BIRTH OF A NATION–New “Nat Turner” Movie Will Inspire More Black Violence


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
BIRTH OF A NATION–New “Nat Turner” Movie Will Inspire More Black Violence - American Freedom Party

Typical jews pushing for violence against whites. Turner was a god damn terrorist plain and simple.

A little taste of this n!gger terrorist no doubt that will win best actor,picture and director next year.

As Turner’s column moved relentlessly toward Jerusalem one Levi Waller, having heard that the blacks had risen, summoned his children from a nearby schoolhouse (some of the other children came running too) and tried to load his guns. But before he could do so, Turner’s advance horsemen swept into his yard, a whirlwind of axes and swords, and chased Waller into some tall weeds. Waller managed to escape, but not before he saw the blacks cut down his wife and children. One small girl also escaped by crawling up a dirt chimney, scarcely daring to breathe as the insurgents decapitated the other children—ten in all—and threw then bodies in a pile.

And so it went throughout that malignant night, as the rebels took farm after farm by surprise. They used no firearms, in order not to arouse the countryside, instead stabbing and decapitating their victims. Although they confiscated horses, weapons, and brandy, they took only what was necessary to continue the struggle, and they committed no rapes. They even spared a few homesteads, one because Turner believed the poor white inhabitants “thought no better of themselves than they did of negroes.” By dawn on Monday there were fifteen insurgents —nine on horses—and they were aimed with a motley assortment of guns, clubs, swords, and axes. Turner himself now carried a light dress sword, but for some mysterious reason (a fatal irresolution? the dread again?) he had killed nobody yet.

At Elizabeth Turner’s place, which the slaves stormed at sunrise, the prophet tried once again to kill. They broke into the house, and there, in the middle of the room, too frightened to move or cry out. stood Mrs. Turner and a neighbor named Mrs. Newsome. Nat knew Elizabeth Turner very well, for she was the widow of his second master, Samuel Turner. While Will attacked her with his axe the prophet took Mrs. Newsome’s hand and hit her over the head with his sword. But evidently he could not bring himself to kill her. Finally Will moved him aside and chopped her to death as methodically as though he were cutting wood.

With the sun low in the east, Turner sent a group on foot to another farm while he and Will led the horsemen at a gallop to Caty Whitehead’s place. They surrounded the house in a rush, but not before several people fled into the garden. Turner chased after somebody, but it turned out to be a slave girl, as terrified as the whites, and he let her go. All around him, all over the Whitehead farm, there were scenes of unspeakable violence. He saw Will drag Mrs. Whitehead kicking and screaming out of the house and almost sever her head from her body. Running around the house, Turner came upon young Margaret Whitehead [age 18] hiding under a cellar cap between two chimneys. She ran crying for her life, and Turner set out after her—a wild chase against the hot August sun. He overtook the girl in a field and hit her again and again with his sword, but she would not die. In desperation he picked up a fence rail and beat her to death. Finally he had killed someone.

- See more at: BIRTH OF A NATION–New “Nat Turner” Movie Will Inspire More Black Violence - American Freedom Party
If you want to see a REAL Birth Of A Nation movie. Find a copy of DW Griffith's Birth of a Nation! GREAT MOVIE!

I have D. W. Griffith's "The Birth of A Nation" made in 1915 starring Lillian Gish, I have this on DVD, I collect films as well as records.

In 1998 the film was voted number 44 in The Top 100 American Films by the American Film Institute.

D. W. Griffith followed "The Birth of A Nation" with the film "Intolerance" in 1916 starring Mae Marsh, another monumental film, which I also have.

Griffith was a fine film maker. I completely disagree with remaking "The Birth of A Nation" and can only think it's been done for sinister purposes.

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