Black riots around U.S. Democrat social policies reaching critical mass?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This article points out stories that I had not seen covered...and one of them happened in Chicago. encounters with police and blacks turning into violent mob encounters across the country....are they as serious as portrayed, and being covered up bu the media wing of the democrat party, or are they simply not happening?

decades of democrats running cities have turned them into dangerous places....are the democrats, who survive and gain power by creating poor, angry and hopeless people losing their ability to keep these victims contained to the inner cities? It seems, if this article is touching on a real problem, that the rich, white democrats, can no longer rely on their victims to stay away from rich, white democrat areas in these cities.....under funding, under staffing and under mining the police, and creating generations of children raising children with no adult role models except for violent criminals, and using the education wing of the democrat party to keep minorities uneducated and hopeless....may no longer be controllable by these rich, white democrats...

Articles Black Mob Violence at Christmas All Over the Country

But not Christmas. Not usually. Not until this year: Black mob violence and resentment erupted across the country during the 72 hours before, during and after Christmas. And not the “carry signs and send out a press release” kind of political violence.

This year’s Yuletide racial violence was more spontaneous. More deadly. More old school. Not connected to the recent political protests over Mike Brown, Eric Garner and fill in your favorite atrocity that racist police inflicted on black people For No Reason What So Ever.

Let’s start in a small town near Houston called Texas City, where hundreds of black people decided to celebrate Christmas Night at a party promoting “Hood Night.’

Near midnight, one of the patrons found himself in the parking lot, shooting a handgun. When police arrived, he was shooting toward the crowd and ignored orders to drop the weapon.

That is when Hood Night got real: The man with the gun turned towards police and they shot him dead. At least that is what the nightclub owner told local news stations after he reviewed the footage from his security cameras.

And what is Hood Night without a riot? “Police had to dispatch reinforcements after some people in the crowd starting throwing rocks at officers and police vehicles,” reported the local Fox affiliate.


Next stop, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, Christmas night: Police responded to a large group of black people fighting and destroying property at a nightclub. When police suggested to Aderito Andrade that he refrain from the violent behavior that he appeared to be exhibiting, he declined.

Andrade punched one cop in the face, knocking him out. Then he assaulted another.

By this time, the crowd of 50 to 100 black people was fully aware of the injustice of trying to arrest a man who had just attacked a police officer, so they responded in kind by attacking a female cop:

“Police said during the officers’ struggle to arrest Andrade, a large group of people surrounded the officers and began yelling obscenities,” reported Channel 12 news. “A third officer was kicked several times by men in the group. Police then sprayed the crowd with pepper spray, causing them to disperse.”

In San Antonio, police responded to a noise complaint at a party. When they found the host, “things got out of hand,” said the Fox affiliate. "Instead of helping the officers, he stepped aside and into the middle of the crowd and began yelling things about the police,” Sgt. Joe Mckinney said.

That is when party-goers started punching the police and throwing rocks and bottles at them. Several black people were handcuffed. One of the people who threw the party was charged with inciting a riot.

But this all happened a few days before Christmas, so maybe it does not count as part of this Holiday roundup.

Off to Chicago, the day after Christmas: The Navy Pier hosted a holiday gathering called Winter WonderFest. During the party, 100 to 200 black people fought, raged, rampaged, destroyed property and fired guns.

Back at Chicago’s most popular tourist destination, Navy Pier, one pregnant woman was injured and taken to the hospital. Five black people were arrested. For a fuller picture of the holiday chaos, let’s turn to Chicago’s most reliable source for crime news: The Second City Cop Blog, a must read for law enforcement in the area. Or for anyone who wants a realistic account of black mob violence there. A few comments:

“It wasn't a disturbance, it was a battery in progress. It wasn't 50, it was more like 1000. There was also a report of a man with a gun and shots fired, although never verified. Not to mention a call for teens smoking weed in the Imax theater.”
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The predictable result of generations of Political Correctness, Identity Politics, Hyphenated America, The Soft Bigotry of Reduced Expectations, the social/cultural/economic isolation of American Blacks and the never-ending division efforts of the Race Grievance industry.

But as we have seen on other threads, those who push the above tactics will not take responsibility for the results of their actions.

Teenagers brawling in a mall captured on video....


Brawl at the Mall Teens Injured in Multiple Fights - NBC News

Two teenagers were injured, one of them taken to hospital, after "multiple fights" forced the closure of a Pittsburgh area shopping mall late Friday, police said. Separate groups of "young adults" got into a series of fights that led to police being called to the Monroeville Mall in Pennsylvania starting at 5:30 p.m. ET, Monroeville Police Chief Doug Cole said.

"It was really insane," eyewitness Cory Clemente told NBC News. "I ended up locked in American Eagle." Up to 1,000 teenagers showed up at the mall late Friday, security officers at the mall told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. One fight involved at least a half dozen people, Cole said, adding that a "male juvenile" had been injured and taken to hospital after the first fight while another was later injured. The mall closed early at 8:30 p.m. ET, he said, and multiple citations were issued for disorderly conduct.

Separately, police in Independence, Missouri were called after more than 100 teenagers were involved in a disturbance at the Independence Center mall at about 7 p.m. local time (8 p.m. ET), the local police department said.


We need to stop this madness....stop electing democrats.....
I guess, the problem is that both the providers and the recipients of many social programs don't understand a simple thing: it should support and help people temporary, not forever. Social programs should assist people in getting through hard periods of their lives, not turn people into eternal dependents of the government budget.
They created social justice for the laziest.
Yup, the far right is very worried when posting

Black riots around U.S. Democrat social policies reaching critical mass?
The solution for me (on a personal level) is to avoid places where large groups of blacks congregate. Politicians of either branch will NOT solve the problem. RINO Republicans will NOT end the Welfare State so us bottom feeders are going to have to structure our lives in such a manner that we can and will survive the very real, societal dangers that exist.

1) Live in non-black areas as far from the gang-controlled neighborhoods as possible.
2) Don't venture into dangerous black neighborhoods to shop or socialize if it can be avoided.
3) Don't drive through dangerous neighborhoods at night if it can be avoided.
4) Remember that you are hated due to your white skin so if you MUST go into a dangerous neighborhood for some reason try not to look too white. Cover up; wear a hoody; etc.
5) Take a conceal carry course and a gun safety class and learn to aim and shoot a gun. Then carry a concealed weapon for self-protection.
6) Be smart, be cautious, be prepared but don't start any trouble. Avoid it!
Yup, the far right is very worried when posting

Black riots around U.S. Democrat social policies reaching critical mass?

Matters not if you're "far right," far left, or somewhere in between. If you're white ... you're a target. From the gangsta's perspective, your white skin is your "gang color" or uniform.
Yep.......we don't have a police problem.......we have a black problem. Thanks to the race baiting by black leaders, many of these mofu's are going to get their hats knocked off like Mike Brown. Its pretty much hopeless for these people.........when your motto is "FUCK YOU!!" to most societal norms, sooner or later, you're gonna get your hat knocked off.:2up:
Excusing blacks for their lack of responsibility has led on not only to entitlement dependence, but more recently to a large demographic which feels that crime itself should be enforced only if they are effected, to the exclusion of other victims.
Yup, the far right is very worried when posting

Black riots around U.S. Democrat social policies reaching critical mass?

Matters not if you're "far right," far left, or somewhere in between. If you're white ... you're a target. From the gangsta's perspective, your white skin is your "gang color" or uniform.

You are exactly right........and if this abuse of cops continues, I say pull cops out of those communities and let them police themselves.

Also....for any board members out there who don't own a firearm, its time to wake up and smell the maple nut crunch. Stop living in a fantasy world......go get a 12G shotgun for $200 while you can.......and ammo up.
Yup, the far right is very worried when posting

Black riots around U.S. Democrat social policies reaching critical mass?

Matters not if you're "far right," far left, or somewhere in between. If you're white ... you're a target. From the gangsta's perspective, your white skin is your "gang color" or uniform.

You are exactly right........and if this abuse of cops continues, I say pull cops out of those communities and let them police themselves.

Also....for any board members out there who don't own a firearm, its time to wake up and smell the maple nut crunch. Stop living in a fantasy world......go get a 12G shotgun for $200 while you can.......and ammo up.

A 12 gauge is the very best choice for home protection (using "00" Buckshot). A good, reliable handgun is best for conceal carry while out and about.

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