was so rife with these problems you would just stick to dating black women. Either you like the smell and the lice or you’re just a fucking idiot.
I didnt ask you if you believed my answer. I just gave it to you. Do what you wish with the information.

Dating white women was never rife with any problems. I just told you what the prerequisites were. I dated all women but for some reason white women gave it up the easiest therefore before I settled down to just Black women I went through a couple hundred.
Your imagination is fantastic.
How do you know? Did you date someone I put the pipe to?
I live in the real world, so that would be a no. I am still trying to decipher how you said that Jews are Neo Nazis. Was that your pick-up line?
I'm willing to bet you ran across a few.

Dont let me rent space in your head. If you cant figure it out after the link I gave you and a couple of days fretting over it then leave it alone. :)
I am 20 years younger than you so I doubt it. I don't hit on grannies.
Who told you that you were 20 years younger than me?
You did. You're an old man with 4 kids from 4 different women (your words not mine).
I didnt tell you that you were 20 years my jr though it makes sense if its true. No wonder you think like a child. You do realize I could be the same age as you and have four kids with 4 different women right?
You were born in 1960. Are you taking that back now? You have told so many lies here you cannot even keep up with them. LOL.
Who told you I born in 1960? Please show us a quote....If you can. :)
When you told me you had 4 kids. When were you born, old man? Maybe you said 60s. I don't recall. But you definitely were not born in the 80s. I was. So you're old. This is also why you are afraid of the COVID-19. It kills old people and African

Sucks to be you.
Thats none of your business when I was born but I get it. I have spanked you so much you must think of me as if I am your daddy. No wonder you think I am so much older than you. :)
Don't change the subject, old man. You're old and you're afraid of the COVID-19. Want me to find that post? :cool:
Yes. Please find the post where I said I was born in the 60's and post it so everyone can see. Can you do that? :)
Don't change the subject. Interesting that COVID-19 kills African Americans at 4x the rate of whites. Hell, I am a poor Jew and I recovered just fine but you said you were "SCARED"....if you were a young person (under 60) you would not have been scared as you know the statistics I am sure. Old, black, candidate for the COVID-19 attack. In fact your clock is ticking, old man. Tik tok tik tok.....sure you want to spend your last days on a messageboard?

I didnt change the subject. You did. You were the one that claimed I was 60 or born in the 60's. Now you want to talk about Covid 19? Get your ass back on topic. :)
Scared, old man? You should be. 4x the rate and country is opening up.....tik tok tik tok...why don't you tell us all now what year you were born....come on. 64? 65? Definitely the 60s....

View attachment 340574
You shouldnt let me get into your head like this. I keep spanking you like I'm your daddy. It makes you look weaker than I already knew you were. :)

And now blacks are all supposed to jump up and leave the Democratic party because Joe Biden said something most blacks feel about sellout blacks who support trump.

The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters
Michael Harriot
8/03/18 11:19AM

Black people love Donald Trump.

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump earned more black votes (8 percent, according to the Roper Center) than Mitt Romney in 2012 (6 percent) or John McCain in 2008 (4 percent). While Barack Obama’s blackness or the Russians may have had something to do with that, in 2016, twice as many black people voted for Donald Trump (5 million votes) than were arrested (2,263,112, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report).

Everyone knows that black people are criminals. Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.

And while Trump supporters may be a small minority of black people, it is important to know who they are, why they choose to support the dimwitted, tanning booth-weathered love child of Pennywise and Lord Voldemort and—most importantly—how to spot these rare creatures in the wild.

As a member of the growing subset of wypipologists who study Trump-related subjects (a Lie-entist, if you will) I have cataloged every single genus and species of black Donald Trump supporters for your edification:

1. MAGA-scots
One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.

Take Candace Owens, for instance. She was once a left-leaning liberal with no particular talent until she learned that her ability to restrict her vocal chords to mimic Caucastic indignation made her the perfect person at which white people could point when they say: “See, she gets it.”

It seems that political correctness has suddenly become proper.

How can you not LOVE how Joe Biden completely cucked the democrat party, especially the loyal "Negros" like the OP?

Sure, Joe's a racist, but he's a democrat, what did you expec?
You WYPPO mad as hell about Black people still voting for Biden over Drumpf I see. :laughing0301:

^ cucked and has to pretend he likes it
WYPPO mad no one is going to vote for the incompent fuckup currently in the white house. ^ :)
If you dislike him then vote him out like the subservient bitch that you are.
Youre the subservient bitch that voted Drumpf in. I'm that mf that going to vote Drumpfs bitch ass out.
Use your own words little man. As Biden said you’re his little dog now run along and bark for him. Guess slavery still lives after all.
I did use my own words. If you dont like my words then try and make me stop. As Drumpf said youre still a stupid white boy being led around by a carnival barker.
No loser, you copied and pasted my words. Call Biden your master and kiss his feet or else you’re not really black. LMAO. His words not mine. You’re his bitch. Period. End of story. Zero to do with a Trump. If he were running against Rubio he would say they same thing. You’re his little lapdog. Go fetch.
When WYPPO try to use reverse pychology!! :laughing0301:
What was that, little lap dog? You’re not black if you don’t vote for your master Biden. Didn’t you hear him? Ha ha ha ha. You have been a slave to the Democrats for your entire life and you still don’t even see that. You’re stupid. And a bitch.
You really mad huh bro? :laughing0301:
Dogs get mad. People get angry. So you’re the mad one, lapdog.
Dogs get lice and so do white people. You also smell like dogs when wet so I am assuming you also go mad like dogs. :)

You claim to have dated white women so lice and wet-dog smell must not be a problem for you.
It was always a huge problem. I kicked one stinky woman out of my apartment over the smell. After that I made sure to discuss it with any white women as a prerequisite to dating. Before I dated a white woman it was mandatory that she had to be clean, use lotion, and be free of hair lice. Lots of white women know about the smell so they had no problem with me saying I wasnt going to tolerate it. Hell Tide made a commercial about it.

You don’t really expect me to believe any of this horseshit, do ya?

Seems to me that if dating white women was so rife with these problems you would just stick to dating black women. Either you like the smell and the lice or you’re just a fucking idiot.
I didnt ask you if you believed my answer. I just gave it to you.

I know you didn’t ask. But if you told me, you must have expected me to believe it. Else, why bother telling me?
It was either that or you hoped to push a white button. Don’t pretend that it was not one of the two.

Do what you wish with the information.

It’s not information if it’s false. Did you mean to say “Do what you wish with the bullshit.”?

Dating white women was never rife with any problems. I just told you what the prerequisites were. I dated all women but for some reason white women gave it up the easiest therefore before I settled down to just Black women I went through a couple hundred.

I can’t help but notice that all your posts are worded to be as insulting and offensive of “WYPPO” as possible. Why is that?
Let’s also not forget the record low black unemployment record President Trump had. Funny how he is supposedly “anti- black” but so many got off welfare and got jobs under President Trump. I guess Democrats consider getting black people off welfare and making them productive citizens is “anti-black” or racist.
Trump did not create low black unemployment. Black unemployment fell 1 percent with trump and 10 percent with Obama.
I really don't think rioting and looting by BLM counts as "employment"...
“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti white racism. ... Some of these people do not want whites to lose his preference , because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of white race-"problem solvers" who don’t want America to get well.”

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