Black Trump voters still support him? Ruh Roh shaggy....this is after Tuesday....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is the problem.....the democrats have been destroying the lives of Black Americans since, forever, and now they are perplexed at why Blacks might support Trump....a man who is trying to help them by giving them a billion dollars for school vouchers...

CBS Shocked to Find Black Trump Voters Still Behind the President 100%

n interview with CBS Evening News, three female Trump voters ā€” two of them black ā€” gave their reactions to the presidentā€™s comments since the deadly weekend in Charlottesville and with what they said, we are shocked CBS even aired the segment.

Atlanta correspondent Mark Strassman asked the ladies, ā€œHas your support for Trump lessened one bit?ā€

He couldnā€™t finish the sentence before he was barraged with answers from all three:

ā€œAbsolutely not!ā€

ā€œNot at all!ā€


ā€œNot one bit?ā€ Strassman pressed, clearly taken by surprise.

Janelle Jones said, ā€œI donā€™t look at him as, you know, my pastor or my moral leader. I look at him as the leader as it relates to governmental issues.ā€

ā€œWeā€™re not looking for somebody charming, weā€™re looking for a man who knows how to turn things around and heā€™s got a track record of turning things around,ā€ said Ellen Deal.

Deal criticized the media for turning Charlottesville into a black/white issue when it's really a left/right issue, and more specifically, ā€œleft fringe and right fringe.ā€

Strassman, still in shock, stuttered asking, ā€œThe Confederate statues donā€™t bother you?ā€

ā€œNo,ā€ said Lucretia Hughes. ā€œItā€™s history. I wasnā€™t born back then. You wasnā€™t either. So, why is that affecting us? If anything, we should grow and learn from it. Just like Martin Luther King said, you donā€™t judge people by the color of their skin, you base that on their character.ā€

Hughes continued to blow Strassmanā€™s mind when she said she doesnā€™t listen to what the media or the Left has to say about racism or President Trump because, get this, she actually thinks for herself:

ā€œI think for myself. Period. Nobodyā€™s going to tell me what to think, or how to think. Iā€™m not gullible, and Iā€™m not blind. Itā€™s my decision if Iā€™m going to support someone or not. Not go by what other people has to say. And to me, what Iā€™ve seen, and what I love, heā€™s not going to lose my support anytime soon.ā€

Jones jumped back in, saying, ā€œIā€™ve been a Republican before Donald Trump. I will be a Republican afterwards. I honestly donā€™t see this issue of racial divide addressed until we remove identity politics out of the political process.ā€
Why should the Confederate statues bother anyone ? They are statues of SOLDIERS. Soldiers don't make the policy of slavery, or secession, or the Confederacy. They just follow orders, and do a job, and it's the toughest one in the world. They should be getting more respect.

If dumbbell, leftist statue-haters want to attack statues, let them attack ones of POLITICIANS. That's who the policies they're so uptight about come from.

Hands off the SOLDIERS.
This is in essence, a movement to eradicate history.

I don't condone that one bit, no sir.

There should be an investigation launched into who is promoting this seditious behavior.

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