Bill Maher Show- it used to be that 60% of men aged 30 to 34 Had at least one child. Nowadays only 27% of men age 30 to 34 have one or children.

What a load of tripe
They did discuss only allowing homeowners, those vested in society to vote. As opposed to those that were sort of the illegal aliens at the time. The criminals, prisoners, and bums england pulled out of england and dropped off in the New World..

I presume you are saying it is a load of tripe to have to debate this, and not that the history I am paraphrasing is tripe.

My grandma used to eat tripe.
They did discuss only allowing homeowners, those vested in society to vote. As opposed to those that were sort of the illegal aliens at the time. The criminals, prisoners, and bums england pulled out of england and dropped off in the New World..

I presume you are saying it is a load of tripe to have to debate this, and not that the history I am paraphrasing is tripe.

My grandma used to eat tripe.

Yes, the idea is stupid.

Then again they were the same group of men that were cool with owning other human beings and treating women like property.
What a load of tripe
This is what I was speaking of

John Adams Explains Why People Without Property Should Not Be Able to Vote​

James Sullivan, a state court judge in Massachusetts and colleague of John Adams, was often sympathetic to those who thought women and non-elite men should have a voice in the new nation’s government. Adams disagreed, explaining to Sullivan why men without property and women should be excluded. Some spelling changes and edits have been made to improve clarity.

May 26, 1776

It is certain in theory, that the only moral foundation of government is the [agreement] of the people, but to what an extent shall we carry this principle? Shall we say, that every individual of the community, old and young, male and female, as well as rich and poor, must [agree] to every act of legislation?...

Is it not equally true, that men in general in every society, who [are poor and do not own property], are also [unfamiliar] with public affairs to form a right judgment, and too dependent upon other men to have a will of their own? …Few men, who have no property, have any judgment of their own. They talk and vote as they are directed by some man of property, who has attached their minds to his interest.

Depend upon it, sir, it is dangerous to open [such a] source of controversy and altercation, as would be opened by attempting to [change] the qualifications of voters. There will be no end of it. New claims will arise. Women will demand a vote. Lads from 12 to 21 will think their rights not enough attended to, and every man, who has not a [dime], will demand an equal voice with any other in all acts of state. It tends to confound and destroy all distinctions, and [surrender] all ranks, to one common level.
Yes, the idea is stupid.
Then again they were the same group of men that were cool with owning other human beings and treating women like property.
Now you are showing ignorance. John Adams did not own human beings and did not treat his wife like property. The circle of friends John Adams had did not as well. Nor did John Adams business associates

Jefferson said, it is best to hold a wolf by the muzzle instead of turning him loose, in the society Jefferson lived, turning a wolf loose would get it killed

Jefferson's slaves loved them. They were better clothed, fed, and educated than 90% of the free population of the free world.

I can see you have read nothing about our founding past a simple summary.
Jefferson's slaves loved them. They were better clothed, fed, and educated than 90% of the free population of the free world.

would you choose to be a slave to for such things?

I know I sure as fuck would not.

Now you are showing ignorance. John Adams did not own human beings and did not treat his wife like property. The circle of friends John Adams had did not as well. Nor did John Adams business associates

I as speaking of the Founding Fathers in general
would you choose to be a slave to for such things?
I know I sure as fuck would not.
I as speaking of the Founding Fathers in general
After visiting Monticello before it became politized, I would of choosen to be a Jefferson slave over a landless peasant, an indentured servant, or a slave of another slave owner. The honestly at good, were given an education almost no other slave was ever given. They had clothes.

I was conversering with a black man at Monticello, who was adamant that he stay in character and I address him as if he was a slave of the time.
What an education.
He spoke of how slaves, he walked into town. I questioned how is that possible with all the hatred, the arrests of runaways, and such.
His reply was that everyone knew he was a jefferson slave so they kept their hands off.
But how did they know, he stated because they made their own clothes.
I said you could just runaway to the north,
he said life was too good, he got an education and food, that 90% of the population did not get.
After visiting Monticello before it became politized, I would of choosen to be a Jefferson slave over a landless peasant, an indentured servant, or a slave of another slave owner. The honestly at good, were given an education almost no other slave was ever given. They had clothes.

I was conversering with a black man at Monticello, who was adamant that he stay in character and I address him as if he was a slave of the time.
What an education.
He spoke of how slaves, he walked into town. I questioned how is that possible with all the hatred, the arrests of runaways, and such.
His reply was that everyone knew he was a jefferson slave so they kept their hands off.
But how did they know, he stated because they made their own clothes.
I said you could just runaway to the north,
he said life was too good, he got an education and food, that 90% of the population did not get.

It does not surprise me at all that you would choose to be a slave over a poor free person.

Not really sure what else there is to say.
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It is not surprising to me that you would choose to be the slave owner.

I never said anything about being a slave owner. I would never choose to own another human being.

Your romanticizing of slavery is just sickening to me. Oh....they were treated so well....fucking bullshit....they were fucking slaves.

You are one fucked up person.
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No, you’d exist right up until you died, just like always

And moot, since people having a choice and no one ever having a baby are two completely different things
Point is simple. If everyone decided they did not want to have children eventually humanity would cease to exist.
Yes, the idea is stupid.

Then again they were the same group of men that were cool with owning other human beings and treating women like property.
Everyone owned slaves including blacks, Indians, Jews, white people, you name it.

The more one thinks about it the more we can realize that Republicans who talk about things like “Marxism taking over” ….well maybe they are on to something. W/e labels we want to apply there are a portion of Democrats including those who have a family and children of their own who are out there saying “people don’t need to have kids, people don’t need to have sex”. What kind of person talks like that… how is that type of attitude appropriate or healthy?

This was on the most recent airing of Bill Maher. Where Don Lemon and Scott Galloway were on the panel. It’s very interesting to now see left wingers admitting that this is a serious problem in the country and it is not sustainable.

Yet we continue to hear from a segment of Democrats, that “what does it matter if young men choose to not have sex, or choose not to have families”

Well Galloway point out this disturbing trend is in line with a tremendous wealth transfer from young people to older people. It is in line with the fact that more young men than ever are not economically viable. There has been a rise of women working and getting promotions. Obviously we have a screwed up system where we don’t have a meritocracy, but where a lot of companies Give women and minorities preference not because of their skills, but because of how they look or their sex. It’s resulted in a sort of feminization of society, and increasing weakness in young men across the USA.

Just as Galloway points out it’s a great thing when a woman gets a job. But bottom line let’s just have a meritocracy. Lefties will continue to be fanatical and lie about people and tell them how they think ie “you’re racist, you’re misogynistic” when it comes to this very important topic.

Galloway talks about how a lot of young Americans are getting crushed by our economy. They don’t have the ability to buy a house. But those Americans who are fortunate enough to be able to own a house and perhaps already have a family concerned about much lighter things like how busy the traffic is. Whereas a gigantic portion of young men, and now a growing portion of young women in the USA, who are single and depressed, many of them are obese, and using too many drugs are at risk of harming themselves or even the community…. They’re stressed out all the time about the cost of living in the USA… wondering if they will ever be able to afford a house and a family in other words for the American dream.

More Gay people
More Trans people
Lower birth rates globally
Lower fertility rates globally...

Nature is "intelligently designing" the mistake that is humanity and some are too stupid to see it coming.


But, Hey! It's all about that new washer and 2nd car, right?

Well shit, that makes it all ok if everyone was doing it.

silly me!
It’s a important point. Some people single out America as being uniquely evil for slavery …its a very misguided view.

Ideals of anti-Americanism, pro blm and white privilege are dangerous for society. They lead to weakness, radical feminism, more drug use, and more filth.
and? nobody would know as we would all be dead.
What more needs to be said? . I suppose that it is misguided to suggest to young people to not have kids. If somebody as an individual decides it it’s one thing… but it’s not appropriate to influence youngsters that it’s OK to not have kids.

These are well-known life lessons throughout history. These are what our grandparents told us. Whether it is a substance, something we drink something we eat something we do people often ask themselves well what if everyone did this and how would the world be. For example, if everyone in the world smoked weed it would clearly be a net negative. If everyone in the world exercised and had a healthy diet, imagine the benefits imagine how glorious society would be.

OK, so simply put it is a fact if everyone decided that it’s OK to not have kids and choose not to have kids , we would cease to exist. That is the point. That would be what would happen. That would not be a good thing.

Do me a favor don’t laugh at my post that’s uncalled for. I’ve never done it to you. polite discourse is great for everyone 🙂

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