Big Tech Social Media Self-Appointed Fact-Checkers & Censors Got It Wrong & Censored The TRUTH.....Repercussions?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
DAVID MARCUS: Social media got it wrong, who's holding them accountable?

Social media got it wrong, who's holding them accountable?

The Liberal Progressive Socialist Big Tech Social Media Fact Checkers & Censors Of All They (Disagree With) Deem 'False' got it wrong. Any and all mention that COVID-19 was created in a CCP lab, was leaked out, and was spread to the rest of the world, killing millions of innocent people were deleted, censored, the individuals punished, even kicked off the platforms......and were receiving government protection while they incorrectly, undeservedly censored, hid, shut down the TRUTH....

So what repercussions are these liberal socialist gate-keepers going to face?

Who is fact-checking the proven very wrong self-appointed social media fact-checkers?

In light of being so very much wrong and having censored the TRUTH, when are they going to be stripped of their govt protection by the FEDERAL government (seeing as some GOP governors are already doing it at the state level)?

DAVID MARCUS: Social media got it wrong, who's holding them accountable?'s holding them accountable?

Social media got it wrong, who's holding them accountable?

The Liberal Progressive Socialist Big Tech Social Media Fact Checkers & Censors Of All They (Disagree With) Deem 'False' got it wrong. Any and all mention that COVID-19 was created in a CCP lab, was leaked out, and was spread to the rest of the world, killing millions of innocent people were deleted, censored, the individuals punished, even kicked off the platforms......and were receiving government protection while they incorrectly, undeservedly censored, hid, shut down the TRUTH....

So what repercussions are these liberal socialist gate-keepers going to face?

Who is fact-checking the proven very wrong self-appointed social media fact-checkers?

In light of being so very much wrong and having censored the TRUTH, when are they going to be stripped of their govt protection by the FEDERAL government (seeing as some GOP governors are already doing it at the state level)?

Completely agree they need to go after big tech. Right now they censoring any form of negative information regarding the COVID vaccine, with Facebook assigning scores based on vaccine hesitancy. Same thing with any suggestion of corruption involving the election being censored.
The Left is never punished for their lies and corruption.
However more people are waking up to the fact that the MSM cannot be trusted.
As long as you go on believing it is "the left," and not the technocracy, they will continue to use divide and conquer tactics on you. It will have you believing that corporate sources that spout conservative POV can be trusted, but the technocracy controls all thought and opinion.

Day 6: Technocracy’s Necessary Requirements​

"The Predicted Outcomes​

"According to The Technocracy Study Course, the anticipated and promised “end products” would be:
  1. A high physical standard of living
  2. A high standard of public health
  3. A minimum of unnecessary labor
  4. A minimum of wastage of non-replaceable resources
  5. An educational system to train the entire younger generation indiscriminately as regards all considerations other than inherent ability – a Continental system of human conditioning. (Ed. Note: human conditioning is not education but rather propaganda-style indoctrination.)
Not surprisingly, these outcomes overlap perfectly with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted at the 2030 Agenda conference in September 2015:
  1. Goal #1 – No poverty
  2. Goal #3 – Good health and well-being (the banner on Goal #3 states: “Vaccinate your family to protect them and improve public health”)
  3. Goal #8 – Decent work and economic growth
  4. Goal #12 – Responsible Consumption and Production
  5. Goal #4 – Quality education. . "

Google’s Selfish Ledger is an unsettling vision of Silicon Valley social engineering​

This internal video from 2016 shows a Google concept for how total data collection could reshape society

DAVID MARCUS: Social media got it wrong, who's holding them accountable?'s holding them accountable?

Social media got it wrong, who's holding them accountable?

The Liberal Progressive Socialist Big Tech Social Media Fact Checkers & Censors Of All They (Disagree With) Deem 'False' got it wrong. Any and all mention that COVID-19 was created in a CCP lab, was leaked out, and was spread to the rest of the world, killing millions of innocent people were deleted, censored, the individuals punished, even kicked off the platforms......and were receiving government protection while they incorrectly, undeservedly censored, hid, shut down the TRUTH....

So what repercussions are these liberal socialist gate-keepers going to face?

Who is fact-checking the proven very wrong self-appointed social media fact-checkers?

In light of being so very much wrong and having censored the TRUTH, when are they going to be stripped of their govt protection by the FEDERAL government (seeing as some GOP governors are already doing it at the state level)?

They already have---and will continue to suffer the consequences of their heavy handed censorship as far as I am concerned. I quit FB five years ago and I'm not going back. FB and Twatter can KMA. The power of the purse is strong.
The reason the establishment is protecting China? China is, currently, the planet's most fully operational technocracy. It is, not in fact, a socialist state, but a technocracy.

China’s Technocracy is almost complete as it issues a digital, programmable currency where the location and ownership of each individual unit is recorded and monitored. It can also be selectively switched off for any reason. It is also rumored that China is stockpiling gold for a possible linkage to the digital Yuan. ⁃ TN Editor

Yes they censored what they though invaded their safe space and in catering to feelings the facts get ignored.

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