Zone1 'black people would only be famous for sports and entertainment' in a meritocracy and says Harvard would 'have no black professors'

el midgetron

Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2023

Controversial Cambridge University fellow sparks another race row after claiming 'black people would only be famous for sports and entertainment' in a meritocracy and says Harvard would 'have no black professors'

“A fellow at the University of Cambridge has sparked controversy again after claiming that the idea of equality between races is a 'thesis based on lies' and there would be no black professors at Harvard if admission was based on merit alone……..

……Later in his post, Mr Cofnas added: 'Whites are the ones who brought blacks out of Africa and created the conditions where they failed to develop a culture of homework, respect for the law, and strong nuclear families.”

I disagree that black people cannot be academics or intellectuals. However, black culture marginalizes and ridicules those people unless they repeat and maintain the liberal status quo.

That aside, what he is saying is basically the accepted premise of DEI. Some of DEIs proponents will say that DEI counters “systemic racism” but then only support this claim with a disparity of numbers. Disparity does not equal discrimination. Without discrimination, a lack of merit becomes much more obvious as the root of the disparity.
What he is saying is a statistical FACT. Allow me to explain.

Consider the Bell Curve phenomenon, which emphatically applies to intelligence.

It is a well-known fact that Americans with black African ancestry have an AVERAGE IQ that is a full Standard Deviation below the Mean for the rest of the population. Consider the impact of this phenomenon as it applies to careers that require intelligence that is far above "average." Let's say for example, a physician must have an IQ of no less than 130 (two Standard Deviations above the Mean of the general population).

Only about five percent of the general population has an IQ of 130 or in 20.

But that same IQ is THREE STANDARD DEVIATIONS above the mean for Americans with black African ancestry! That means that only THREE TENTHS OF ONE PERCENT of such people would have the necessary intelligence to be a physician!

And you have to consider that Blacks who are that intelligent have a whole cornucopia of options that might be just as attractive to them as doing the years and years of hard work that are necessary to become a physician. Hell, they could become PRESIDENT!

So if you are looking at the 13% of Americans who are Black, and wonder why 13% of physicians are not Black, the answer is in the Bell Curve. There are only about 140,000 Blacks in the whole country who have the intelligence to be doctors (ignoring the impacts of Affirmative Action in Med schools). And those gifted individuals have limitless opportunities in other fields, so why would they want to be physicians?

The same phenomenon explains the dearth of Blacks in careers that require merely above-average intelligence...115 IQ. While 32% of "whites" have above average IQ's, only 5% of Blacks do. This is why colleges and universities have had to employ Affirmative Action to attract Blacks, but also why they instituted inflated grading and bullshit majors like "Ethnic Studies," so that the marginally-qualified Blacks could have a chance to graduate.

The Bell Curve RULES, which is why Blacks hate it and deny its validity. Sorry. It is real and it is valid.
(1) I have read that if scientists were ever able to "prove" that a particular ethnicity were not so intelligent as other ethnicities, such a fact would have to be censored for the good of the nation.

(2) I agree 100% that such a finding would have to be kept secret.

(3) Just imagine how such a finding would crush the souls of the people of that group.

Later in his post, Mr Cofnas added: 'Whites are the ones who brought blacks out of Africa and created the conditions where they failed to develop a culture of homework, respect for the law, and strong nuclear families.”

Didn't Blacks intellectually-create all of the USA's advancements, in cotton production of the 19th century? Didn't a Black man [Ben Bannaker] design WashDC, basically?

Is it Black intellectual's fault, that we Whites successfully pilfered all of their intellectual contributions?? Is it Black intellectual's fault that our nations' Repubs and Dems just HATE THE IDEA of idolizing them --unless they are in entertainment and sports.

Can someone send Cofnas a, memo, about how many Blacks were honor students on college campuses in 2023?? lol
Blacks cannot help it, that we Whites control the media and we Whites get to dictate that no Black intellectuals walking around on college campuses for the past 150yrs, get publicity and notoriety?? As we use our big media machines ONLY to celebrate how Blacks entertain us.

Its similar to the Slave Trade era... our White ancestors wisely never featured the Blacks working on plantations and advancing the technology to do the work --but you can TRUST that our White ancestors CONSTANTLY kept the word out, on which Black slaves/sambos/stepINfetchIT's our ancestors could hire [from their White owners] to entertain families at the next gala or celebration!
What he is saying is a statistical FACT. Allow me to explain.

Consider the Bell Curve phenomenon, which emphatically applies to intelligence.

It is a well-known fact that Americans with black African ancestry have an AVERAGE IQ that is a full Standard Deviation below the Mean for the rest of the population. Consider the impact of this phenomenon as it applies to careers that require intelligence that is far above "average." Let's say for example, a physician must have an IQ of no less than 130 (two Standard Deviations above the Mean of the general population).

Only about five percent of the general population has an IQ of 130 or in 20.

But that same IQ is THREE STANDARD DEVIATIONS above the mean for Americans with black African ancestry! That means that only THREE TENTHS OF ONE PERCENT of such people would have the necessary intelligence to be a physician!

And you have to consider that Blacks who are that intelligent have a whole cornucopia of options that might be just as attractive to them as doing the years and years of hard work that are necessary to become a physician. Hell, they could become PRESIDENT!

So if you are looking at the 13% of Americans who are Black, and wonder why 13% of physicians are not Black, the answer is in the Bell Curve. There are only about 140,000 Blacks in the whole country who have the intelligence to be doctors (ignoring the impacts of Affirmative Action in Med schools). And those gifted individuals have limitless opportunities in other fields, so why would they want to be physicians?

The same phenomenon explains the dearth of Blacks in careers that require merely above-average intelligence...115 IQ. While 32% of "whites" have above average IQ's, only 5% of Blacks do. This is why colleges and universities have had to employ Affirmative Action to attract Blacks, but also why they instituted inflated grading and bullshit majors like "Ethnic Studies," so that the marginally-qualified Blacks could have a chance to graduate.

The Bell Curve RULES, which is why Blacks hate it and deny its validity. Sorry. It is real and it is valid.
Thomas Sowell!
(1) I have read that if scientists were ever able to "prove" that a particular ethnicity were not so intelligent as other ethnicities, such a fact would have to be censored for the good of the nation.

(2) I agree 100% that such a finding would have to be kept secret.

(3) Just imagine how such a finding would crush the souls of the people of that group.
Good Lord. The book, "The Bell Curve" almost got its author assassinated! The book lays it all out, better than I did above.
It is not that Negroes are sorry because of their race.

It is because of their culture.

When a Black is able to transcend his/her destructive culture we can get brilliance like we see with Justice Thomas.

However, when they aren't able to do that we get idiots like Maxine Waters or some low life ghetto welfare queen.

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