Zone1 "Black love"? Is it racist?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
This guy saying black men should love black women and vice versa. He talks about whitecentric beauty ideals being projected onto the black community and that blacks do not find themselfes anymore beautiful but find white people more beautiful and in this context he speaks about "black love" to love yourself and to love black women. Many whites attacked him saying that not all germans are white, that he is a racist and if a white person were to say white love he would say it is racist, he responds that he wouldnt say it is racist if a white person were to say he likes blonde white women etc. he wouldnt say it is racist. Im supporting him and say that roma have much in common with blacks a) they are visible minorities (eye, hair, skin colour you just see that someone belongs to that community by looking at him) b)they think they are ugly about themselfes, roma are often ashamed of their heritage. I say blacks achieved much with the civil rights movements, especially in the USA civil rights movements that i respect that and finally say that he doesnt hate white people that he just loves black women and that is actually none of a white persons business if black men love black women or black women love black men, and that i myself would rather prefer to marry a roma woman, then a non-roma woman. And i say black power and raise the fist.

And indeed not only that it wouldnt be racist if a white person says it i dont know about the us, but in germany i see many especially females saying they prefer only occidental blonde or white guys, that is the standard for most german females. And people do not say they are racist, i dont know about males. males are probably more "open minded".

it is not only a standard for actual german females but also for secularised westernised modern foreign origin females, like they want a german man to seal their status as integrated and westernised and they prefer german males.
I knew a white woman who said "Once you get black, you never go back" :banana:
I knew a white woman who said "Once you get black, you never go back" :banana:

I knew this from porn. "Once you go black you dont do back" and I had it on another forum years ago as signature because it looked "badass", but then someone said that im racist, and i didnt know the history of the term, that it was first used by racist, i only knew it from interracial gang bang porn. now i know it can be used by racist, but mostly nowadays it is used by porn where blacks bang white women. to show superiority of black males. because "they are so good in bed" that "white women never want a white man anymore". thats how i understood it, i didnt know the racist history behind it, but someone said im racist for having it as signature.
This guy saying black men should love black women and vice versa. He talks about whitecentric beauty ideals being projected onto the black community and that blacks do not find themselfes anymore beautiful but find white people more beautiful and in this context he speaks about "black love" to love yourself and to love black women. Many whites attacked him saying that not all germans are white, that he is a racist and if a white person were to say white love he would say it is racist, he responds that he wouldnt say it is racist if a white person were to say he likes blonde white women etc. he wouldnt say it is racist. Im supporting him and say that roma have much in common with blacks a) they are visible minorities (eye, hair, skin colour you just see that someone belongs to that community by looking at him) b)they think they are ugly about themselfes, roma are often ashamed of their heritage. I say blacks achieved much with the civil rights movements, especially in the USA civil rights movements that i respect that and finally say that he doesnt hate white people that he just loves black women and that is actually none of a white persons business if black men love black women or black women love black men, and that i myself would rather prefer to marry a roma woman, then a non-roma woman. And i say black power and raise the fist.

And indeed not only that it wouldnt be racist if a white person says it i dont know about the us, but in germany i see many especially females saying they prefer only occidental blonde or white guys, that is the standard for most german females. And people do not say they are racist, i dont know about males. males are probably more "open minded".

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I post TikTok videos because there is alot of interesting content on it and informations. Like this topic. You dont need to watch the video, just look at my op i wrote everything down which is said in the video too. You dont need to watch the video just read the content.

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