Black Mayors

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Originally posted by Big D
This is goverment funded racism:

The National Conference of Black Mayors opened its 30th anniversary convention Wednesday with some members calling on the presidential candidates to pay more attention to urban issues.,0,287960.story?coll=sns-ap-nation-headlines

Should there be a National Conference of White Mayors?

Should we have a UN league of mayors based on skin color?

If there were one for whites, would you desire to lead it?

Have you attempted to run for office? I would think you would at some point.
Big D, you have been looking at this thread a while with no response. I was serious in my questions.
I don't think any group should be able to form based on skin color.

Do you support the National Conference of Black Mayors?
Originally posted by Big D
I don't think any group should be able to form based on skin color.

Do you support the National Conference of Black Mayors?

I agree entirely with your one statement here in this matter assuming you mean for political or financial gain. I would consider unprofessional social gatherings immune to this scenario though.
Originally posted by Big D
I don't think any group should be able to form based on skin color.

Do you support the National Conference of Black Mayors?

Then what of the KKK? The form based on skin color. The NAACP has been established for years. They are based on skin color.

The precedent is too great and too well established that anyone can form their own group and discriminate against anyone they want. It just doesnt gurantee that everyone has to like your group.
Originally posted by insein
Then what of the KKK? The form based on skin color. The NAACP has been established for years. They are based on skin color.

The precedent is too great and too well established that anyone can form their own group and discriminate against anyone they want. It just doesnt gurantee that everyone has to like your group.
The KKK is not goverment funded, the NAACP is.
Originally posted by Big D
The KKK is not goverment funded, the NAACP is.

Are you a member of them?

So far you have expressed opinion, but many people have opinions without taking a stand. I am curious as to if you put action to your words.
Race is not simply "skin color." It is an entire set of genetic make-up, evolved over thousands of years and generations. Skin color is only one part of race. Races are different in ways that go far beyond physical appearance. They have different levels of intelligence, different ways of behaving, different cultures and customs, ways of speaking... the list is endless. In addition, all races have been proven to favor themselves over outsiders. The reason the races are "unequal" is because they were born that way. The average black has an IQ 15 points lower than a white, for instance. This is not something that can be changed by screaming about how "racist" white people are, or by spending billions on black education. That money is all wasted.

So, it is natural that races would group together, not just for life, but for political power. Whites should do this soon because they are the only group that DOESN'T do this, and they are getting HAMMERED as a result.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Race is not simply "skin color." It is an entire set of genetic make-up, evolved over thousands of years and generations. Skin color is only one part of race. Races are different in ways that go far beyond physical appearance. They have different levels of intelligence, different ways of behaving, different cultures and customs, ways of speaking... the list is endless. In addition, all races have been proven to favor themselves over outsiders. The reason the races are "unequal" is because they were born that way. The average black has an IQ 15 points lower than a white, for instance. This is not something that can be changed by screaming about how "racist" white people are, or by spending billions on black education. That money is all wasted.

So, it is natural that races would group together, not just for life, but for political power. Whites should do this soon because they are the only group that DOESN'T do this, and they are getting HAMMERED as a result.

I proved you wrong on evolution before, shall I direct you to the thread again?
Originally posted by NewGuy
I proved you wrong on evolution before, shall I direct you to the thread again?

You always say you prove stuff, but you never do. Just something I noticed. I'm not backing a racist, I'm just saying, there's no proof in your puddings.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
You always say you prove stuff, but you never do. Just something I noticed. I'm not backing a racist, I'm just saying, there's no proof in your puddings.

Did somebody hear something?
Originally posted by NewGuy
Did somebody hear something?

I heard you, bleating your empty bleats of nonexistent proofs for assinine premisi.
You're like a brain damaged goat with herpes, in many ways.
Originally posted by Big D

The National Conference of Black Mayors

Just another example of how "racist" our country really is.
(Sigh) Create teams, fight, and complain. How about a National Conference of White Mayors or a tax supported NAAWP (National Association for the Advancement of White People). These tax supported race gangs are exactly what we don't need. Practically all it will do is continue the racial cold war. Oh well.
Originally posted by William Joyce
The race wars are about to get hotter. Who wants to bet against me?

I will bet against all of your evidence justifying racism or white supremecy as amounting to anything as valuable or as meaningful as a pile o' fertilizer.
Originally posted by William Joyce
The race wars are about to get hotter. Who wants to bet against me?

I'll bet against ya Willie. You are just not going to get much more than a minute percentage of the population to go in with ya. Its way to extreme and vile to most people except drifters.
To follow up on the Black mayors thing. IT was held in philly and led by our resident asshole mayor, John street. MAyor Street during the meeting held up his 2 year old granddaughter and proceeded to give a speech on how the Republican party is taking away her rights in the future. Taking away her right to have an abortion, her right to receive welfare and her right to have affirmative action still prominently used in america. His fucking 2 year old Granddaughter is even a prop to this asshole.

I live just outside the city limits of philly but everything that goes on in that city affects me. Even more of a reason to be pissed off because i can't vote against him. This guy is the worst pandering scum ive seen first hand. Im sure there are others out there, but this guy uses anything, says anything, takes money from anyone just to get ahead.
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