Biden’s Buffoonish War On Extremism


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
It is an attack on our Liberties. But that is what the left always does.


Since the French Revolution, politicians have defined terrorism to stigmatize their opponents, a precedent followed by the Biden administration’s National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. The report labels the January 6 clash at the Capitol as a “domestic terrorism” incident but fails to mention it spurred a mushroom cloud of increasingly far-fetched official accusations. Capitol Police acting Chief Yogananda Pittman told Congress that January 6 was “a terrorist attack by tens of thousands of insurrectionists.” Less than a thousand protestors entered the Capitol that day but apparently any Trump supporter who hustled down the Mall towards the Capitol became the legal equivalent of Osama Bin Laden. Unfortunately, this “seen walking in the same zip code” standard for guilt could be the prototype for Biden era domestic terrorist prosecutions.

The Biden report did not bestow the same “terrorist” label on the mobs who burned U.S. post offices in Minneapolis or assailed a federal courthouse in Portland last year. In its litany of terrorist incidents, the report cites “the vehicular killing of a peaceful protestor in Charlottesville” at the 2017 Unite the Right ruckus but omits the 49 people killed in 2016 by a Muslim enraged by U.S. foreign policy at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Maybe that case was excluded because the murderer was the protected son of a long-term FBI informant and FBI falsehoods derailed the subsequent trial of his widow. Nor did the report mention the worst terrorist incident since 9/11—the Las Vegas bloodbath where a single shooter killed 58 people and injured 900 others. The FBI claimed it could never find a motive for that slaughter and its “final report” on the incident was only three pages long. Never mind.

The White House claims its new war on terrorism and extremism is “carefully tailored to address violence and reduce the factors that… infringe on the free expression of ideas.” But the prerogative to define extremism includes the power to attempt to banish certain ideas from acceptable discourse. The report warns that “narratives of fraud in the recent general election… will almost certainly spur some [Domestic Violent Extremists] to try to engage in violence this year.” If accusations of 2020 electoral shenanigans are formally labeled as extremist threats, that could result in far more repression (aided by Facebook and Twitter) of dissenting voices. How will this work out any better than the concerted campaign by the media and Big Tech last fall to suppress all information about Hunter Biden’s laptop before the election?

The Biden administration is revving up for a war against an enemy which the feds have chosen to never explicitly define. According to a March report by Biden’s Office of the Director of National Intelligence, “domestic violent extremists” include individuals who “take overt steps to violently resist or facilitate the overthrow of the U.S. government in support of their belief that the U.S. government is purposely exceeding its Constitutional authority.” But that was the same belief that many Biden voters had regarding the Trump administration. Does the definition of extremism depend solely on which party captured the White House?

The report notes that the “Department of Defense is reviewing and updating its definition of prohibited extremist activities among uniformed military personnel.” Bishop Garrison, the chief of the Pentagon’s new Countering Extremism Working Group, is Exhibit A for the follies of extremist crackdowns on extremism. In a series of 2019 tweets, Garrison, a former aide to Hillary Clinton, denounced all Trump supporters as “racists.” Garrison’s working group will “specifically define what constitutes extremist behavior” for American soldiers. If Garrison purges Trump supporters from the military, the Pentagon would be unable to conquer the island of Grenada. Biden policymakers also intend to create an “anti-radicalization” program for individuals departing the military service. This initiative will likely produce plenty of leaks and embarrassing disclosures in the coming months and years.

The Biden report is spooked by the existence of militia groups and flirts with the fantasy of outlawing them across the land. The report promises to explore “how to make better use of laws that already exist in all fifty states prohibiting certain private ‘militia’ activity, including…state statutes prohibiting groups of people from organizing as private military units without the authorization of the state government, and state statutes that criminalize certain paramilitary activity.” Most of the private militia groups are guilty of nothing more than bluster and braggadocio. Besides, many of them are already overstocked with government informants who are counting on Uncle Sam for regular paychecks.

As part of its anti-extremism arsenal, DHS is financing programs for “enhancing media literacy and critical thinking skills” and helping internet users avoid “vulnerability to…harmful content deliberately disseminated by malicious actors online.” Do the feds have inside information about another Hunter Biden laptop turning up, or what? The Biden administration intends to bolster Americans’ defenses against extremism by developing “interactive online resources such as skills-enhancing online games.” If the games are as stupefying as this report, nobody will play them.

The Biden report stresses that federal law enforcement agencies “play a critical role in responding to reports of criminal and otherwise concerning activity.” “Otherwise concerning activity”? This is the same standard that turned prior anti-terrorist efforts into laughingstock.

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It is an attack on our Liberties. But that is what the left always does.

Since the French Revolution, politicians have defined terrorism to stigmatize their opponents, a precedent followed by the Biden administration’s National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. The report labels the January 6 clash at the Capitol as a “domestic terrorism” incident but fails to mention it spurred a mushroom cloud of increasingly far-fetched official accusations. Capitol Police acting Chief Yogananda Pittman told Congress that January 6 was “a terrorist attack by tens of thousands of insurrectionists.” Less than a thousand protestors entered the Capitol that day but apparently any Trump supporter who hustled down the Mall towards the Capitol became the legal equivalent of Osama Bin Laden. Unfortunately, this “seen walking in the same zip code” standard for guilt could be the prototype for Biden era domestic terrorist prosecutions.
The Biden report did not bestow the same “terrorist” label on the mobs who burned U.S. post offices in Minneapolis or assailed a federal courthouse in Portland last year. In its litany of terrorist incidents, the report cites “the vehicular killing of a peaceful protestor in Charlottesville” at the 2017 Unite the Right ruckus but omits the 49 people killed in 2016 by a Muslim enraged by U.S. foreign policy at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Maybe that case was excluded because the murderer was the protected son of a long-term FBI informant and FBI falsehoods derailed the subsequent trial of his widow. Nor did the report mention the worst terrorist incident since 9/11—the Las Vegas bloodbath where a single shooter killed 58 people and injured 900 others. The FBI claimed it could never find a motive for that slaughter and its “final report” on the incident was only three pages long. Never mind.
The White House claims its new war on terrorism and extremism is “carefully tailored to address violence and reduce the factors that… infringe on the free expression of ideas.” But the prerogative to define extremism includes the power to attempt to banish certain ideas from acceptable discourse. The report warns that “narratives of fraud in the recent general election… will almost certainly spur some [Domestic Violent Extremists] to try to engage in violence this year.” If accusations of 2020 electoral shenanigans are formally labeled as extremist threats, that could result in far more repression (aided by Facebook and Twitter) of dissenting voices. How will this work out any better than the concerted campaign by the media and Big Tech last fall to suppress all information about Hunter Biden’s laptop before the election?
The Biden administration is revving up for a war against an enemy which the feds have chosen to never explicitly define. According to a March report by Biden’s Office of the Director of National Intelligence, “domestic violent extremists” include individuals who “take overt steps to violently resist or facilitate the overthrow of the U.S. government in support of their belief that the U.S. government is purposely exceeding its Constitutional authority.” But that was the same belief that many Biden voters had regarding the Trump administration. Does the definition of extremism depend solely on which party captured the White House?
The report notes that the “Department of Defense is reviewing and updating its definition of prohibited extremist activities among uniformed military personnel.” Bishop Garrison, the chief of the Pentagon’s new Countering Extremism Working Group, is Exhibit A for the follies of extremist crackdowns on extremism. In a series of 2019 tweets, Garrison, a former aide to Hillary Clinton, denounced all Trump supporters as “racists.” Garrison’s working group will “specifically define what constitutes extremist behavior” for American soldiers. If Garrison purges Trump supporters from the military, the Pentagon would be unable to conquer the island of Grenada. Biden policymakers also intend to create an “anti-radicalization” program for individuals departing the military service. This initiative will likely produce plenty of leaks and embarrassing disclosures in the coming months and years.
The Biden report is spooked by the existence of militia groups and flirts with the fantasy of outlawing them across the land. The report promises to explore “how to make better use of laws that already exist in all fifty states prohibiting certain private ‘militia’ activity, including…state statutes prohibiting groups of people from organizing as private military units without the authorization of the state government, and state statutes that criminalize certain paramilitary activity.” Most of the private militia groups are guilty of nothing more than bluster and braggadocio. Besides, many of them are already overstocked with government informants who are counting on Uncle Sam for regular paychecks.
As part of its anti-extremism arsenal, DHS is financing programs for “enhancing media literacy and critical thinking skills” and helping internet users avoid “vulnerability to…harmful content deliberately disseminated by malicious actors online.” Do the feds have inside information about another Hunter Biden laptop turning up, or what? The Biden administration intends to bolster Americans’ defenses against extremism by developing “interactive online resources such as skills-enhancing online games.” If the games are as stupefying as this report, nobody will play them.
The Biden report stresses that federal law enforcement agencies “play a critical role in responding to reports of criminal and otherwise concerning activity.” “Otherwise concerning activity”? This is the same standard that turned prior anti-terrorist efforts into laughingstock.

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The pictures I saw showed plenty of terrified Senators, Congressmen, and security types.
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.

Sounds like you wuz scared when unarmed people rioted at the Capitol.

If real weapons ever come out, I hope your fainting couch is bulletproof! :cool-45::banana2:
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.

Sounds like you wuz scared when unarmed people rioted at the Capitol.

If real weapons ever come out, I hope your fainting couch is bulletproof! :cool-45::banana2:
More like enraged enough to want every one of the traitors choking out their last breath in pool of their own blood.
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.

Sounds like you wuz scared when unarmed people rioted at the Capitol.

If real weapons ever come out, I hope your fainting couch is bulletproof! :cool-45::banana2:
More like enraged enough to want every one of the traitors choking out their last breath in pool of their own blood.

All drama aside. You wuz scared, puss lips!
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.

Sounds like you wuz scared when unarmed people rioted at the Capitol.

If real weapons ever come out, I hope your fainting couch is bulletproof! :cool-45::banana2:
More like enraged enough to want every one of the traitors choking out their last breath in pool of their own blood.
i think the same way when actual insurrectionists succeeded and overthrew the gov and set up the marxist nation of chop in Seattle ! the commie scumbags should have been carpet bombed by the military !
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.

Sounds like you wuz scared when unarmed people rioted at the Capitol.

If real weapons ever come out, I hope your fainting couch is bulletproof! :cool-45::banana2:
More like enraged enough to want every one of the traitors choking out their last breath in pool of their own blood.

All drama aside. You wuz scared, puss lips!
I'm not like you, I don't get scared by stuff on TV a thousand miles away. I do get angry when traitors mount a direct assault on democracy though. That's not drama, it's patriotism.
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.

Sounds like you wuz scared when unarmed people rioted at the Capitol.

If real weapons ever come out, I hope your fainting couch is bulletproof! :cool-45::banana2:
More like enraged enough to want every one of the traitors choking out their last breath in pool of their own blood.
i think the same way when actual insurrectionists succeeded and overthrew the gov and set up the marxist nation of chop in Seattle ! the commie scumbags should have been carpet bombed by the military !
Of course you do. You would not be a Trumpbot without the mass murder fantasies.
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.

Sounds like you wuz scared when unarmed people rioted at the Capitol.

If real weapons ever come out, I hope your fainting couch is bulletproof! :cool-45::banana2:
More like enraged enough to want every one of the traitors choking out their last breath in pool of their own blood.
i think the same way when actual insurrectionists succeeded and overthrew the gov and set up the marxist nation of chop in Seattle ! the commie scumbags should have been carpet bombed by the military !
Of course you do. You would not be a Trumpbot without the mass murder fantasies.
hey pal you defended shooting an insurrectionist when the gov was overthrown in Seattle and US territory was seized and the the nation of Chop was created was that an insurrection or not ! the answer is yes !not only was it an insurrection it was a successful insurrection ...and you know it commie .
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.

Sounds like you wuz scared when unarmed people rioted at the Capitol.

If real weapons ever come out, I hope your fainting couch is bulletproof! :cool-45::banana2:
More like enraged enough to want every one of the traitors choking out their last breath in pool of their own blood.
i think the same way when actual insurrectionists succeeded and overthrew the gov and set up the marxist nation of chop in Seattle ! the commie scumbags should have been carpet bombed by the military !
Of course you do. You would not be a Trumpbot without the mass murder fantasies.
hey pal you defended shooting an insurrectionist when the gov was overthrown in Seattle and US territory was seized and the the nation of Chop was created was that an insurrection or not ! the answer is yes !not only was it an insurrection it was a successful insurrection ...and you know it commie .
I never supported any of that anarchist shit so don't look to me to mount a defense of their actions.
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.

Sounds like you wuz scared when unarmed people rioted at the Capitol.

If real weapons ever come out, I hope your fainting couch is bulletproof! :cool-45::banana2:
More like enraged enough to want every one of the traitors choking out their last breath in pool of their own blood.
i think the same way when actual insurrectionists succeeded and overthrew the gov and set up the marxist nation of chop in Seattle ! the commie scumbags should have been carpet bombed by the military !
Of course you do. You would not be a Trumpbot without the mass murder fantasies.
hey pal you defended shooting an insurrectionist when the gov was overthrown in Seattle and US territory was seized and the the nation of Chop was created was that an insurrection or not ! the answer is yes !not only was it an insurrection it was a successful insurrection ...and you know it commie .
I never supported any of that anarchist shit so don't look to me to mount a defense of their actions.
so you admit that leftist carried out a successful insurrection in Seattle !
It is an attack on our Liberties. But that is what the left always does.
The pictures I saw showed plenty of terrified Senators, Congressmen, and security types.

That's because they were all unarmed, defenseless, pansies thinking that somehow their titles alone would protect them. There is no hiding from the People; if the PEOPLE want to get you, really get you, they can and will any time of the day or night. And the People have just about had all they are willing to take.

Next stop: new government and new country where you can actually trust your elections and votes to count.
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags.
I agree.

The only traitors around here are the democrats who tried to steal the election in 2016, made up the fake charges then lied to the FISA court to push it through then tried to boycott the president, then tried to undermine him, thwart him, block and obstruct him for his entire term, made up lies and excuses to impeach him over nothing then finally rigged a national election to steal his office from him.

I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.

Sounds like you wuz scared when unarmed people rioted at the Capitol.

If real weapons ever come out, I hope your fainting couch is bulletproof! :cool-45::banana2:
More like enraged enough to want every one of the traitors choking out their last breath in pool of their own blood.
i think the same way when actual insurrectionists succeeded and overthrew the gov and set up the marxist nation of chop in Seattle ! the commie scumbags should have been carpet bombed by the military !
Of course you do. You would not be a Trumpbot without the mass murder fantasies.
You realize you are the ones who are extremely violent. I see no white supremacists where I am at. However it is what you decree to be that as Progs control the media. If a guy in a pick up truck has a confederate flag that becomes unfounded attacks by you. I am sure there are some who may think along those terms. You condemned a good percentage of the population of our country with your propaganda though. How you can promote deep blue cities as being civil bastions of utopian diversity and it is the cops fault, is a bold face lie. Reforms are needed and have been for decades. But that will require a bit more personal responsibility on people living in areas affected. And it seems what there happens does not get better much.
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.

Sounds like you wuz scared when unarmed people rioted at the Capitol.

If real weapons ever come out, I hope your fainting couch is bulletproof! :cool-45::banana2:
Aren't you one of the kids who's so scared of life in general you have to go around armed all the time?
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.

Sounds like you wuz scared when unarmed people rioted at the Capitol.

If real weapons ever come out, I hope your fainting couch is bulletproof! :cool-45::banana2:
More like enraged enough to want every one of the traitors choking out their last breath in pool of their own blood.
i think the same way when actual insurrectionists succeeded and overthrew the gov and set up the marxist nation of chop in Seattle ! the commie scumbags should have been carpet bombed by the military !
Of course you do. You would not be a Trumpbot without the mass murder fantasies.
hey pal you defended shooting an insurrectionist when the gov was overthrown in Seattle and US territory was seized and the the nation of Chop was created was that an insurrection or not ! the answer is yes !not only was it an insurrection it was a successful insurrection ...and you know it commie .
I never supported any of that anarchist shit so don't look to me to mount a defense of their actions.
so you admit that leftist carried out a successful insurrection in Seattle !
No. that is not what I said at all.
I wish they had killed more than just one of you traitor scumbags. Certainly every one of those who breached or attempted to breach the senate chamber deserved to die in a hail of bullets for their intent to overturn the election.

Sounds like you wuz scared when unarmed people rioted at the Capitol.

If real weapons ever come out, I hope your fainting couch is bulletproof! :cool-45::banana2:
Aren't you one of the kids who's so scared of life in general you have to go around armed all the time?
No one needs a gun to defend themselves from a fat-shaming misogynist like you.

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