Black kids accused to torching Jewish school bus

They are just spirited and letting off a little steam brought on by the racist white man.
stand down and let them play.
If it was up to me these kids would be found and placed in a work farm. These guys and a whole lot like them need to be given chores to keep busy and out of trouble plus an opportunity to build character. Otherwise at best odds are they'll continue to be a drain on society.
And then they wonder why blacks are over-represented in prison populations...

... some kinda great mystery, ain't it?
And then they wonder why blacks are over-represented in prison populations...

... some kinda great mystery, ain't it?
But if it was white kids they would have just got a slap on the wrist, a coupon for a free meal at Taco Bell, a gift certificate from Toys R Us and sent home with mom and dad to their upscale neighborhood
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