Big Pharma responsible for another mass shooting? SC church shooter took psych drugs before attack


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
As soon as I heard about this mass shooting in Charleston, I didn't need to know who the perpetrator was. I didn't need to know who the victims were. I didn't even need to know the "supposed" motives for the crime.

I already knew who was to blame. Big-pharma.

Then I heard the President speak. He already made it political. He covered for his puppet masters, his cronies on Wall-street. Naturally the rubes that watch TV, both on the left, and on the right, all the partisans can't think for themselves.

Think about it for just one minute.

We ALL know there are racists. Virulent HATE, seething hate lives. Go to that White pride forum and read it. Occasionally we have had posters here that spew that garbage. But, they are human. Even they never advocate murder and death. What makes a man advocate homicidal rage? What makes them become unhinged?

Guns are not the problem. If you are educated, if you are paying attention, it is big-pharma and the drugs they are pushing. Solving peoples isolation and social problems are too difficult. Give them a drug and make the an agent of political change is much easier. But this is a form of modern day brain washing. This works FOR the establishment. If these individuals keep on doing what they are doing, it works for the press and the government. They never report on why and who these individual turned to for help. It would ruin careers, and cast blame on the real culprits, the government and the pharmaceutical industry.

Having the population turn on each other and hate each other, having the population clamor to have the government strip them of their own right to own guns, rather than hold the government and corporations responsible and the bureaucracy responsible for their negligent behavior is too much to ask. After all, that would cut into the bottom line, wouldn't it? I wonder why the liberals and progressives, usually the first to cry out for the protection of the little guy from the big bad corporation, aren't smart enough to say something?

Oh yeah, because the media and their guy is controlled by the wrong party? What about partisans on the other side? Are they watching too much TV to wise up? I just don't know.

Big Pharma responsible for another mass shooting? SC church shooter took psych drugs before attack
Big Pharma responsible for another mass shooting SC church shooter took psych drugs before attack -

"Predictably, the mainstream and legacy media are using this tragedy as Exhibit A in their relentless push to paint the United States – whites, primarily – as racist, bigoted and intolerant. Unfortunately, and despite government statistics that actually show that whites are more commonly victims of so-called "hate" crimes – too many of our citizens will buy into the lie once more, making it ever more difficult for blacks and whites to reconcile.

But there is another predictable element to this mass shooting as well, and it is a connection getting far less attention in the press and in the political arena than it should: The alleged S.C. church shooter, Dylann Roof, was taking a dangerous mind-altering drug like virtually every other mass shooter ever since the late 1990s Columbine High School shooters, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris.. . ."

". . . The officer noted that Roof was becoming increasingly nervous. He searched Roof and found "orange strips" that Roof said were "suboxone," a Schedule 3 narcotic. Roof was arrested and his 2000 Hyundai Elantra was towed.

A user of this drug on the web site MD Junction noted that her husband "became violent,smashing [sic] things and threatening me," after just a few days of coming off Suboxone.

Another poster at MD Junction tells the story of how his personality completely changed as a result of taking Suboxone. The person related how he became "nasty" and "violent" just weeks after beginning the drug, adding that he would "snap" and be mean to people for no reason.

According to The Courier-Journal, Suboxone "is increasingly being abused, sold on the streets and inappropriately prescribed" by doctors. For a number of users, it becomes even more addictive than the drugs it's supposed to help them quit."

"We deny this link at our own risk

One reason that other advanced societies don't have so many mass killings could be because they don't poison as many of their children with pharmaceutical drugs. According to a 2008 study, U.S. kids are three times more likely than European children to be prescribed psychotropic drugs."

Why do we blindly accept the MSM paradigm? Why do we let them divide us with hate?

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