Biden's comments about China are unconscionably stupid.

So is Russia a threat

Is China a threat under Trump

China has awarded Ivanka Trump new trademarks across a broad collection of businesses.

Is Ivanka a Trump advisor, I mean she flies around in government airplanes on the taxpayers dime.

Trump vowed to save a major Chinese telecommunication company from going under

Business as usual
Do you know this is true.....or are you just listening to fake news reports and not checking to see if it's really true?

Are you asking if China awarded Ivanka trademarks

or is she an advisor to Trump

either way you have the ability to look it up and decide for yourself
Everyone knows Joe Biden is not the brightest bulb on the string. But to say China is not an economic threat to America is beyond ignorant. China is a threat in every sense of the word to America. They systematically steal our IP, our best people, their trade practices are criminal, the list is a long one. So either Biden is making false statements that he KNOWS are false or he really is as dumb as a rock. Either way, his statements on China are going to be even more damaging to his chances than his long history of groping little girls and women in public.
Biden Says China Not a Threat for US

I have to say that I actually agree with Biden on this.
1. China is stealing our IP.

I don't believe in intellectual property. I don't believe that someone has a right to a "thought", and thus no one else on a planet of 8 billion people is allowed to have that thought. The concept of making thought illegal, because someone else was able to copy right a thought, is ridiculous.

2. China's trade practices are criminal.

I don't really even understand this statement. Every country has a right to pass laws on how trade is conducted, just like the US does on a non-stop basis. Additionally, there is nothing forcing us to engage in trade with China if it is not in our best interest to do so. No company in the US is required to buy, nor sell, with China. The reason they do so, is because it is beneficial to do so. Millions on millions of jobs have been created, due to our trade with China. If China wants to taxes it's citizens, in order to sell us cheaper goods (subsidies), then let them. Why would we complain because we are getting a product at a cheaper price, because someone else is freely choosing to pay for it? Let them pay for it.

3. China is stealing our best people.

I'm not sure what this refers to, but if people are actually choosing to go work in China, instead of staying in the US... then US companies are not paying enough money to keep them, and that is their fault. Seriously, how little must they be paid, to reach a point that moving to China is a step up?

4. China is an economic threat.

Here's the reality. It depends on what you mean by "economic threat". If you mean that the US will no longer be the dominate economy in the world, then yes they are a threat to that.

You need to grasp that it won't matter what we do, if China follows Capitalism, they will over take the US economical. In fact, if India were to take a dramatic shift towards Capitalism, in 5 years, we would all be talking about how India was the economic threat to the US economy.

And the reason is simply because both countries have more people. More people, makes economic growth easy, in a Capitalist system.

Say you have two countries, one with 1,500 people, and another with 330 people.
The country with 330 is earning $65 per person a year, while the other is only earning $5.
Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $5 per year = GDP $7,500

Country B engages in Capitalism, which always works. The earnings per person doubles to $10.

Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $10 per year = GDP $15,000

This is where we are with China right now. If they increase their income by just a little more than $4 per person, they will over take the US economy.

Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $15 per year = GDP $22,500

Now here's the reality. I shortened those numbers, to make it easier to understand. But the reality is, making $15,000 a year, is minimum wage in the US. If the Chinese can achieve a yearly average income, of what would be minimum wage in the US, they over take the US as the economic powerhouse.

Is there anything we could possibly do to prevent that? The answer is no.

No amount of policies, no amount of regulations, no amount of trade deals, trade wars, or anything, is going to stop the Chinese from increasing their income through advancement. They will over take the US, unless they stop engaging in Capitalism. If they go back to socialism, or if they stop liberating the market, or if they increase regulations to hamper growth.... then they will not over take the US. Again, would not matter what we did.

So if you want to prevent China from becoming the economic power house of the world, there are a few solutions

1. Move more towards free market capitalism ourselves. Deregulate. Reduce taxes. Cut social spending (medicare, medicaid, food stamps, public housing, social security). Put the money back in the hands of the public, and allow the economy to grow.

2. Have more kids, and have kids sooner rather than later. If everyone had kids in their early twenties, instead of mid 40s, and if people had twice as many kids, 4 instead of 2, the population of this country would be vastly higher. If we had 400 Million people, instead of 330 Million, you could easily see from the math, that our GDP would be vastly higher.

3. Ruthlessly enforce justice. If we eliminated the murders, rapists, and abusers, we would have a ton more people, and those people would be productive. The fact is, between crime and our welfare system, we have an entire section of the population that is unproductive, and a burden on society and the economy. Eliminate both, and the economy will vastly improve.

That's a reasonable, thoughtful response. Now first of all, I don't believe you understand what IP is. When a tech company invests millions, often many millions into developing a new technology they OWN that technology. That is why they designate it with the word PROPERTY. When China, and I mean the government of China facilitates the theft of that IP or the PEOPLE that had the brilliance to develop and produce that IP it is in every sense of the word STEALING. China is not innovative and there is no way they would be a world super power without stealing us blind in IP.
With respect to trade, they are in direct violation of just about every WTO agreement. And not by a little. They have taken full advantage of the political correctness of the modern world and the reluctance to challenge a criminal nation. Thankfully we now have a President who is at least shining the spotlight on China. It would be helpful if we had a unified front against our number one enemy, but the Democrats are too busy undermining America and trying to Impeach President Trump.

Yeah, and I disagree with that. It's like saying, the first person to build a car, should have a monopoly on cars. No. No one else on the entire planet can create a car, because this one guy was able to pay for it first?

And here's the other side... many times multiple people in various parts of the world, were developing the technology of the self propelled carriage. But under IP law, it's not who has the best product, or who created the product first. It's who paid the government first to shut out competition.

There were other people with air planes, but wright brothers got the government to declare them the winners.

I disagree with that. THOUGHT.... is not something that should be property... ever. Ever. Ridiculous concept.

And this idea that we can't copy the idea someone else had.... it is so fundamentally ridiculous. What we're talking about, is putting a ban on the entire basis of human existence. What do 1 year-old children do? They copy each other, and everyone around them. It's how they learn. It's how all humans learn. We copy the teacher in school. We copy the smart students in school.

When you neighbor puts mulch around their shrubs to make their yard look pretty, we go and buy mulch around our shrubs to make our yard look pretty. We copy each other ALL THE TIME. It's what we as human beings do. When IBM made their 'Personal Computer" the PC, they were copying Apple who made a pre-built home computer. When Compaq, cloned the IBM, they were copying what IBM was doing.

Not just to be clear, I don't make directly copy. You can't take IBM's actual product, and slap your name on it, and sell it. You can't make an exact duplicate, and just sall it as your own.

But I have no problem with people reverse engineering something, making their own product, and selling their own product.

Saying that the idea of making such-and-such, is 'my idea' and no one else can have my idea.... ridiculous. I don't agree with that at all. The United States was built on copying other people's ideas. We had people come here from all over the world, and they brought with them the ideas and knowledge of the countries they came from. We copied, improved upon, and perfected, tons of things that had been traditional in other countries.

But now that we're leading the world, suddenly we don't want anyone else to do what we did? No.

Here's how this works. You spend less time trying to make others not do, what you do... and more time making sure what you do is better than what they do.

China is not innovative and there is no way they would be a world super power without stealing us blind in IP.

They are certainly engaged in some IP theft, but from what I've read, a lot of the IP they are getting is through contracts. A company wants to open business in China. The Chinese give approval under the condition they turn over X technology. The company agrees, and life goes on.

That said, there is no way to stop them from doing this. Even if we somehow convinced every ally on the planet to completely cut off tried with China, they have enough internet access, and have enough allies of their own, to continue ripping off IP. There are too many companies interested in the billion plus potential customers in China, to not engage with them. It will happen, and technology will be copied.

If you think that some policy is going to prevent this, you are mistaken. The only chance we have of them not ripping off every single thing they can, is if the government of China moves back to socialism, and then the destruction of the economy will stop the 'theft of IP'... in quotes because I still think it's ridiculous.

With respect to trade, they are in direct violation of just about every WTO agreement.

Yeah, I get that. I still say, if they want to tax the crap out of their own people, to sell us cheap goods.... why not? If GM decided to tax (reduce wages) on its union members, to sell me a cheaper car... I'd go buy one. GM wants to destroy itself to sell me a cheap car? I'll take one. Good luck with that.

Now if the Chinese people are fine with this, that's on them.

If the WTO wants to do something about China violating the terms, fine. But the US shouldn't destroy ourselves, because China is violating a treaty. Let them violate it. It hasn't stopped our economy, and nor would it.

This obsession with China is baffling to me. We trade more with SKorea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong, than China. We trade more with UK, and Japan, than China. We trade 3 times more with Canada, and three times more with Mexico, than China.

Why are we focusing so much on China? The only answer I can find is that we noticed China more, because they were growing fast. Just like in the 80s, Japan was growing fast, and we all freaked out about Japan. It's like every time someone somewhere is successful, people turn into greed driven, envy monsters, and we have a melt down about some country somewhere.

Stop that. If you want to earn more money, shut up and start working for it. The biggest limitation on you succeeding in life, is not some country elsewhere in the world... it's that dude in the mirror. Tell him to complain less, and work more towards a goal.
So is Russia a threat

Is China a threat under Trump

China has awarded Ivanka Trump new trademarks across a broad collection of businesses.

Is Ivanka a Trump advisor, I mean she flies around in government airplanes on the taxpayers dime.

Trump vowed to save a major Chinese telecommunication company from going under

Business as usual
Do you know this is true.....or are you just listening to fake news reports and not checking to see if it's really true?

Are you asking if China awarded Ivanka trademarks

or is she an advisor to Trump

either way you have the ability to look it up and decide for yourself
It's not up to me to prove your point.
Everyone knows Joe Biden is not the brightest bulb on the string. But to say China is not an economic threat to America is beyond ignorant. China is a threat in every sense of the word to America. They systematically steal our IP, our best people, their trade practices are criminal, the list is a long one. So either Biden is making false statements that he KNOWS are false or he really is as dumb as a rock. Either way, his statements on China are going to be even more damaging to his chances than his long history of groping little girls and women in public.
Biden Says China Not a Threat for US
Joe has a BA & Law Degree. Dumbass Donnie has a BA.
From what I can tell Biden was a lawyer for an entire year before going into politics and has been there ever since. Career politician isn't an accomplishment to brag about.
So is Russia a threat

Is China a threat under Trump

China has awarded Ivanka Trump new trademarks across a broad collection of businesses.

Is Ivanka a Trump advisor, I mean she flies around in government airplanes on the taxpayers dime.

Trump vowed to save a major Chinese telecommunication company from going under

Business as usual
Do you know this is true.....or are you just listening to fake news reports and not checking to see if it's really true?

Are you asking if China awarded Ivanka trademarks

or is she an advisor to Trump

either way you have the ability to look it up and decide for yourself
It's not up to me to prove your point.

And I am here to say WAKE UP
So is Russia a threat

Is China a threat under Trump

China has awarded Ivanka Trump new trademarks across a broad collection of businesses.

Is Ivanka a Trump advisor, I mean she flies around in government airplanes on the taxpayers dime.

Trump vowed to save a major Chinese telecommunication company from going under

Business as usual
Do you know this is true.....or are you just listening to fake news reports and not checking to see if it's really true?

Are you asking if China awarded Ivanka trademarks

or is she an advisor to Trump

either way you have the ability to look it up and decide for yourself
It's not up to me to prove your point.

And I am here to say WAKE UP
I'm not the ignorant Democrat voter then needs to wake the fuck up.
You are.
Everyone knows Joe Biden is not the brightest bulb on the string. But to say China is not an economic threat to America is beyond ignorant. China is a threat in every sense of the word to America. They systematically steal our IP, our best people, their trade practices are criminal, the list is a long one. So either Biden is making false statements that he KNOWS are false or he really is as dumb as a rock. Either way, his statements on China are going to be even more damaging to his chances than his long history of groping little girls and women in public.
Biden Says China Not a Threat for US

I have to say that I actually agree with Biden on this.
1. China is stealing our IP.

I don't believe in intellectual property. I don't believe that someone has a right to a "thought", and thus no one else on a planet of 8 billion people is allowed to have that thought. The concept of making thought illegal, because someone else was able to copy right a thought, is ridiculous.

2. China's trade practices are criminal.

I don't really even understand this statement. Every country has a right to pass laws on how trade is conducted, just like the US does on a non-stop basis. Additionally, there is nothing forcing us to engage in trade with China if it is not in our best interest to do so. No company in the US is required to buy, nor sell, with China. The reason they do so, is because it is beneficial to do so. Millions on millions of jobs have been created, due to our trade with China. If China wants to taxes it's citizens, in order to sell us cheaper goods (subsidies), then let them. Why would we complain because we are getting a product at a cheaper price, because someone else is freely choosing to pay for it? Let them pay for it.

3. China is stealing our best people.

I'm not sure what this refers to, but if people are actually choosing to go work in China, instead of staying in the US... then US companies are not paying enough money to keep them, and that is their fault. Seriously, how little must they be paid, to reach a point that moving to China is a step up?

4. China is an economic threat.

Here's the reality. It depends on what you mean by "economic threat". If you mean that the US will no longer be the dominate economy in the world, then yes they are a threat to that.

You need to grasp that it won't matter what we do, if China follows Capitalism, they will over take the US economical. In fact, if India were to take a dramatic shift towards Capitalism, in 5 years, we would all be talking about how India was the economic threat to the US economy.

And the reason is simply because both countries have more people. More people, makes economic growth easy, in a Capitalist system.

Say you have two countries, one with 1,500 people, and another with 330 people.
The country with 330 is earning $65 per person a year, while the other is only earning $5.
Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $5 per year = GDP $7,500

Country B engages in Capitalism, which always works. The earnings per person doubles to $10.

Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $10 per year = GDP $15,000

This is where we are with China right now. If they increase their income by just a little more than $4 per person, they will over take the US economy.

Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $15 per year = GDP $22,500

Now here's the reality. I shortened those numbers, to make it easier to understand. But the reality is, making $15,000 a year, is minimum wage in the US. If the Chinese can achieve a yearly average income, of what would be minimum wage in the US, they over take the US as the economic powerhouse.

Is there anything we could possibly do to prevent that? The answer is no.

No amount of policies, no amount of regulations, no amount of trade deals, trade wars, or anything, is going to stop the Chinese from increasing their income through advancement. They will over take the US, unless they stop engaging in Capitalism. If they go back to socialism, or if they stop liberating the market, or if they increase regulations to hamper growth.... then they will not over take the US. Again, would not matter what we did.

So if you want to prevent China from becoming the economic power house of the world, there are a few solutions

1. Move more towards free market capitalism ourselves. Deregulate. Reduce taxes. Cut social spending (medicare, medicaid, food stamps, public housing, social security). Put the money back in the hands of the public, and allow the economy to grow.

2. Have more kids, and have kids sooner rather than later. If everyone had kids in their early twenties, instead of mid 40s, and if people had twice as many kids, 4 instead of 2, the population of this country would be vastly higher. If we had 400 Million people, instead of 330 Million, you could easily see from the math, that our GDP would be vastly higher.

3. Ruthlessly enforce justice. If we eliminated the murders, rapists, and abusers, we would have a ton more people, and those people would be productive. The fact is, between crime and our welfare system, we have an entire section of the population that is unproductive, and a burden on society and the economy. Eliminate both, and the economy will vastly improve.

That's a reasonable, thoughtful response. Now first of all, I don't believe you understand what IP is. When a tech company invests millions, often many millions into developing a new technology they OWN that technology. That is why they designate it with the word PROPERTY. When China, and I mean the government of China facilitates the theft of that IP or the PEOPLE that had the brilliance to develop and produce that IP it is in every sense of the word STEALING. China is not innovative and there is no way they would be a world super power without stealing us blind in IP.
With respect to trade, they are in direct violation of just about every WTO agreement. And not by a little. They have taken full advantage of the political correctness of the modern world and the reluctance to challenge a criminal nation. Thankfully we now have a President who is at least shining the spotlight on China. It would be helpful if we had a unified front against our number one enemy, but the Democrats are too busy undermining America and trying to Impeach President Trump.

Yeah, and I disagree with that. It's like saying, the first person to build a car, should have a monopoly on cars. No. No one else on the entire planet can create a car, because this one guy was able to pay for it first?

And here's the other side... many times multiple people in various parts of the world, were developing the technology of the self propelled carriage. But under IP law, it's not who has the best product, or who created the product first. It's who paid the government first to shut out competition.

There were other people with air planes, but wright brothers got the government to declare them the winners.

I disagree with that. THOUGHT.... is not something that should be property... ever. Ever. Ridiculous concept.

And this idea that we can't copy the idea someone else had.... it is so fundamentally ridiculous. What we're talking about, is putting a ban on the entire basis of human existence. What do 1 year-old children do? They copy each other, and everyone around them. It's how they learn. It's how all humans learn. We copy the teacher in school. We copy the smart students in school.

When you neighbor puts mulch around their shrubs to make their yard look pretty, we go and buy mulch around our shrubs to make our yard look pretty. We copy each other ALL THE TIME. It's what we as human beings do. When IBM made their 'Personal Computer" the PC, they were copying Apple who made a pre-built home computer. When Compaq, cloned the IBM, they were copying what IBM was doing.

Not just to be clear, I don't make directly copy. You can't take IBM's actual product, and slap your name on it, and sell it. You can't make an exact duplicate, and just sall it as your own.

But I have no problem with people reverse engineering something, making their own product, and selling their own product.

Saying that the idea of making such-and-such, is 'my idea' and no one else can have my idea.... ridiculous. I don't agree with that at all. The United States was built on copying other people's ideas. We had people come here from all over the world, and they brought with them the ideas and knowledge of the countries they came from. We copied, improved upon, and perfected, tons of things that had been traditional in other countries.

But now that we're leading the world, suddenly we don't want anyone else to do what we did? No.

Here's how this works. You spend less time trying to make others not do, what you do... and more time making sure what you do is better than what they do.

China is not innovative and there is no way they would be a world super power without stealing us blind in IP.

They are certainly engaged in some IP theft, but from what I've read, a lot of the IP they are getting is through contracts. A company wants to open business in China. The Chinese give approval under the condition they turn over X technology. The company agrees, and life goes on.

That said, there is no way to stop them from doing this. Even if we somehow convinced every ally on the planet to completely cut off tried with China, they have enough internet access, and have enough allies of their own, to continue ripping off IP. There are too many companies interested in the billion plus potential customers in China, to not engage with them. It will happen, and technology will be copied.

If you think that some policy is going to prevent this, you are mistaken. The only chance we have of them not ripping off every single thing they can, is if the government of China moves back to socialism, and then the destruction of the economy will stop the 'theft of IP'... in quotes because I still think it's ridiculous.

With respect to trade, they are in direct violation of just about every WTO agreement.

Yeah, I get that. I still say, if they want to tax the crap out of their own people, to sell us cheap goods.... why not? If GM decided to tax (reduce wages) on its union members, to sell me a cheaper car... I'd go buy one. GM wants to destroy itself to sell me a cheap car? I'll take one. Good luck with that.

Now if the Chinese people are fine with this, that's on them.

If the WTO wants to do something about China violating the terms, fine. But the US shouldn't destroy ourselves, because China is violating a treaty. Let them violate it. It hasn't stopped our economy, and nor would it.

This obsession with China is baffling to me. We trade more with SKorea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong, than China. We trade more with UK, and Japan, than China. We trade 3 times more with Canada, and three times more with Mexico, than China.

Why are we focusing so much on China? The only answer I can find is that we noticed China more, because they were growing fast. Just like in the 80s, Japan was growing fast, and we all freaked out about Japan. It's like every time someone somewhere is successful, people turn into greed driven, envy monsters, and we have a melt down about some country somewhere.

Stop that. If you want to earn more money, shut up and start working for it. The biggest limitation on you succeeding in life, is not some country elsewhere in the world... it's that dude in the mirror. Tell him to complain less, and work more towards a goal.
Who is that "dude in the mirror" you refer to in your analogy? The USA? That doesn't make sense. We are the most successful country in modern history and the only reason China has grown to the world #2 economy is because of what they have stolen or otherwise gained from US generosity. Without the US, their biggest exports would be finger traps and fireworks.
Everyone knows Joe Biden is not the brightest bulb on the string. But to say China is not an economic threat to America is beyond ignorant. China is a threat in every sense of the word to America. They systematically steal our IP, our best people, their trade practices are criminal, the list is a long one. So either Biden is making false statements that he KNOWS are false or he really is as dumb as a rock. Either way, his statements on China are going to be even more damaging to his chances than his long history of groping little girls and women in public.
Biden Says China Not a Threat for US

I have to say that I actually agree with Biden on this.
1. China is stealing our IP.

I don't believe in intellectual property. I don't believe that someone has a right to a "thought", and thus no one else on a planet of 8 billion people is allowed to have that thought. The concept of making thought illegal, because someone else was able to copy right a thought, is ridiculous.

2. China's trade practices are criminal.

I don't really even understand this statement. Every country has a right to pass laws on how trade is conducted, just like the US does on a non-stop basis. Additionally, there is nothing forcing us to engage in trade with China if it is not in our best interest to do so. No company in the US is required to buy, nor sell, with China. The reason they do so, is because it is beneficial to do so. Millions on millions of jobs have been created, due to our trade with China. If China wants to taxes it's citizens, in order to sell us cheaper goods (subsidies), then let them. Why would we complain because we are getting a product at a cheaper price, because someone else is freely choosing to pay for it? Let them pay for it.

3. China is stealing our best people.

I'm not sure what this refers to, but if people are actually choosing to go work in China, instead of staying in the US... then US companies are not paying enough money to keep them, and that is their fault. Seriously, how little must they be paid, to reach a point that moving to China is a step up?

4. China is an economic threat.

Here's the reality. It depends on what you mean by "economic threat". If you mean that the US will no longer be the dominate economy in the world, then yes they are a threat to that.

You need to grasp that it won't matter what we do, if China follows Capitalism, they will over take the US economical. In fact, if India were to take a dramatic shift towards Capitalism, in 5 years, we would all be talking about how India was the economic threat to the US economy.

And the reason is simply because both countries have more people. More people, makes economic growth easy, in a Capitalist system.

Say you have two countries, one with 1,500 people, and another with 330 people.
The country with 330 is earning $65 per person a year, while the other is only earning $5.
Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $5 per year = GDP $7,500

Country B engages in Capitalism, which always works. The earnings per person doubles to $10.

Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $10 per year = GDP $15,000

This is where we are with China right now. If they increase their income by just a little more than $4 per person, they will over take the US economy.

Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $15 per year = GDP $22,500

Now here's the reality. I shortened those numbers, to make it easier to understand. But the reality is, making $15,000 a year, is minimum wage in the US. If the Chinese can achieve a yearly average income, of what would be minimum wage in the US, they over take the US as the economic powerhouse.

Is there anything we could possibly do to prevent that? The answer is no.

No amount of policies, no amount of regulations, no amount of trade deals, trade wars, or anything, is going to stop the Chinese from increasing their income through advancement. They will over take the US, unless they stop engaging in Capitalism. If they go back to socialism, or if they stop liberating the market, or if they increase regulations to hamper growth.... then they will not over take the US. Again, would not matter what we did.

So if you want to prevent China from becoming the economic power house of the world, there are a few solutions

1. Move more towards free market capitalism ourselves. Deregulate. Reduce taxes. Cut social spending (medicare, medicaid, food stamps, public housing, social security). Put the money back in the hands of the public, and allow the economy to grow.

2. Have more kids, and have kids sooner rather than later. If everyone had kids in their early twenties, instead of mid 40s, and if people had twice as many kids, 4 instead of 2, the population of this country would be vastly higher. If we had 400 Million people, instead of 330 Million, you could easily see from the math, that our GDP would be vastly higher.

3. Ruthlessly enforce justice. If we eliminated the murders, rapists, and abusers, we would have a ton more people, and those people would be productive. The fact is, between crime and our welfare system, we have an entire section of the population that is unproductive, and a burden on society and the economy. Eliminate both, and the economy will vastly improve.

That's a reasonable, thoughtful response. Now first of all, I don't believe you understand what IP is. When a tech company invests millions, often many millions into developing a new technology they OWN that technology. That is why they designate it with the word PROPERTY. When China, and I mean the government of China facilitates the theft of that IP or the PEOPLE that had the brilliance to develop and produce that IP it is in every sense of the word STEALING. China is not innovative and there is no way they would be a world super power without stealing us blind in IP.
With respect to trade, they are in direct violation of just about every WTO agreement. And not by a little. They have taken full advantage of the political correctness of the modern world and the reluctance to challenge a criminal nation. Thankfully we now have a President who is at least shining the spotlight on China. It would be helpful if we had a unified front against our number one enemy, but the Democrats are too busy undermining America and trying to Impeach President Trump.

Yeah, and I disagree with that. It's like saying, the first person to build a car, should have a monopoly on cars. No. No one else on the entire planet can create a car, because this one guy was able to pay for it first?

And here's the other side... many times multiple people in various parts of the world, were developing the technology of the self propelled carriage. But under IP law, it's not who has the best product, or who created the product first. It's who paid the government first to shut out competition.

There were other people with air planes, but wright brothers got the government to declare them the winners.

I disagree with that. THOUGHT.... is not something that should be property... ever. Ever. Ridiculous concept.

And this idea that we can't copy the idea someone else had.... it is so fundamentally ridiculous. What we're talking about, is putting a ban on the entire basis of human existence. What do 1 year-old children do? They copy each other, and everyone around them. It's how they learn. It's how all humans learn. We copy the teacher in school. We copy the smart students in school.

When you neighbor puts mulch around their shrubs to make their yard look pretty, we go and buy mulch around our shrubs to make our yard look pretty. We copy each other ALL THE TIME. It's what we as human beings do. When IBM made their 'Personal Computer" the PC, they were copying Apple who made a pre-built home computer. When Compaq, cloned the IBM, they were copying what IBM was doing.

Not just to be clear, I don't make directly copy. You can't take IBM's actual product, and slap your name on it, and sell it. You can't make an exact duplicate, and just sall it as your own.

But I have no problem with people reverse engineering something, making their own product, and selling their own product.

Saying that the idea of making such-and-such, is 'my idea' and no one else can have my idea.... ridiculous. I don't agree with that at all. The United States was built on copying other people's ideas. We had people come here from all over the world, and they brought with them the ideas and knowledge of the countries they came from. We copied, improved upon, and perfected, tons of things that had been traditional in other countries.

But now that we're leading the world, suddenly we don't want anyone else to do what we did? No.

Here's how this works. You spend less time trying to make others not do, what you do... and more time making sure what you do is better than what they do.

China is not innovative and there is no way they would be a world super power without stealing us blind in IP.

They are certainly engaged in some IP theft, but from what I've read, a lot of the IP they are getting is through contracts. A company wants to open business in China. The Chinese give approval under the condition they turn over X technology. The company agrees, and life goes on.

That said, there is no way to stop them from doing this. Even if we somehow convinced every ally on the planet to completely cut off tried with China, they have enough internet access, and have enough allies of their own, to continue ripping off IP. There are too many companies interested in the billion plus potential customers in China, to not engage with them. It will happen, and technology will be copied.

If you think that some policy is going to prevent this, you are mistaken. The only chance we have of them not ripping off every single thing they can, is if the government of China moves back to socialism, and then the destruction of the economy will stop the 'theft of IP'... in quotes because I still think it's ridiculous.

With respect to trade, they are in direct violation of just about every WTO agreement.

Yeah, I get that. I still say, if they want to tax the crap out of their own people, to sell us cheap goods.... why not? If GM decided to tax (reduce wages) on its union members, to sell me a cheaper car... I'd go buy one. GM wants to destroy itself to sell me a cheap car? I'll take one. Good luck with that.

Now if the Chinese people are fine with this, that's on them.

If the WTO wants to do something about China violating the terms, fine. But the US shouldn't destroy ourselves, because China is violating a treaty. Let them violate it. It hasn't stopped our economy, and nor would it.

This obsession with China is baffling to me. We trade more with SKorea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong, than China. We trade more with UK, and Japan, than China. We trade 3 times more with Canada, and three times more with Mexico, than China.

Why are we focusing so much on China? The only answer I can find is that we noticed China more, because they were growing fast. Just like in the 80s, Japan was growing fast, and we all freaked out about Japan. It's like every time someone somewhere is successful, people turn into greed driven, envy monsters, and we have a melt down about some country somewhere.

Stop that. If you want to earn more money, shut up and start working for it. The biggest limitation on you succeeding in life, is not some country elsewhere in the world... it's that dude in the mirror. Tell him to complain less, and work more towards a goal.
Who is that "dude in the mirror" you refer to in your analogy? The USA? That doesn't make sense. We are the most successful country in modern history and the only reason China has grown to the world #2 economy is because of what they have stolen or otherwise gained from US generosity. Without the US, their biggest exports would be finger traps and fireworks.

The dude in the mirror, refers to any and every American, who is complaining about their life and blaming others (others being anyone, including China).

"Without the US, their biggest exports would be finger traps and fireworks."

Oh garbage. Please spare me.

OEC - China (CHN) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners

Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 12.45.31 AM.png

The United States only makes up 20% of China's yearly exports.

Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 12.46.50 AM.png

Further, the types of goods exported by China is not even remotely limited to finger traps and fireworks.

Well removing us as a trade partner hurt China? Yeah. It will also hurt the US.
Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 12.50.34 AM.png

Hundreds of companies will be harmed by cutting trade with China.

And these are just the companies that will not be able to export their goods too China. We also import tons of goods that are used by our companies. If their supply of materials from China is cut off, people will lose their jobs.

Again... it will hurt China, no doubt. But if you think China can't success and advance, because they lost the US as a trade partner, you are wrong. It would mean 300 million people were lost as customers. They still have 8 Billion others.
Everyone knows Joe Biden is not the brightest bulb on the string. But to say China is not an economic threat to America is beyond ignorant. China is a threat in every sense of the word to America. They systematically steal our IP, our best people, their trade practices are criminal, the list is a long one. So either Biden is making false statements that he KNOWS are false or he really is as dumb as a rock. Either way, his statements on China are going to be even more damaging to his chances than his long history of groping little girls and women in public.
Biden Says China Not a Threat for US

I have to say that I actually agree with Biden on this.
1. China is stealing our IP.

I don't believe in intellectual property. I don't believe that someone has a right to a "thought", and thus no one else on a planet of 8 billion people is allowed to have that thought. The concept of making thought illegal, because someone else was able to copy right a thought, is ridiculous.

2. China's trade practices are criminal.

I don't really even understand this statement. Every country has a right to pass laws on how trade is conducted, just like the US does on a non-stop basis. Additionally, there is nothing forcing us to engage in trade with China if it is not in our best interest to do so. No company in the US is required to buy, nor sell, with China. The reason they do so, is because it is beneficial to do so. Millions on millions of jobs have been created, due to our trade with China. If China wants to taxes it's citizens, in order to sell us cheaper goods (subsidies), then let them. Why would we complain because we are getting a product at a cheaper price, because someone else is freely choosing to pay for it? Let them pay for it.

3. China is stealing our best people.

I'm not sure what this refers to, but if people are actually choosing to go work in China, instead of staying in the US... then US companies are not paying enough money to keep them, and that is their fault. Seriously, how little must they be paid, to reach a point that moving to China is a step up?

4. China is an economic threat.

Here's the reality. It depends on what you mean by "economic threat". If you mean that the US will no longer be the dominate economy in the world, then yes they are a threat to that.

You need to grasp that it won't matter what we do, if China follows Capitalism, they will over take the US economical. In fact, if India were to take a dramatic shift towards Capitalism, in 5 years, we would all be talking about how India was the economic threat to the US economy.

And the reason is simply because both countries have more people. More people, makes economic growth easy, in a Capitalist system.

Say you have two countries, one with 1,500 people, and another with 330 people.
The country with 330 is earning $65 per person a year, while the other is only earning $5.
Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $5 per year = GDP $7,500

Country B engages in Capitalism, which always works. The earnings per person doubles to $10.

Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $10 per year = GDP $15,000

This is where we are with China right now. If they increase their income by just a little more than $4 per person, they will over take the US economy.

Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $15 per year = GDP $22,500

Now here's the reality. I shortened those numbers, to make it easier to understand. But the reality is, making $15,000 a year, is minimum wage in the US. If the Chinese can achieve a yearly average income, of what would be minimum wage in the US, they over take the US as the economic powerhouse.

Is there anything we could possibly do to prevent that? The answer is no.

No amount of policies, no amount of regulations, no amount of trade deals, trade wars, or anything, is going to stop the Chinese from increasing their income through advancement. They will over take the US, unless they stop engaging in Capitalism. If they go back to socialism, or if they stop liberating the market, or if they increase regulations to hamper growth.... then they will not over take the US. Again, would not matter what we did.

So if you want to prevent China from becoming the economic power house of the world, there are a few solutions

1. Move more towards free market capitalism ourselves. Deregulate. Reduce taxes. Cut social spending (medicare, medicaid, food stamps, public housing, social security). Put the money back in the hands of the public, and allow the economy to grow.

2. Have more kids, and have kids sooner rather than later. If everyone had kids in their early twenties, instead of mid 40s, and if people had twice as many kids, 4 instead of 2, the population of this country would be vastly higher. If we had 400 Million people, instead of 330 Million, you could easily see from the math, that our GDP would be vastly higher.

3. Ruthlessly enforce justice. If we eliminated the murders, rapists, and abusers, we would have a ton more people, and those people would be productive. The fact is, between crime and our welfare system, we have an entire section of the population that is unproductive, and a burden on society and the economy. Eliminate both, and the economy will vastly improve.

That's a reasonable, thoughtful response. Now first of all, I don't believe you understand what IP is. When a tech company invests millions, often many millions into developing a new technology they OWN that technology. That is why they designate it with the word PROPERTY. When China, and I mean the government of China facilitates the theft of that IP or the PEOPLE that had the brilliance to develop and produce that IP it is in every sense of the word STEALING. China is not innovative and there is no way they would be a world super power without stealing us blind in IP.
With respect to trade, they are in direct violation of just about every WTO agreement. And not by a little. They have taken full advantage of the political correctness of the modern world and the reluctance to challenge a criminal nation. Thankfully we now have a President who is at least shining the spotlight on China. It would be helpful if we had a unified front against our number one enemy, but the Democrats are too busy undermining America and trying to Impeach President Trump.

Yeah, and I disagree with that. It's like saying, the first person to build a car, should have a monopoly on cars. No. No one else on the entire planet can create a car, because this one guy was able to pay for it first?

And here's the other side... many times multiple people in various parts of the world, were developing the technology of the self propelled carriage. But under IP law, it's not who has the best product, or who created the product first. It's who paid the government first to shut out competition.

There were other people with air planes, but wright brothers got the government to declare them the winners.

I disagree with that. THOUGHT.... is not something that should be property... ever. Ever. Ridiculous concept.

And this idea that we can't copy the idea someone else had.... it is so fundamentally ridiculous. What we're talking about, is putting a ban on the entire basis of human existence. What do 1 year-old children do? They copy each other, and everyone around them. It's how they learn. It's how all humans learn. We copy the teacher in school. We copy the smart students in school.

When you neighbor puts mulch around their shrubs to make their yard look pretty, we go and buy mulch around our shrubs to make our yard look pretty. We copy each other ALL THE TIME. It's what we as human beings do. When IBM made their 'Personal Computer" the PC, they were copying Apple who made a pre-built home computer. When Compaq, cloned the IBM, they were copying what IBM was doing.

Not just to be clear, I don't make directly copy. You can't take IBM's actual product, and slap your name on it, and sell it. You can't make an exact duplicate, and just sall it as your own.

But I have no problem with people reverse engineering something, making their own product, and selling their own product.

Saying that the idea of making such-and-such, is 'my idea' and no one else can have my idea.... ridiculous. I don't agree with that at all. The United States was built on copying other people's ideas. We had people come here from all over the world, and they brought with them the ideas and knowledge of the countries they came from. We copied, improved upon, and perfected, tons of things that had been traditional in other countries.

But now that we're leading the world, suddenly we don't want anyone else to do what we did? No.

Here's how this works. You spend less time trying to make others not do, what you do... and more time making sure what you do is better than what they do.

China is not innovative and there is no way they would be a world super power without stealing us blind in IP.

They are certainly engaged in some IP theft, but from what I've read, a lot of the IP they are getting is through contracts. A company wants to open business in China. The Chinese give approval under the condition they turn over X technology. The company agrees, and life goes on.

That said, there is no way to stop them from doing this. Even if we somehow convinced every ally on the planet to completely cut off tried with China, they have enough internet access, and have enough allies of their own, to continue ripping off IP. There are too many companies interested in the billion plus potential customers in China, to not engage with them. It will happen, and technology will be copied.

If you think that some policy is going to prevent this, you are mistaken. The only chance we have of them not ripping off every single thing they can, is if the government of China moves back to socialism, and then the destruction of the economy will stop the 'theft of IP'... in quotes because I still think it's ridiculous.

With respect to trade, they are in direct violation of just about every WTO agreement.

Yeah, I get that. I still say, if they want to tax the crap out of their own people, to sell us cheap goods.... why not? If GM decided to tax (reduce wages) on its union members, to sell me a cheaper car... I'd go buy one. GM wants to destroy itself to sell me a cheap car? I'll take one. Good luck with that.

Now if the Chinese people are fine with this, that's on them.

If the WTO wants to do something about China violating the terms, fine. But the US shouldn't destroy ourselves, because China is violating a treaty. Let them violate it. It hasn't stopped our economy, and nor would it.

This obsession with China is baffling to me. We trade more with SKorea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong, than China. We trade more with UK, and Japan, than China. We trade 3 times more with Canada, and three times more with Mexico, than China.

Why are we focusing so much on China? The only answer I can find is that we noticed China more, because they were growing fast. Just like in the 80s, Japan was growing fast, and we all freaked out about Japan. It's like every time someone somewhere is successful, people turn into greed driven, envy monsters, and we have a melt down about some country somewhere.

Stop that. If you want to earn more money, shut up and start working for it. The biggest limitation on you succeeding in life, is not some country elsewhere in the world... it's that dude in the mirror. Tell him to complain less, and work more towards a goal.
Who is that "dude in the mirror" you refer to in your analogy? The USA? That doesn't make sense. We are the most successful country in modern history and the only reason China has grown to the world #2 economy is because of what they have stolen or otherwise gained from US generosity. Without the US, their biggest exports would be finger traps and fireworks.

The dude in the mirror, refers to any and every American, who is complaining about their life and blaming others (others being anyone, including China).

"Without the US, their biggest exports would be finger traps and fireworks."

Oh garbage. Please spare me.

OEC - China (CHN) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners

View attachment 259608

The United States only makes up 20% of China's yearly exports.

View attachment 259609

Further, the types of goods exported by China is not even remotely limited to finger traps and fireworks.

Well removing us as a trade partner hurt China? Yeah. It will also hurt the US.
View attachment 259612

Hundreds of companies will be harmed by cutting trade with China.

And these are just the companies that will not be able to export their goods too China. We also import tons of goods that are used by our companies. If their supply of materials from China is cut off, people will lose their jobs.

Again... it will hurt China, no doubt. But if you think China can't success and advance, because they lost the US as a trade partner, you are wrong. It would mean 300 million people were lost as customers. They still have 8 Billion others.
Believe what you will about China. The lying, cheating and stealing with the USA and other countries has facilitated their rise as a superpower. And that's just the half of it. They operate work camps imprisoning millions for "crimes against the state". Anyone and everyone can be quickly whisked away to one of these camps never to be seen again. China is an evil regime, and it is very important that the US confront them. It may already be too little too late but we finally have a President with the balls to call them out.
I have to say that I actually agree with Biden on this.
1. China is stealing our IP.

I don't believe in intellectual property. I don't believe that someone has a right to a "thought", and thus no one else on a planet of 8 billion people is allowed to have that thought. The concept of making thought illegal, because someone else was able to copy right a thought, is ridiculous.

2. China's trade practices are criminal.

I don't really even understand this statement. Every country has a right to pass laws on how trade is conducted, just like the US does on a non-stop basis. Additionally, there is nothing forcing us to engage in trade with China if it is not in our best interest to do so. No company in the US is required to buy, nor sell, with China. The reason they do so, is because it is beneficial to do so. Millions on millions of jobs have been created, due to our trade with China. If China wants to taxes it's citizens, in order to sell us cheaper goods (subsidies), then let them. Why would we complain because we are getting a product at a cheaper price, because someone else is freely choosing to pay for it? Let them pay for it.

3. China is stealing our best people.

I'm not sure what this refers to, but if people are actually choosing to go work in China, instead of staying in the US... then US companies are not paying enough money to keep them, and that is their fault. Seriously, how little must they be paid, to reach a point that moving to China is a step up?

4. China is an economic threat.

Here's the reality. It depends on what you mean by "economic threat". If you mean that the US will no longer be the dominate economy in the world, then yes they are a threat to that.

You need to grasp that it won't matter what we do, if China follows Capitalism, they will over take the US economical. In fact, if India were to take a dramatic shift towards Capitalism, in 5 years, we would all be talking about how India was the economic threat to the US economy.

And the reason is simply because both countries have more people. More people, makes economic growth easy, in a Capitalist system.

Say you have two countries, one with 1,500 people, and another with 330 people.
The country with 330 is earning $65 per person a year, while the other is only earning $5.
Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $5 per year = GDP $7,500

Country B engages in Capitalism, which always works. The earnings per person doubles to $10.

Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $10 per year = GDP $15,000

This is where we are with China right now. If they increase their income by just a little more than $4 per person, they will over take the US economy.

Country A - 330 people X $65 per year = GDP $21,450
Country B - 1,500 people X $15 per year = GDP $22,500

Now here's the reality. I shortened those numbers, to make it easier to understand. But the reality is, making $15,000 a year, is minimum wage in the US. If the Chinese can achieve a yearly average income, of what would be minimum wage in the US, they over take the US as the economic powerhouse.

Is there anything we could possibly do to prevent that? The answer is no.

No amount of policies, no amount of regulations, no amount of trade deals, trade wars, or anything, is going to stop the Chinese from increasing their income through advancement. They will over take the US, unless they stop engaging in Capitalism. If they go back to socialism, or if they stop liberating the market, or if they increase regulations to hamper growth.... then they will not over take the US. Again, would not matter what we did.

So if you want to prevent China from becoming the economic power house of the world, there are a few solutions

1. Move more towards free market capitalism ourselves. Deregulate. Reduce taxes. Cut social spending (medicare, medicaid, food stamps, public housing, social security). Put the money back in the hands of the public, and allow the economy to grow.

2. Have more kids, and have kids sooner rather than later. If everyone had kids in their early twenties, instead of mid 40s, and if people had twice as many kids, 4 instead of 2, the population of this country would be vastly higher. If we had 400 Million people, instead of 330 Million, you could easily see from the math, that our GDP would be vastly higher.

3. Ruthlessly enforce justice. If we eliminated the murders, rapists, and abusers, we would have a ton more people, and those people would be productive. The fact is, between crime and our welfare system, we have an entire section of the population that is unproductive, and a burden on society and the economy. Eliminate both, and the economy will vastly improve.

That's a reasonable, thoughtful response. Now first of all, I don't believe you understand what IP is. When a tech company invests millions, often many millions into developing a new technology they OWN that technology. That is why they designate it with the word PROPERTY. When China, and I mean the government of China facilitates the theft of that IP or the PEOPLE that had the brilliance to develop and produce that IP it is in every sense of the word STEALING. China is not innovative and there is no way they would be a world super power without stealing us blind in IP.
With respect to trade, they are in direct violation of just about every WTO agreement. And not by a little. They have taken full advantage of the political correctness of the modern world and the reluctance to challenge a criminal nation. Thankfully we now have a President who is at least shining the spotlight on China. It would be helpful if we had a unified front against our number one enemy, but the Democrats are too busy undermining America and trying to Impeach President Trump.

Yeah, and I disagree with that. It's like saying, the first person to build a car, should have a monopoly on cars. No. No one else on the entire planet can create a car, because this one guy was able to pay for it first?

And here's the other side... many times multiple people in various parts of the world, were developing the technology of the self propelled carriage. But under IP law, it's not who has the best product, or who created the product first. It's who paid the government first to shut out competition.

There were other people with air planes, but wright brothers got the government to declare them the winners.

I disagree with that. THOUGHT.... is not something that should be property... ever. Ever. Ridiculous concept.

And this idea that we can't copy the idea someone else had.... it is so fundamentally ridiculous. What we're talking about, is putting a ban on the entire basis of human existence. What do 1 year-old children do? They copy each other, and everyone around them. It's how they learn. It's how all humans learn. We copy the teacher in school. We copy the smart students in school.

When you neighbor puts mulch around their shrubs to make their yard look pretty, we go and buy mulch around our shrubs to make our yard look pretty. We copy each other ALL THE TIME. It's what we as human beings do. When IBM made their 'Personal Computer" the PC, they were copying Apple who made a pre-built home computer. When Compaq, cloned the IBM, they were copying what IBM was doing.

Not just to be clear, I don't make directly copy. You can't take IBM's actual product, and slap your name on it, and sell it. You can't make an exact duplicate, and just sall it as your own.

But I have no problem with people reverse engineering something, making their own product, and selling their own product.

Saying that the idea of making such-and-such, is 'my idea' and no one else can have my idea.... ridiculous. I don't agree with that at all. The United States was built on copying other people's ideas. We had people come here from all over the world, and they brought with them the ideas and knowledge of the countries they came from. We copied, improved upon, and perfected, tons of things that had been traditional in other countries.

But now that we're leading the world, suddenly we don't want anyone else to do what we did? No.

Here's how this works. You spend less time trying to make others not do, what you do... and more time making sure what you do is better than what they do.

China is not innovative and there is no way they would be a world super power without stealing us blind in IP.

They are certainly engaged in some IP theft, but from what I've read, a lot of the IP they are getting is through contracts. A company wants to open business in China. The Chinese give approval under the condition they turn over X technology. The company agrees, and life goes on.

That said, there is no way to stop them from doing this. Even if we somehow convinced every ally on the planet to completely cut off tried with China, they have enough internet access, and have enough allies of their own, to continue ripping off IP. There are too many companies interested in the billion plus potential customers in China, to not engage with them. It will happen, and technology will be copied.

If you think that some policy is going to prevent this, you are mistaken. The only chance we have of them not ripping off every single thing they can, is if the government of China moves back to socialism, and then the destruction of the economy will stop the 'theft of IP'... in quotes because I still think it's ridiculous.

With respect to trade, they are in direct violation of just about every WTO agreement.

Yeah, I get that. I still say, if they want to tax the crap out of their own people, to sell us cheap goods.... why not? If GM decided to tax (reduce wages) on its union members, to sell me a cheaper car... I'd go buy one. GM wants to destroy itself to sell me a cheap car? I'll take one. Good luck with that.

Now if the Chinese people are fine with this, that's on them.

If the WTO wants to do something about China violating the terms, fine. But the US shouldn't destroy ourselves, because China is violating a treaty. Let them violate it. It hasn't stopped our economy, and nor would it.

This obsession with China is baffling to me. We trade more with SKorea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong, than China. We trade more with UK, and Japan, than China. We trade 3 times more with Canada, and three times more with Mexico, than China.

Why are we focusing so much on China? The only answer I can find is that we noticed China more, because they were growing fast. Just like in the 80s, Japan was growing fast, and we all freaked out about Japan. It's like every time someone somewhere is successful, people turn into greed driven, envy monsters, and we have a melt down about some country somewhere.

Stop that. If you want to earn more money, shut up and start working for it. The biggest limitation on you succeeding in life, is not some country elsewhere in the world... it's that dude in the mirror. Tell him to complain less, and work more towards a goal.
Who is that "dude in the mirror" you refer to in your analogy? The USA? That doesn't make sense. We are the most successful country in modern history and the only reason China has grown to the world #2 economy is because of what they have stolen or otherwise gained from US generosity. Without the US, their biggest exports would be finger traps and fireworks.

The dude in the mirror, refers to any and every American, who is complaining about their life and blaming others (others being anyone, including China).

"Without the US, their biggest exports would be finger traps and fireworks."

Oh garbage. Please spare me.

OEC - China (CHN) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners

View attachment 259608

The United States only makes up 20% of China's yearly exports.

View attachment 259609

Further, the types of goods exported by China is not even remotely limited to finger traps and fireworks.

Well removing us as a trade partner hurt China? Yeah. It will also hurt the US.
View attachment 259612

Hundreds of companies will be harmed by cutting trade with China.

And these are just the companies that will not be able to export their goods too China. We also import tons of goods that are used by our companies. If their supply of materials from China is cut off, people will lose their jobs.

Again... it will hurt China, no doubt. But if you think China can't success and advance, because they lost the US as a trade partner, you are wrong. It would mean 300 million people were lost as customers. They still have 8 Billion others.
Believe what you will about China. The lying, cheating and stealing with the USA and other countries has facilitated their rise as a superpower. And that's just the half of it. They operate work camps imprisoning millions for "crimes against the state". Anyone and everyone can be quickly whisked away to one of these camps never to be seen again. China is an evil regime, and it is very important that the US confront them. It may already be too little too late but we finally have a President with the balls to call them out.

I never suggested they did not lie. If humans are involved, they lie.

I also never suggested that China wasn't run by communists. Of course they are.
I never suggested they didn't have worker camps. They do.

I think the only difference is, I don't see a need to confront them. Nor do I see that Trump is confronting them. A trade war will hurt us, as much or more, than China.

Harming our own country, does not "confront" China.
Everyone knows Joe Biden is not the brightest bulb on the string. But to say China is not an economic threat to America is beyond ignorant. China is a threat in every sense of the word to America. They systematically steal our IP, our best people, their trade practices are criminal, the list is a long one. So either Biden is making false statements that he KNOWS are false or he really is as dumb as a rock. Either way, his statements on China are going to be even more damaging to his chances than his long history of groping little girls and women in public.
Biden Says China Not a Threat for US
WARNER’S TOUGH CHINA STANCE EXPOSES BIDEN WEAKNESS: Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) is the ranking minority members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, so he has received countless classified briefings over the years concerning China. In a speech at the Brookings Institution, he acknowledged that those briefings changed his mind about the Asian giant.

The China Warner now sees isn’t the same China former Vice President Joe Biden talked about earlier this month during a campaign stop in Iowa, the China Biden says isn’t a competitor for the U.S. Warner didn’t mention Biden by name at Brookings, but then he didn’t have to. Seems clear to a lot of people that Joe screwed up.
Everyone knows Joe Biden is not the brightest bulb on the string. But to say China is not an economic threat to America is beyond ignorant. China is a threat in every sense of the word to America. They systematically steal our IP, our best people, their trade practices are criminal, the list is a long one. So either Biden is making false statements that he KNOWS are false or he really is as dumb as a rock. Either way, his statements on China are going to be even more damaging to his chances than his long history of groping little girls and women in public.
Biden Says China Not a Threat for US
WARNER’S TOUGH CHINA STANCE EXPOSES BIDEN WEAKNESS: Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) is the ranking minority members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, so he has received countless classified briefings over the years concerning China. In a speech at the Brookings Institution, he acknowledged that those briefings changed his mind about the Asian giant.

The China Warner now sees isn’t the same China former Vice President Joe Biden talked about earlier this month during a campaign stop in Iowa, the China Biden says isn’t a competitor for the U.S. Warner didn’t mention Biden by name at Brookings, but then he didn’t have to. Seems clear to a lot of people that Joe screwed up.
It's more than just a screw up. Creepy Joe has some 'splainin to do about his son's mind boggling financial successes in China while he was VP. It is hilarious that the Left wets their pants over Don Jr's Trump Tower meeting and completely blows off Hunter Biden's China exploits. No I won't post a link, google it you'll get a whole bunch of hits.
Biden is beholden to China. Bought and paid for, of course he is going to say that. China is the #1 threat to American economically, and strategically. They are ruthless, don't have Political Correctness holding them back, their Education is about EDUCATION, not Diversity, Multi Culturalism or False "Inclusiveness".
All Asian educational systems blow whitey off the map
Everyone knows Joe Biden is not the brightest bulb on the string. But to say China is not an economic threat to America is beyond ignorant. China is a threat in every sense of the word to America. They systematically steal our IP, our best people, their trade practices are criminal, the list is a long one. So either Biden is making false statements that he KNOWS are false or he really is as dumb as a rock. Either way, his statements on China are going to be even more damaging to his chances than his long history of groping little girls and women in public.
Biden Says China Not a Threat for US
WARNER’S TOUGH CHINA STANCE EXPOSES BIDEN WEAKNESS: Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) is the ranking minority members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, so he has received countless classified briefings over the years concerning China. In a speech at the Brookings Institution, he acknowledged that those briefings changed his mind about the Asian giant.

The China Warner now sees isn’t the same China former Vice President Joe Biden talked about earlier this month during a campaign stop in Iowa, the China Biden says isn’t a competitor for the U.S. Warner didn’t mention Biden by name at Brookings, but then he didn’t have to. Seems clear to a lot of people that Joe screwed up.
It's more than just a screw up. Creepy Joe has some 'splainin to do about his son's mind boggling financial successes in China while he was VP. It is hilarious that the Left wets their pants over Don Jr's Trump Tower meeting and completely blows off Hunter Biden's China exploits. No I won't post a link, google it you'll get a whole bunch of hits.
Here, I'll help.

Hunter Biden's China exploits - Google Search

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