Bill Clinton looked the camera in the eye on national TV

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
wagging finger (ADMONISHING THE PRESS) " I did not have sex with "that woman'

Then bald-faced lied/evaded before a Grand Jury (what the def of "is" is)

Howis that behavior not an impreachable offense??????????

Should have been thrown out of the Oval Office on his keister.............................
too distracted to bother with bin laden -called off a strike when bin laden was in the sightssss in a camp of terrorists

didnt want colleraal damage
Any CEO who acted that way would have been out of a job but the liberal media makes sure that democrats never have to quit. Liberal democrat congressman Gerry Studds raped a male intern (statutory rape-he was 17) and he received a slap on the wrist and a standing ovation from his constituents. Barney Frank had a male prostitution ring operating out of his D.C. apartment...ditto wrist. Teddy Kennedy had a dead girl in his car. A quiet plea to a misdemeanor and all was forgiven. Substance abusing congressman Patrick Kennedy got a steady paycheck while he was in rehab...and the list goes on.
wagging finger (ADMONISHING THE PRESS) " I did not have sex with "that woman'

Then bald-faced lied/evaded before a Grand Jury (what the def of "is" is)

Howis that behavior not an impreachable offense??????????

Should have been thrown out of the Oval Office on his keister............................. 11:52 PM on Monday, February 21, did you decide to make the above post?

Did it just pop into your head? Did you see or hear something that reminded you of this historical event?

I'm just trying to understand how someone comes up with such randomness.
He actually was impeached. And more was spent on the whole investigation than was spent investigating the fraud that led to the 2008 credit crisis
I' m stuck in the 50s and 60s cause they were more moral times....................
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What can we say about Hillary except that she traded her pride (and her sanity?) for a ticket to the big time. She knew about the "bimbo eruption squad" created during her husband's candidacy which crushed the reputation of any woman who dared to come forward about relationships with Bubba Bill. She gave a pretty in pink interview where she blamed a "vast right wing conspiracy" for allegations that her husband left his DNA on an intern's dress. She must have known like we all knew and yet she stuck with him and was appointed secretary of state for her silence and loyalty to the democrat party. Thanks to the loyalty of the mainstream (liberal) media Bill Clinton hasn't been laughed out of town for good like he should have been.
Bill Clinton could defeat a polygraph examination - as most no-conscious types can...............................
What is more interesting is that they set a perjury trap for a president over a sexual affair when they failed to get him after wasting 77 million dollars on WhiteWater. They were determined to bring this man down. What a bunch of hypocrites. Pedophiles, adulterers, and wide-stancers . . . hunting a president over a sexual affair. And they did this when Bin Laden was at war with the US. And whenever Clinton would take military action, the GOP screamed wag the dog.

The GOP didn't want to focus on terrorism. They wanted to handcuff Clinton with Lewinsky. Bin Laden took notice.

Bush manipulated war intelligence, which lead to the death of over 4,000 innocent Americans. He never faced a jury, and he never will. Clinton had a sexual affair, and they destroyed his presidency.

People don't get it. The GOP is the Harlem Globetrotters and the Democrats are the Washington Generals.

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Well, just to move it along a few years..

I thought it was interesting how the liberal media went after Hill & Bill when they decided Obama floated above us all in the 2008 Presidential election...

Oh.. where's Obama floating now?
Yeah - the draft- should be brought back

Elvis and Ali dealed with it.........................
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