Big Brother 16

Mean Girls BB16

I don't know if it is true or not...I hope it isn't. But if it IS...yeah. Ol Caleb is going to be hated worse than Frankie.

Maybe they think that they can lie while playing this game of BB, without consequences, but many have suffered consequences.....we all recall Aryn and GenaMarie...they both lost jobs for their racist remarks.
Derrick thinks he will be hated if he votes out Frankie since they are TA. Duh. He is in for a rude awakening, himself.
Derrick thinks he will be hated if he votes out Frankie since they are TA. Duh. He is in for a rude awakening, himself.

Poor Frankie, he's desperate to be noticed, maybe become a star, doesn't realize he is annoying as hell.
Maybe if Victoria (Vanessa, Virginia) wins, it will show that anybody can win and all the ones that were working so hard and being mean and hypocritical can suck it.....they wasted their efforts....LOL!
Maybe if Victoria (Vanessa, Virginia) wins, it will show that anybody can win and all the ones that were working so hard and being mean and hypocritical can suck it.....they wasted their efforts....LOL!

Ugh remember when she got drunk and made out with Frankie. Also she always complains about all the girls while hanging all over Derrick. She's a hypocrite.
Wanted to get a post in before it aired tonight on the East Coast - thanks for the link, Gracie, that show seems very interesting so far.

Unlike this season's BB -like Drifter, I think I hate them all. Nicole is going to go first for sure, but I don't know who will follow - hope it's not Christine, just because she's about the only one left that would shake things up and nominate/backdoor Frankie. I *think* Cody is still on her side, although Derdick keeps pressuring him to go with Derdick's F2 choice Victoria and get rid of Chris.

Caleb is just delusional, him and his wild stories. He reminds me sometimes of Coach, a less New Age version. Frankie is gross, hope he's the second boot tonight.

It would be funny if the F2 really ends up being Derdick and Veronica, with Veronica with the win in a landslide. You'll need a bitter jury for that one. Derdick was beyond smug and annoying last night, and I hope his "no blood on my hands" strategy fails.
That was the worst episode ever. Nicole, couldn't even remember what damn cable to cut.....she deserves to go the jury house. One good thing, we won't have to listen to her nasal twang anymore.

Caleb is so ignorant. He tells the world that he's in charge that he is making up his own mind then he proves what a sheep he is by doing everything Derrick tells him to do. Vicenta is going to end up with $50k without having to do a damn thing, because Derrick wants her for F2....he knows nobody in their right mind would give her a vote....she hasn't done a damn thing. She was the 2nd one to explode in the last challenge for Veto.

I hope Christine (whom I don't care for) wins HOH, and puts up two of the bombonaters.....Frankie/Caleb/Derrick or Cody need to go. Now that Nicole is gone, I'm rooting for Christine, even though I don't care for her, because I hate manipulators, especially those who brag about doing it and I hate the ones that are not able to see it........argh.........not sure Christine is up to it, though, she would probably put herself up to keep Derrick and the rest happy.

Wow! I vented.
Poor christine got sucker punched AND booed by the audience. And stupid Frankie said she got booed because the audience hates her for "speaking ill of him". That guy is stupid. And he is going to be soooo surprised when HE is booed. Damn fools are going to fuck up so much and he will slide right in to F2 becuase Derrick is an idiot. F2 could be Vanqeesha and Frankie. Wouldn't THAT be awful? oy

I hate every damn one of them left. They ALL suck.
Poor christine got sucker punched AND booed by the audience. And stupid Frankie said she got booed because the audience hates her for "speaking ill of him". That guy is stupid. And he is going to be soooo surprised when HE is booed. Damn fools are going to fuck up so much and he will slide right in to F2 becuase Derrick is an idiot. F2 could be Vanqeesha and Frankie. Wouldn't THAT be awful? oy

I hate every damn one of them left. They ALL suck.

Yeah, it kinda sucked to watch the program tonight. Derrick controls them like puppets, it makes me laugh when any of them are speaking to the camera and saying they are going to do what is best for their game and then they turn around and do exactly what Derrick tells them to do. I don't think any of them will take Derrick out....he's probably going to win, and old Ventana is going to win $50k for doing absolutely nothing......less than nothing...:D
What would have been a great mix up was for Frankie to take one down from the Victoria..and put Cody up against christine. LOL. But...he didn't.
Poor christine got sucker punched AND booed by the audience. And stupid Frankie said she got booed because the audience hates her for "speaking ill of him". That guy is stupid. And he is going to be soooo surprised when HE is booed. Damn fools are going to fuck up so much and he will slide right in to F2 becuase Derrick is an idiot. F2 could be Vanqeesha and Frankie. Wouldn't THAT be awful? oy

I hate every damn one of them left. They ALL suck.

Hahahaha, I like that....Vanqeesha....she's going to end up with $50k - just mark my words. And poor dumb Christine....just like I said at the start, they used her, abused her and dumped her. She deserves it. (being dumped, that is).
What would have been a great mix up was for Frankie to take one down from the Victoria..and put Cody up against christine. LOL. But...he didn't.
No, because they are all weak freaking wimps. Remember when Evil Dick used to control the House? At least Derrick is not mean and hateful like Evil Dick....
I think the whole internet is calling her every name under the sun EXCEPT her real name. It's a riot, lol.
And yeah...she will probably win second place. Another floater, takes a prize. Oy.
Oh my. Oh goodness. You didn't read the Utopia thread? Jeez, Mertex. You don't know what you are missing out on, lol. It is kicking BBs ass. Go read that thread.

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